A tall man strolled through the crowded streets of Karakura, absently window shopping as he wove through the crowds. He gazed to his left, and a warm feeling washed over him as his eyes picked up a familiar sight. He gently nudged his way through the crowd to the door and walked inside. A little bell rang as he pushed the door open, announcing his presence.

"Kon'nichiwa, sir," a small, impish man greeted from behind the counter. "How may I be of assistance?"

"Ah, thank you," he smiled, running a hand through his tousled orange hair. "But I'm just browsing." The man at the counter nodded and shuffled to the back of the shop where he resumed organizing the stock.

The orange-haired man walked slowly over to one of the many pens that peppered the shop and reached in. His large hands captured a small white ball of fluff and he lifted the squirming creature to his chest, laughing slightly as it nibbled the collar of his shirt. He gently scratched its long ears and stroked its soft fur, feeling the small form relax in his arms.

"Excuse me, sir," he called, gaining the attention of the shopkeeper. "I'd like to purchase this one."


The light-haired man set down the makeshift paper cage and opened the little side door, letting the tiny animal jump out and nibble the emerald grass of the park. He watched the pure white creature hop about, indecisively searching for the perfect patch of greenery.

"I guess it's just us for awhile, little one," the man smiled, laying on his back with his fingers laced behind his head. The small, fluffy mass hopped over to the reclined man and settled itself in the crook of his neck, lightly tickleing his tanned skin and drawing a smile from the man.

"Love you too, little one," he whispered, closing his eyes to the slight breeze. As he fell into a peaceful slumber, thoughts of a certain raven-haired entered his mind. "Enjoy the grass, Chappy."