Forever with you

Hello there, people! I wanted to write this fix, because 1. I love this couple 2. I love angst. 3. Because I can.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gintama!

He walked through the disgustingly white, busy corridors, it was all too familiar. He flinched with each move, his own injuries weren't completely healed yet, but SHE was more important. He stopped in front the too-familiar-to-be-good door. He knew what was on the other side of the door, the same think he's seen everyday for the past 6 months. He took a deep breath and slid the door open. There she was, lying peacefully, eyes shut, as if she was merely taking a nap, but he knew better. He carefully walked to the side of the bed, where a chair was placed and sat down. He brought his hand out to stroke the beautiful orange hair. His light fingers traced every curve of her face. He couldn't help but smile. She was beautiful, even in this state of slumber. He hesitantly removed his hand from her face and instead reached for the ice cream box he his underneath the bed. He smiled at the objects in the box.

Exactly 253 paper cranes. He took out a second box, this one filled with coloured paper of all sorts of patterns. He carefully took a sheet out and folded it, once, twice, the familiar feel, of the folds and creases, as he had felt 253 times before. He folded and folded, sheet after sheet, occasionally stopping to check the sleeping beauty before him, or to run a hand through the orange coloured locks.

342 paper cranes.

The next day, he went through the entire sickening process.

"You have a life, you know." An oh too familiar voice called from behind him as he folded his 382nd crane.

"It's none of your business, Danna."

The man at the door shrugged and left, leaving him alone with the young girl again. He knew. He knew she was already dying, but he could hope couldn't he? He's heard the same thing repeated from different mouths, as if saying it differently would make him change his mind.

"She's going to die. Get over it."

He knew that's what people wanted to tell him instead of "It's okay, she'll wake up." Or "Take all the time you need, we don't mind.". The disgusting fake smile on their faces, as if they didn't know he'd see through everything.

She never smiled like that. She never clenched her teeth uglily and her lips weren't ever tight. She smiled and laughed, and every time she did, he'd feel like everything he's done had paid off.

531 paper cranes.

Many told him that it'd be better to just put her down. Like an animal. No. She was a fighter, there was no way in hell he'd just let her die like that.

He overheard a conversation between two doctors.

"-nothing we can do about it."

"Brain dead, huh? And the man?"

"He's still going to her everyday. His wounds don't seem to be healing, though."

"Are they both idiots? Seriously, who would go through-"

At that time, he had already exited the place, going to the the familiar ward, never mind the endless tears streaming down his face.

759 paper cranes.

It was already Winter, but he didn't stop coming for his daily visits, no matter how cold the weather was.

He sat down beside her again, ignoring the pain he felt in his chest, but he wasn't sure whether it was physical pain or emotional pain, maybe both, but he didn't care.

He coughed, and his eyes widened at the sight of his bloodstained hand. He shook it off, washed his hands and continued.

921 paper cranes.

Almost there, but he had been told he was bleeding internally but he didn't care. He had to get back to her.

He wasn't allowed to leave his own ward, but the moment the doctors or whoever was in charge turned their heads away, he made a quick escape, just to see her again.

999 paper cranes.

He laughed, something he hadn't done in a long time, but it was laugh of hurt and pain.

"Sadist! It says here that if you make 1000 paper cranes, you'll be granted a wish!"

He chuckled and smiled at the small girl in his lap.

"What? Hmph! Fine! When I get a wish, I'm not gonna share it with you!"

He laughed, and soon, she began to giggle too, soon enough, the two were throwing fits and laughing like never before.

He smiled at the memory.

One more.

A sudden surge of pain shot through his body and he screamed out of pain. He panted harshly and gasped for air. He folded it though, and he smiled when he did.

One beautiful white crane, bloodied by his blood. He placed the crane on the girl's chest, above her heart just as his vision began to blur.

Forever, he decided, before everything went black.

Forever I will be with you.

A limp body fell onto the bed next to his lover. The only sound in the room now was the never ending beep of the heart monitor echoing throughout.

Together, they lay, for eternity. With their fingers entwined, they moved on.

1000 paper cranes.

Three days later, a funeral was held. They were buried together, in a coffin filled with exactly 1000 paper cranes. Before they closed the coffin for eternity, a young man, silver-haired and tall, stood before the coffin. No tears were visible on his face. From someone who didn't know him, he looked like a heartless man, but someone who knew him could tell, bucket loads of imaginary tears flowed down his face, yelling and screaming from the inside.

He simply dropped a pitch black crane into the coffin and walked away.

"Saaaaaadddddiiiiissssssttttt tt! I want sukonbu! Buy me some sukonbu!"

"China, get off your fat butt and get it yourself!"

She giggled before she pounced on him like a child and a new toy.

He chuckled, but stopped abruptly when she stopped giggling.


He turned around to see China's brother, Kamui standing before them. She narrowed her eyes, her grip tightening around him and her umbrella.

"How nice to see you again, dear sister."

"Baka-niichan." She growled in response.

A charging Kamui and a screaming China was the last thing his mind processed before waking up to a white ceiling.

Here lies Okita Sougo and Okita Kagura,
Forever they will lie here, together.

1000 paper cranes...

...and one for good luck.

Please review if you enjoyed it!