Hailey Parker - Web Warrior
Spider woman/Petra Parker and the Alternate Universe presented in Spider Man Web Warriors of said heroes from her universe belong to Marvel Entertainment and Potter and all related character from the series is owned by J. K. Rowling.
To Professor Minerva McGonagall and to those whom this may concern...
My name is Petra Parker and as Hailey guardian and I just wanted to let you know we got your note and on her behalf will decline on attend your school this fall due to the following reasons. First off we already know Hailey came from another universe and when I found her she was malnourished, mistreated both Physically and mentally which explained the Androphobia (Fear of men) , Haphephobia (Fear of being touched), Monophobia (Fear of being alone), and Coitophobia (Fear of being touched sexcually) but something tells me your head bastard already knew otherwise he wouldn't have sent your pet phoenix here with a letter laced with compulsion spells and a teleport spell known as a portkey after touching and teleporting her back to your world .
Oh yes we're fully aware your magic types due to what known about our own wizarding world from W.A.N.D.'s gathered intel on your world via A.R.M.O.R. wasn't pretty about your world and what they found out...
We also know your world is way beyond the times, you people are medieval superstitious 'sheeple' who raise people up on their shoulders one moment only to turn on them at the drop of hat when they go against the status quo double goes for it's government which is controlled by men which is an even bigger mistake.
Another reason is due to an incident involving her being held captive by a psychopath with living symbiotic suit which Hailey ended up being bonded to which after bonding removed whatever was living inside her scar and downloaded what it knew it into her brain which allowed her to have the first good night's sleep in years plus with the evil influence from her scar it leaves seven more to go.
Oh and her current tutor Dr. Strange wouldn't like it either since She want to have a nice word with you about her childhood.
So I'm going to have to refuse to handing her over to a school of incompetent halfwits who will turn a blind eye to the harm of a child. Oh yes you especially after the "Potter" of our world wrote four books about his life before he died and cursed your counterparts and said school so that give me warning signs that sending her would be a very bad idea.
So please do us a favor and stay away from us or you not like the consequences...
Petra Parker
Hailey Jane Potter-Parker's Legal guardian
PS: Just to let you know members of S.H.I.E.L.D. A.R.M.O.R. AND W.A.N.D. have not been put on full alert and some of them who have children really want to meet your headmaster about leaving children on doorsteps of an abusive home of her "last living relatives" on a British October night along with letting introducing him to a few phobias of his own.
Great Britan, Ministry of Magic
Minster Cornelius Fudge was beside himself after hearing about the delivery of that letter to Hogwarts by a strange man who called himself Deadpool informing Albus Dumbledore that Haley Potter would not be attending on her guardian's behalf. Not due to the Headmaster being mostly responsible but also due to Hailey guardian informing SHIELD that blasted the muggle agency that was put in place after his actions during the second world war.
He also was looking for any loophole he could exploit to suppress the information that she was in an alternate universe that was matriarch ran society to prevent the idea from spreading in this world. The only Consolation was that all of Dumbledore's planning and scheming was currently being undone by the act of Wild Magic he didn't think to suppress to 10 percent instead of 20 due to the fact she would need the magic to heal. However his advisers told him the let the news leak and distance himself from the soon to be removed from his titles as Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot and would need to focus on better things...
Like enlisting the aide of the unspeakables department to lead a team of hit wizards to retrieve her using means unknown involving forbidden magic to cross dimensional divide and turn Haley into a respectable witch of this wizarding society and represent her to the world as her apprentice or something to ensure his reelection.
However he would find out later the were unsuccessful when Deadpool returned an hour later delivering said group from on the other side of the world in the colonies no less covered in red webbing babbling about red monsters, Carnage Queens and pointy teeth before taking the time to read the warning from Petra which said.
Dear Minster of magic:
Thought you were real slick sending those wizards flunkies of yours to kidnap my Hailey didn't you... to bad it failed.
So with that said no more attempts to kidnap my Haley for your political campaign or for some old mans greater good. My daughter (now of blood adoption) is a living person not property to be taken and used to ones liking, and certainly not yours to command as bloody political tool to your failing carreer.
So do us both a favor and stay off our realm or you'll learn the hard way not to piss my daughter and her new friend off.
Petra Parker
Single parent
PS: I gave Albus Dumbledore and Lucius Malfoy the same warning.
Meanwhile back in Earth-TRN454
Harley was out with her friends Waldo and Petrova having lunch as she told them what been going on the past couple of days since the letter was sent out
"So still have that wizard problems mother offered to get rid of Hailey dear." Waldo asked knowing his mother the Mistress of Magnetism offered help remove said problem for her if needed along with Charlotte Francesca Xavier and her group the X-Women.
"No they still sending their bloody Phoenix of theirs anywhere I go and Director Fury and Mom are ready ask Odin to give Loki the offer of a pardon if she agrees to cause trouble for this Dumbledork person to get the hint I don't want to go to his stuffy castle of school." Hailey said before adding "At least your Mom and Professor Xavier places have indoor pluming and know things like history and quantum mechanics matter.
Hearing this Waldo hugged Hailey and was about to say something encouraging to her best friend only to for an Ugly looking Bird appeared on Petra's shoulder and teleport them into thin air
Petrova not wasting time made a phonecall to Hailey's mother to warn her about what happend and later wanting to inform her mother about cashing in on bet on a possible bodycount that would soon occur in the otherworld due to Hailey's symbiotic close friend going nuts.
Hogwarts, Great Hall
Petrova wasn't too far off as both the Scarlet Mage was shielding herself and Hailey now in her Carnage Queen form shooting stun barbs at anyone who came near then.
The reason due to the actions of Serverous Snape's who like the true to how the Potter Autobiography depicted her counter part. A greasy haired bat who lived trapped in the past of regretful mistakes. he also wanted to oblivate Waldo and send her back only to get shot in the leg by her symbiote's barbs and webbed into a cocoon as did anyone else who tired to attack her friend.
The Two groups from the visiting schools decided to leave the castle with their students while Dumbledore who wanted to regain control the situation tried to stun her and Waldo before making them see reason getting help from a red haired boy and a bucktoothed girl with fussy hair only would to find themselves in Cocoons of their own.
When the Ministry of Magic and thier Auror corps arrived to attack the pair with numbers it was them that a gateway opened as the Loki along with angry Petra shown up W.A.N.D. and A.R.M.O.R. Agents to fix the situation before sending them home.
A/N: I was going to let you look up the phobias on your own but I figured maybe not.