Hi all! I promise I haven't forgotten about you, or this story. I'm starting my freshman year of college, so sometimes things are like AHHHHH. lol. It may take me a while sometimes, but I promise the updates WILL come, I have a big plan for this story. :) Be sure to leave feedback for me, that's the only way I know if you like this. :)

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~Rescue Me~

~Chapter 5~

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Three days later, Caroline found herself discharged from Pine Valley Hospital, and a little overwhelmed with all the new challenges she faced with living in a new town. Where she'd live, where everything was, even where she could go to buy a new outfit, since the clothes she'd had on her back were completely ruined.

With Anna's help, she'd secured a room at Myrtle Fargate's boarding house. The money her mother actually hadn't spent on alcohol would pay for a few months rent, food, and clothes, and Caroline's new job would cover things after that.

After she'd moved her stuff in, which didn't take a great amount of time, she'd showered and dressed in a brand new conservative outfit of a khaki skirt, a baby blue button down shirt, loafers. She felt better, but she knew she wouldn't feel her best until she talked to JR.

Thanks to Myrtle's willingness to gossip, she found out that JR was staying with his father, Adam Chandler. Myrtle had said the name like it was supposed to mean something to Caroline, but it didn't.

And after a quick taxi ride across town, she found herself riding through the gates, which led to JR's house. It didn't take her long to realize that this was not a house, but very much a mansion, and a huge one at that. She had never seen such a beautiful place to live in her entire life. One thing was for sure: JR's father was mega rich.

She pushed the doorbell and listened to its elaborate symphony as it resounded inside. She felt a knot growing in her stomach. Partially nervous about JR's reaction to her arrival, and partially uneasy because she knew she didn't belong there.

The maid answered the door. Caroline had to keep her jaw from dropping when she realized that the woman was wearing an honest to God French maid costume. She thought those only existed in movies!

"Um. H-hi." Caroline stammered. "May I help you, miss?" the maid asked, in a surprisingly kind tone.

"Oh, I'm just looking for JR. He does live here. Right?" Caroline said. Oh God, what if she'd ended up at the wrong house?

"Yes, yes. Do you wish to speak to him?" the maid asked.

"Please." Caroline said, fidgeting.

The maid gestured for Caroline to enter, then disappeared up the stairs. Caroline took advantage of her moment alone to survey the scene. The mansion was so elegant. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling there were vases that were probably worth more than her house, just sitting out on tables.

JR descended the stairs, running his fingers through his wet hair. Caroline was glad that the swelling on her other eye had gone down, because he looked very attractive. She was happy to have both eyes to appreciate it.

"Hi." Caroline said nervously.

"Well, I didn't expect to see you ever again." JR said, leaning against the wall.

"Listen. I'm really sorry about that. I wasn't myself the other day. I was just." Caroline trailed off.

"You were just?"

"I was scared, okay? Satisfied?"

JR put his hands up. "Okay, okay. Let's call a truce, all right?"

"A truce?" Caroline asked suspiciously.

"We can start over, if you like. Hi, my name is Adam Chandler Jr., but my friends call me JR." His hand extended to her, "And I hope I'll be able to call you that soon."

Caroline hesitated. She'd promised herself that she wouldn't trust anyone ever again. But that would make for a very lonely life, especially in a new town. A friend couldn't hurt. She didn't have to let him get too close.

"I'm Caroline McLaughlin."

She stuck her hand out and he accepted it in his larger, warmer hand. He gave it a gentle shake, and held onto it a little longer than necessary.

"You got your eye back." JR said, reaching out to gently touch her cheek, just below her blackened, but open eye. She felt a blush rise to where his finger lingered.

"Yeah, you're a real sharp one, aren't you?" Caroline bantered.

"Well, I think so." JR said.

"I bet you do."

JR clasped a hand over his heart. "Oh, that hurts. And to think, I was just about to ask you to go to dinner with me."

"Does that mean you've changed your mind?" Caroline asked.

"About what?"

"Going to dinner, silly."

"I don't know, I'm still kind of hungry."

"Well, what did you have in mind?"

"Something simple. You, me, a couple of Big Macs."

"Classy." She couldn't help it. Her lips turned up into a tiny smile.

"Oh, what was that? A smile? The Ice Queen seems to be melting!"

"I accept."

"Great. Let me grab my coat." JR turned on his heel, "By the way, you do know that I'm not really taking you to McDonalds, right?"

"I kind of figured."

"Be right back."

She watched him dash up the stairs. When she caught a glimpse of her reflection in a nearby silver platter, she couldn't believe it. She was still smiling. And for some reason . . . She couldn't stop.