What's done is done.

What would of happened if Kurt never stopped talking to Chandler? What would of happened if Kurt cheated on Blaine not Blaine cheating on Kurt?

And how does Sebastian fit into all of this?

Disclaimer: I own nothing or anyone

Previously on What's Done is Done:

"DADDYS! Yuk!" Amelia cried laughing loudly.

"I love you Mich. I really do." Adrien whispered in his husband's ear.

"I love you too Adrien and I always will." Michel whispered back, and he knew despite what had been done, it was true.

"Michel, will you hurry up please?" Adrien asked told his husband whilst holding his daughters hand.

"I'm coming. Why we have to go to this thing I will never know!" Michel yelled back before grabbing his shoes out of the closet.

"Because my students will be in it and we both need to apologise and say goodbye." Adrien whispered softly, not wanting to do this at all.

"You don't want to say goodbye though, do you?" Michel replied looking up at Adrien from the foot of the bed.

Adrien looked to his daughter standing next to him watching the tennis match between both her fathers. "Honey, why don't you go grab your bag and we will meet you at the front door ok?"

"Ok! Love you daddy's." Amelia smiled before leaving.

"Love you too sweetie." Michel smiled back.

Michel looked up at Adrien, noticing Adrien staring off into the distance; he stood up and walked over to his husband. Michel leant his forehead on Adrien's before saying his name slowly so he wasn't startled, "Adrien?"

Adrien looked into his husband's eyes, "Honestly?" He asked before blinking.


"Honestly, I don't want to say goodbye to any of my students. They are amazing. They are all musically talented and to not see any of them again is going to be hard."

"Is that all?"

"Oh, you wanted to know about Sebastian?"

Michel flinched at the mention of his name, "Yeah, I did."

"Michel, I love you. Sebastian didn't even cross my mind… I just want to tonight to go perfectly. Amelia is going to be absolutely shocked tonight. I just hope she can be as musically talented as both of us." Adrien finished before leaning down to kiss his husband, "Now lets go get our princess and get this show on the road."

Adrien let go of Michel and walked to the door only to have Michel grab his wrist before leaving the room.

"Adrien?" Michel whispered.


"I love you too."

Adrien smiled softly and held out his hand for Michel to take before leaving the room side by side.

"Blaine, we're late!" Sebastian yelled before Blaine rounded the corner.

"Well that's just too bad isn't it?" Blaine replied before walking past Sebastian and straight to the couch.

"What?" Sebastian watched Blaine get comfortable before saying anything else, "B, what are you doing?"

"What does it look like Sebastian?" Blaine snapped.

Sebastian stepped back a look of shock upon his face, " You… B."

"Spit it out Sebastian, remember you're late." Sebastian shook his head.

"What the fuck have I done?" Sebastian yelled at him, "What's with the Sebastian's?"

"You don't get it do you?" Blaine yelled back.

Sebastian shook his head, not knowing what had happened over the last 6 months, everything was going well, they had both passed all their classes and were supposed to graduate today, but apparently Blaine had other plans.

"You never get it. I don't want to go. I don't want to graduate and I sure as hell don't want to see your ex-lover!" Blaine yelled before getting of the couch and walking away past Sebastian, to collect his bag.

"Wait!" Sebastian yelled grabbing a hold of Blaine's arm.

"No! I'm done waiting; I'm done with it all. I told you 3 months ago Sebastian that I was ready and you still, you still won't touch me… Like I'm not him, and that's the problem isn't it. I'm not Adrien, that's why you won't touch me!" Blaine yelled clearly frustrated in more than one way.

"Wait, this is about sex?" Sebastian asked dumbfounded.

"No Sebastian this is about you and him still! Like always!" Blaine pulled his arm from Sebastian grip and went to leave again.

"No you don't get to say that. You don't get to walk away from me. We agreed to talk about things Blaine!"

"What is there to talk about Sebastian? You don't want me and you've made it pretty obvious."

"You have the wrong impression B."

"Well apparently I don't or else you would make love to me or even fuck me. I don't care Sebastian either or both, but shit,'' Blaine ran his hands through his hair, "You just haven't noticed, when I said I was ready Sebastian I meant it. I don't want to wait anymore."

"Well there goes your graduation present." Sebastian muttered under his breath hoping Blaine hadn't heard him.

"Say it to my face Sebastian."

"I said there goes your graduation present."

Blaine froze, looking down at Sebastian who had taken up residence on the lounge Blaine had previously been on.

"What?" Blaine said shocked.

"I said, there-''

"No I heard you." Blaine cut Sebastian off.

Blaine walked over to Sebastian, "I'm sorry."

"No I am, I've been waiting for the perfect moment I just didn't realise we didn't need a perfect moment. I'm scared Blaine. I don't want to ruin this. You are the most important person in my life and this is important to me."

"I'm sorry, Bas."

Sebastian smiled at the nickname, missing the way Blaine had said it. "I love it when you call me Bas."

"Why?" Blaine asked sitting down next to Sebastian before leaning in towards him and letting their lips connect for a split second before Sebastian leaned back.

"Because you know me, you know how to make me smile. You know how to lift my mood in less than one second after knowing my day was crap. You know me and it's a great feeling, like I don't have to hide, who I am around you."

"You never had to hide away from me Bas."

"At one stage I had to hide away from everyone and I don't think I could ever do that again."

"Don't ever do it. I love you for who you are Bas, before all the drama and more now that all the drama is over with. Don't ever hide who you are, ok?" Blaine whispered softly letting his lips graze Sebastian's.

"Ok." Sebastian whispered back, before pulling Blaine closer and lightly kissing him back.

Blaine leaned closer to Sebastian, letting his hand graze his cheek before connecting their lips together yet again. Sebastian pulled Blaine onto his lap before moaning softly into the kiss. One of Blaine's hands wrapped around Sebastian's neck as the other grabbed his cheek trying to pull him closer and closer without breaking the kiss.

Sebastian ran his hand down Blaine's back before sliding his hand up the back of Blaine's shirt. Blaine moaned at the skin on skin contact before Sebastian pulled back slowly.

"Blaine," Sebastian moaned, "We need to go soon, well now cause we are very late."

"I don't want to go, I just want to stay right here and continue doing this," Blaine whispered running his hand up and down Sebastian's leg.

"B," Sebastian moaned softly, "We have worked way to hard to just not finish, we need to do this and then we can pick up where we are right now."

Blaine continued his ministrations for another minute before mumbling, "Ok, only if you promise as soon as the night is over we come straight back here."

"I promise," Sebastian said pulling Blaine back to kiss him softly one last time before both got up and left.

Part 13 up on Monday =)
