Po showed up early for practice the next day. On any other occasion Master Shifu would have been happy to see him, but today he just wasn't.

"Po I thought I told you to take the day off today" he yelled.

"yeah I know but I was thinking…I'm not that injured I could train today" Shifu shook his head.

"Po you had all of your hero's chi drained, you died and came back to life and you were crushed. take the day off today" Shifu said.

"but…" Master Shifu held up his hand for Po to be quiet. Po hung his head and walked to the kitchen.

"with all due respect Master, the panda hasn't showed up to training on time in…ever. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing for him to practice today" Tigress said.

"Tigress have you ever been literally crushed to death had all of you hero's chi drained and come back to life. Neither have I but it sounds painful and I don't want the Panda in pain" Shifu said.

Po sat alone in the kitchen. He really didn't feel all that hungry today which was weird. Something he couldn't stop thinking about. When he died Tigress cried. Yeah it's a sad thing when someone dies but Tigress cried. She never cries. Then when Po woke up she hugged him. Something just felt right about that hug. No, Po couldn't think like that. Tigress would never like him like that right. Po looked out the window of the kitchen. The furious five would be training and having fun while…what…the dragon warrior sat in the kitchen and made noodles. Suddenly someone came into the kitchen.

"Hey Po" she said. Po turned around.

"Tigress? Shouldn't you be training?" Po asked.

"Master Shifu told me to come and watch you" Po scoffed.

"yeah because I need watched"

"he knows you Po, you'll try to leave and just get yourself hurt" as much as Po always wanted to be alone with Tigress he knew something was going to happen. It just made him nervous being alone with her today. Po sat down at the table to ease his nerves. Only Tigress sat down next to him which made them act up again.

"Tigress I need to know something important" Po said.

"what Po?" Tigress said. Po couldn't tell if it was something in her voice or in the way she looked at him but something was different then the way she would react around him before….you know. What was up? Po could take down the alligator gang without losing his mind. What is it about this one girl that made him so confuzzled? Did he want to tell Tigress his real feelings about her? What feelings? They were just friends nothing more maybe something a little less but definitely not lovers. Po looked down little sad that he thought that way.

"nothing" he finally said. He stood up to stir the noodles. He didn't noticed how much pain he was in until he stood up. Maybe thinking about Tigress made him forget about the pain.

"Po I wanted to ask you something" Tigress said. Po turned around and looked at her. "were you scared?"

"Me? Scared please come on I'm the Dragon Warrior, I'm not scared of anything" he said trying to sound confident for her.

"can I tell you something? But you have to promise not to tell anyone else" Po looked at her. Was she serious? She was trusting Po with a secret.

"I promise I won't tell anyone" Po said.

"I was scared" Po looked at her.

"are you serious? The great Master Tigress was afraid" she glared at him. "what were you afraid of? The demons? The big scary demon? Losing Shifu?"

"losing you" Tigress said. Po blushed.

"oh" Po was speechless. "you were afraid of losing me?" Tigress nodded but didn't look at him. "Tigress, do you love me?" Po asked. Tigress looked at him with sad eyes. Truth is Tigress was afraid Po didn't like her the way she liked him. Po chuckled. Everything he was afraid of she was too.

Hey Guys,

Sorry that this was short. Blah, short stories. I am just not sure if I am going to write a next chapter or not. I guess that is up to you guys :D any ways this is my first Kung Fu Panda fanfiction but not my first dreamworks fanfiction sooo…

Á tout á l'heure (see you soon in French)