So, the start of another fanfic - this one isn't very good, in my opinion, and it's probably going to be longer to update than my other one; as I haven't planned it out as much and I'm pretty much just writing what i want and not thinking of the rest of the plot.
Other than that, the pairings currently Harry x OC because i'm not sure who exactly Scarlett is going to end up with, but that will alll change by around the fourth book...yes, I plan on writing parts for every single book. Wish me luck on that, ey?
Anyway, I'm not sure for this book if I will write every single part, or if I'll do it in less detail and have like a scene a chapter, but I'm just gonna roll with it all and see what happens, best way to do it, right?
and I know this chapter seems to stick to the exact writing of the book, but that's going to change by the next one I swear,
Okay...I think that' it...please review and tell me what you think, because I obviously will need opinions on this because I'm not so sure of it myself.

But on a positive, happy new year people :'3

Chapter 1

'Up! Get up now!' Aunt Petunia's shrill voice came through the closed door of the cupboard, where Harry and Scarlett Potter suddenly woke up. Yes, the two of them were forced to share a "room" (if it could even be classified as that) with each other, even though the both of them were 10 years old. Their aunt rapped on the door one more time before they heard her footsteps retreating, but not before telling them they needed to look after the bacon for "Duddy's birthday"
'I forgot it was his birthday' Scarlett groaned
'Yeah, me too' Harry replied, rolling himself out of bed and standing up, an action which Scarlett mimicked, then rooted around for her own clothes whilst Harry pulled on Dudley's old one's. The two of them then made their way towards the kitchen – where the table was completely hidden by all of Dudley's birthday presents. The two of them walked over to the oven and Scarlett did the usual of getting out the eggs while Harry flipped over the bacon
'Comb your hair, both of you!' a voice barked, or, more specifically, their Uncle Vernon barked.
By the time the birthday boy himself walked in, Harry had moved on to frying eggs and Scarlett was pouring out juice. The two then made their way into the other room, placing the food and drinks on the table, which proved to be rather difficult. Dudley simply sat there counting up his presents.
'Thirty-six' he stated, then turned to face his mother and father 'That's two less than last year.'
'Well you haven't counted the one from Aunt Marge, popkin'
'Alright, thirty-seven then' Dudley said, his face looking as if it was about to turn a violent shade of red
'Dudley tantrum coming up' Scarlett muttered to Harry, who sighed and nodded
'We'll buy you two more presents while we're out today, how about that?' Aunt Petunia asked, causing Dudley to frown and look confused for a moment before coming out with;
' I'll have thirty – thirty...'
'Thirty-nine, sweetums'
'Oh.' Dudley said, sitting down and using his chubby hand to find the closest present to him 'Alright'

