

by SomebodyLost



0: Time Looping Rules and Guidelines

The rules/guidelines will be revealed as the story goes. I already wrote them down, so now all you need is patience as the story is revealed, chapter by chapter. Sometimes though, even if a chapter is released, a rule/guideline will not be revealed - it all depends on how the story calls for it.


1) Reset points and end points are completely random.

3) When a loop reaches an end point, it will end, regardless of what the loopers are experiencing and/or doing.

4) The length of each loop varies from one another; it can span from one minute to a lifespan.

5) There are four types of loops: Regular, Irregular, Special, and Alternate-Universe. See Further Explanation Regarding the Types of Loops below for more information.


Further Explanation Regarding the Types of Loops:
using loopers Uchiha (Haruno) Itachi and Haruno (Uchiha) Sakura as examples due to the unique nature of their looping -


1) Regular Loops

They're loops based on canon, but within the couple's mandatory existence timeline.

What does existence timeline mean? Since the two are married, they are tied to each other, so in Regular Loops, it's quite mandatory that they exist together at the same time. The canon period(s) where they are both alive, Edo Tensei mode included, is/are the existence timeline of the two.

To clarify, the couple can't restart before Sakura's conception – specifically, they can't reset to the point before Sakura's brain was developed in the womb – or the minute after Itachi's deaths (which meant that they could not reset to the Pein Invasion Arc and the Kage Summit Arc but they can reset right at the point where Itachi was resurrected up until the point where he died again).

Reset points for Regular Loops:

Sakura's brain developed in mom's womb → up until Itachi's death at Itachi VS Sasuke fight = OK reset points.

Itachi's first death → Itachi's resurrection = NO reset points.

Itachi's resurrection from Edo Tensei → Itachi's second death = OK reset points.


4) Alternate-Universe Loops

These are loops not based on canon. Simple as that.

Too simple for you? Well, these AU Loops are, well, not based on canon! From samurai-verse, to modern-world-verse, to futuristic-sci-fi-verse, to simple what-if-verses...

(Because of this, I will ask some FF authors to use their verses in my story. Yes.)

The what-if-verses are types of AU Loops that deal with the characters that make decisions that they didn't do in canon. For example, Shisui manage to enslave the Uchiha to Konoha, which made the Massacre unnecessary, which led to a lot of things. Or another one is when the Rikudo Sennin didn't introduce chakra and ninjutsu, leaving humanity to focus in other ways of development.

The loopers can reset to any point and can reset regardless of their counterparts' existence because these loops are not canon, therefore their existence timeline does not count in here. And like in Special Loops, if the loopers exist alongside their counterparts, their ages will be randomized.

As long as the loop is not based on canon, no matter how close to canon it is, a loop will be considered as an AU Loop.



Author's Notes/Ramblings:

~ Welcome to my ItaSaku time loop story! I have seen stories about Sakura and Team Seven time looping, so I had to ask, why, why, why, is there no Itachi looping? So I made one.

~ This Time Looping Rules and Guidelines page is located here, at the start, for everybody's convenience. The real story starts in the next page.

~ The story Loops is about traveling, or rather, Itachi and Sakura's travels, in various interpretations (time-wise, universe-wise, etc.).

Thank you for your reviews and encouragements! Please read on!

~ Lost-chan