'Little tyke wants his money worth, just like his father. Atta boy, Dudley!' Uncle Vernon said, ruffling Dudley's hair. At this precise moment, the phone began to ring – causing Aunt Petunia to hurriedly walk into the other room. Leaving Harry, Scarlett and Uncle Vernon to watch Dudley open all his presents. He had begun ripping paper off another present when Aunt Petunia walked back in, a worried and angry look on her face
'Bad news, Vernon. Mrs Figg's broken her leg. She can't take them' she jerked her thumb towards Harry and Scarlett – causing Dudley's mouth to fall open.
'We could phone Marge?' Uncle Vernon questioned
'Don't be silly, Vernon, she hates the both of them' the two of them would often talk about the twins as if they weren't there,
'What about, what's her name – your friend – Yvonne'
'On holiday in Majorca'
'You could just leave us here' Harry suggested
'And come back to find the house in ruins?'
'It's not like we could blow it up' Scarlett said
'I suppose we could take them to the zoo and leave them in the car' Petunia said, causing Dudley to make a noise between choking and crying. The fake crying. The one where he screwed up his face and acted like it to get his mother to give him what he wanted.
'I don't want t-them to come! They'll ruin everything!' Dudley whined, just as the doorbell rang
'Good Lord, they're here' Aunt Petunia said frantically, and a mere moment later, Dudley's best friend Piers walked in. Piers was a scrawny boy who largely resembled that of a rat – he was usually the one who held people's arms behind their backs whilst Dudley punched them. As soon as Piers walked in, Dudley's irritating fake crying stopped.
Half an hour later, the six of them were all sitting in the back of the Dursleys' car – although technically Harry and Scarlett were forced to share a seat.
A few hours later, the entirety of them were in the Reptile house, and Dudley had immediately run towards the largest snake there.
'Make it move!' he whined, knocking on the window with his fist – but the snake didn't budge. Uncle Vernon rapped his knuckled against it, but again, it was useless.
'This is boring' he moaned, shuffling away with Piers. Harry and Scarlett moved in front of the tank and looked in at the motionless snake. The two of them stood there for a few more seconds, before the snake suddenly opened it's eye. It raised it's head until it was level with Harry and Scarlett's, glancing between the two of them, then, it winked. They both looked at each other in shock, before back at the snake – Harry winked at it. The snake jerked it's head towards Uncle Vernon and Dudley, giving a look that clearly said "I get this all the time"
'I know' Harry said
'It must be annoying' Scarlett added, making the snake nod it's head
'Where are you from?' Harry questioned, causing the snake to direct it's tail towards a sign that was by the glass. The two of them glanced at the sign and saw it had Boa Constricter, Brazil.
'Was it nice?' Scarlett asked, causing the snake to jab it's tail at the sign again '"Bred in captivity" Oh, so you've never been to Brazil?' Scarlett said, and as the snake shook it's head, a loud voice came from behind them
'DUDLEY! MR DURSLEY! LOOK AT THIS SNAKE! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT IT'S DOING!' Piers. Dudley suddenly came walking over to them as fast as he could possibly go
'Out of the way, you' he said, punching Harry in the ribs, making him fall to the concrete floor. Scarlett glared at Dudley before walking over to her brother, pulling him up. A second later, though, was when the real stuff began to happen. As if by magic, the glass that was blocking this side of the room from the snake disappeared, and the snake began to slither it's way out – people began to scream and run around, whilst the snake swiftly slid past Dudley and Piers, then came towards Harry and Scarlett
'Brazil here I come, thanksss amigo'. The twins looked at each other in shock, before slowly backing away from the glass, hoping that, if they tried hard enough, they would not get the blame for this. But knowing Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia – they'd most certainly find a way.
Later, when they were on there way back to the Dursley's. The most that seemed to happen was Piers and Dudley largely overreacting about the snake, the majority of what they were saying was most definitely made up – at least, that was the most to happen until these words slipped out of Piers' mouth
'Harry and Scarlett were talking to it before the glass vanished, weren't they?'
'Bloody hell' Scarlett muttered, which made Harry make a slight nodding motion with his head. When they got home, they were so dead.
'I'm so glad that we'll be shot of Dudley soon' Scarlett said, whilst the two of them were walking to Mrs Figg's house 'For school, at least'
'Agreed' Harry said 'You don't think they shove your head down the toilet on the first day?'
'Course not, Dudley's just trying to wind us up – it's a rumour, if everyone got their head stuffed down a toilet – there'd have to be about 200 students willing to do it.'
'I suppose' Harry said
'Wonder what we're going to end up with for a uniform – I swear if the girls have to wear skirts I'll drop out'
'I think they do' Harry said, 'At least you don't end up with Dudley's old clothes, though.'
'I think Aunt Petunia's trying her hardest to get me to wear them, though'
'Well I doubt Dudley owns a skirt, unless he's hiding something from us'
'That's a very fair point' Scarlett smirked, as she knocked on Mrs Figgs door. The next few hours were spent with the two of them listening to a few of her stories and watching television, until, of course, it was time for them to go back to the Dursley's house. On walking in, they were greeted by Dudley parading around in the living room with his Smeltings uniform on.
The uniform was, in all honesty, hideous. The boys were made to wear a maroon tailcoat, orange knickerbockers and a flat straw hat.
The next morning, when Harry and Scarlett woke up, there seemed to be a terrible smell coming from the kitchen. They wandered in and towards what the smell seemed to be coming from, which was a metal bowl by the sink. The two of them craned their necks and looked in, seeing what looked like grey rags swimming in dirty water
'What are these?' Harry asked, turning his head towards Aunt Petunia.
'Your new school uniform.' she said towards Harry 'Yours is in the bag' she added to Scarlett, nodding at a white plastic bag next to the tub.
'I didn't realise it had to be so wet' Harry said, looking back into the tub
'Don't be so stupid' she snapped 'I'm dyeing some of Dudley's old things grey for you' she then walked out of the kitchen and into the other room. Harry shrugged at Scarlett, then the both of them wandered into the living room and sat down at the table. Minutes later, Uncle Vernon and Dudley appeared, both scrunching their noses up at the smell. They sat at the table just as the letterbox clicked
'Get the post, Dudley'
'Make Harry get it'
'Get the post, Harry'
'Make Dudley get it'
'I'll get it' Scarlett announced, rolling her eyes, then standing up and walking towards the front door – where there were four letters lying on the ground. One was a postcard from Aunt Marge, one was a bill, and then the last two were completely identical; other than the names on the front.
Mr H. Potter
The Cupboard Under The Stairs
Number 4 Privet Drive
Little Whinging
Frowning, she looked over hers and saw the exact same thing written
Miss S. Potter
The Cupboard Under The Stairs
Number 4 Privet Drive
Little Whinging
The two letters had a purple wax seal on the back – bearing an emblem of, what looked like, a school. The top left was a lion on a background of red, a badger on yellow on the section underneath, the top right was the image of a snake on a green background, and the bottom right an eagle, printed on blue.
She frowned to herself, before hiding these two letters behind her back, then walking into the room where her brother, cousin and uncle were sitting. She handed Uncle Vernon the two letters and sat back down next to Harry, before attempting to hand him the letter under the table – an action which was seen by Dudley.
'Harry and Scarlett have got letters!' he announced, pointing underneath the table. The letters were suddenly jerked out of their hands
'That's mine!' Scarlett said
'Who'd want to write to you?' he asked, shaking one of the letters open. His face suddenly went from red to purple, then, finally, all the colour faded from his face. 'P-P-Petunia!' their aunt walked intot he room, a confused look on her face until Uncle Vernon handed her the letter. Her eyes swept over the first line and her face, too, lost all colour.
'Oh my goodness – Vernon!'
'I want to read the letter!' Dudley announced
'WE want to read them!' Scarlett yelled 'As they are, in fact, our's!'
'Out! All of you!' Uncle Vernon shouted over the three, shoving them out of the room and into the hallway. The three of them had a silent fight as to who would get to look through the keyhole – which Dudley won by force. Harry and Scarlett were forced to lie down on the floor and listen through the small gap at the bottom.
'How do they know they live here? How do they know where they sleep?!'
'They're – those kind, they have ways' Uncle Vernon replied 'Watching, spying...following us'
'What should we do?! Should we write back-'
'No. We ignore it.'
'I'm not having two of, two of those in my house, Petunia!'
That evening when Uncle Vernon got home from work – he did something completely unexpected.
'Er – yes, about this cupboard – we really believe that the both of you are getting too big for it, so you'll be moving into Dudley's second bedroom'
'Why?' Harry frowned
'Don't ask questions! Take the stuff upstairs – now!' that was really all they needed to be told. The two of them grabbed all their things (which wasn't very much) and took it into Dudley's second bedroom – which had now been cleared out, and two beds had been set up on either side of the room, the window in between them both. Scarlett dumped her small amount of things on the bed on the left – whilst Harry the one on the right. The two of them wandered around the room for a while, and Scarlett saw that something had been left in one of the vertical cupboards – on closer inspection, she found it was the acoustic guitar that Dudley had wanted to learn to play; until he realised his fingers were too large to be able to play the right notes of each fret. She slowly took out the guitar and strummed a few notes, whilst Harry shook his head at his sister, smiled, then collapsed back onto the bed.

The next few days were practically the same as that one. The two of them would receive letters; to which Uncle Vernon would burn or shred, and then the two of them would complain. This happened every day, until Uncle Vernon got tired of it. He suddenly had this idea of taking them all away to somewhere that "they couldn't get to", whoever "they" were.
This was what led to Harry and Scarlett currently lying on a stone floor, in the middle of nowhere. It was hailing outside, and she could hear the waves crashing around the rocks every five seconds. Suddenly, the clock on the wall chimed,
'Happy birthday, Harry' Scarlett said quietly,
'Happy birthday, Scar' he said, just as there was a large crash outside the room. The door shook and then fell to the floor with great force – a figure of a giant was standing in the doorway. Scarlett's eyes widened and she shuffled further towards Harry and further away from the door. There was a crash from behind them and Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley came crashing into the room, all looking confused
'Couldn't make us a cup o' tea, could yeh? It's not been an easy journey...' the giant said, striding into the room, then picking the door back up and shoving it into the doorframe – blocking out the noise from outside. The giant made his way towards Dudley, frowning at him
'Harry? Blimey, you've changed a lot since I last saw yeh. Where's yeh sister?'
'I'm not H-Harry' Dudley stuttered, then raised his arm and pointed towards where Harry and Scarlett were sitting 'He is'
'Harry! Ah, tha makes more sense' the stranger said as he turned to face him 'Blimey, yeh look like yer dad – cept yer eyes, yeh've got yer mum's eyes'
'Er – thanks?' Harry said awkwardly, and the stranger looked towards Scarlett
'If I hadn't ah known better, I woulda said yeh were yer mother – yeh look exactly the same'
'I'm sorry, but, who are you?' Scarlett frowned
'Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of the Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts – yeh'll know all about Hogwarts, o' course'
'Er – no..' Scarlett and Harry muttered
'Sorry' Harry said quickly
'Sorry?! It's not you who should be sorry, it's them! I knew the two of yer weren't getting yer letters, but I thought yeh'd know about Hogwarts, fer cryin out loud! Did yeh never wonder where yer parents learnt it all?'
'All what?' Scarlett frowned
'ALL WHAT!?' Hagrid repeated, then stood up and faced towards Uncle Dursley 'Yeh mean to tell me, yeh've told these two nuthin' abou' anythin'?!'
'We know some things' Harry defended 'About maths and stuff'
'Tha's this world, I mean about our world, my world, yer parents world'
'What world?' Scarlett frowned 'What are you on about?'
'DURSLEY!' Hagrid thundered 'You never told them?! Never told them about the letter Dumbledore left the both of them? Yeh just kept it from both of em?!'
'Keep us from what?!' Harry asked
'I forbid you to tell him!' Uncle Vernon announced loudly, but Hagrid simply scoffed and turned to face the twins
'Yer a wizard, Harry, and Scarlett, yer a witch.'
'A...a what?'
'Magic doesn't exist though, right?' Scarlett frowned 'It's just something parents came up with to get their kids to's's not real...'
'O' course it's real,' Hagrid said, then pulled two letters out of his back pocket, handing them each one of them. Scarlett ripped the seal of the back of it, and pulled the letter out.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order Of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. Of Wizards)

Dear Miss Potter,
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours Sincerley,

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress.

'They're not going' Uncle Vernon interrupted
'I'd love to see a Muggle like you try and stop them'
'Muggle?' Harry frowned
'Non-magic folk' Hagrid replied
'We swore when we took him in we'd stamp out this – this rubbish'
'You knew?!' Scarlett glared 'You knew we were magic and you never though to tell us?!' she got louder and louder as she went on
'Knew? Knew?!' Aunt Petunia's shrill voice went 'Of course we knew! With my dratted sister being what she was? Oh, she got a letter just like that and disappeared off to – that school – came home every holiday with pockets full of frog spawn, then she'd turn teacups into rats! I was the only one who saw her for what she actually was – which was a freak! Then of course she met that Potter boy at school, that horrible boy. Then they left and had the two of you, and I knew you'd grow up to be just as, as much of a freak as she was! Just as abnormal! Then of course she went and got herself blown up and we ended up with you!'
'BLOWN UP?!' Harry shouted
'You told us they died in a car crash!' Scarlett yelled
'Car crash?!' Hagrid exclaimed 'A car crash killed Lily an' James Potter?! An outrage!'
'Wait, so what happened?!' Harry asked the giant
'I suppose I gotta tell yer' Hagrid muttered 'Okay – it starts with a wizard, he who must not be named -'
'He who must not be named?' Scarlett frowned
'Alrigh', his name – his name is Voldemort, but don' make me say it again. Anyway – abou' twenty years ago, he started lookin' fer followers...terrible things happened, he was takin over...he thought tha he might be able to convince em to switch sides, maybe he just wanted em out of the way, but he turned up to the village where yeh were livin, came ter yer he killed em, You-Know-Who killed em, an then, then he tried ter kill yeh just like how he killed them, buh it didn't work, all yer got was the scar. Tha's why yer so famous, ain't nobody who ever survived the killin curse before, an you two was only babies, and yeh lived.' it was silent for a few minutes.
'What happened to him? You-Know-Who, I mean?' Scarlett asked quietly, still trying to wrap her head around the whole story
'Some say he died, codswallop in my opinion. Dunno if he had enough human in him to die. Some say he's still out there, guess we'll find out eventually'

The next morning Scarlett woke up, she was convinced it had all been a dream. She sat up and half of Hagrid's coat fell off her, her eyes widened at the thought that it might not of been a dream, and her head whipped around to see that there was an owl tapping it's beak against the window. She stood up and wandered over, sliding the window open and letting the owl fly in, and it immediately started attacking Hagrid's coat
'Pay him' Hagrid spoke up 'Give him money for the paper' she searched through Hagrid's pocket until she found some strange looking coins
'Erm...which one's?'
'Five of the little bronze one's.' she took them and put them in a pouch that was attached to the owl – which then immediately flew away
'It was all a dream' Scarlett heard Harry say, then saw him open his eyes – mimicking the actions she did herself – opening his eyes, then widening them as he realised the truth. 'Wow' he muttered
'Now 'Arry's awake we best be off, got lots ter do today, gotta get up ter London and buy all yer stuff fer school.'
'But, Hagrid, we haven't got any do we pay for everything?'
'Don't worry about that – didn't think yer parents didn't leave yer anythin' did yeh?'
'They...they left us stuff?' Harry asked, while he pulled on his shoes
'O course' Hagrid replied, getting to his feet 'Got everythin'? Come on, then'

Okay, so I know I wrote a lot at the top, but thanks for reading and please review, it won't take long - thanks :3