We're back! -Please don't throw tomatoes at us! *Hides Behind Hands* We're so sorry for the long waits on both of our stories, but things have been a little hectic lately. We're trying to update as fast as we can, though! Please drop in a review, they really do help us update faster.

Disclaimer- We don't own Kickin' It. -Shouldn't you all know that by now?

"I've got to hand it to you," It was now lunchtime and Kim was starting to figure out what Jack and Milton meant when they said that she shouldn't eat the food. She still got some anyway, because she had to eat something. -Even if it did look like pigs feet and mud. "Nobody's ever had enough guts to stand up to Lorie. She's a pain in the butt." Jack says, grabbing what looked like a combination of chocolate pudding and gravy.

"I noticed." Kim says, lowering her voice. She really hates about having to think about that every time she goes to talk. "What's up, yo?!" Jerry jumps in the line behind Milton. Eddie follows in suit. Milton groans and Kim notes that these two really push his buttons. "Her roommates seemed nice, though." Kim says, trying to make Milton not explode. That's the last thing she needs.

Milton nods, "Yeah, they're super nice. Julie's in all my classes." Kim makes a face at Milton. "Milton has a crush on her." Jack smirks as he grabs a carton of milk from the cooler. Milton gasps at Jack's comment causing Kim to laugh. "Do not!" "Dude, you do too!" Jerry butts in. Milton slowly turns his head to Jerry and glares at him. Jerry doesn't even notice.

"Mika is cute too!" "Who's that?" Kim asks. "Julie and Lorie's other roommate." Jack says. They all grab their… slop and walk to a table and sit down. Such a shame, they had a very nice cafeteria and kitchen equipment but they didn't have good food. Kim found that out for herself when she bit into the hamburger. She kept it in her mouth for a whole two seconds before grabbing a napkin and spitting it out. "Told ya." Milton comments as Kim makes a disgusted face and sets down the napkin. "Yeah. This stuff is nasty. How does this slop pass the health inspections?"

"We're not sure the school gets them." Eddie comments and him and Jerry plops down at their table. "ARG!" Milton groans, putting his head in his hands. He really doesn't like those two… "So, you don't like anybody in that room….man?" Kim tries, turning to Jack. Jack sighs, "Nah. The girls at this school aren't worth the time. I just want somebody who isn't afraid to gain a little weight on a burger and I can be myself with. Somebody that isn't the same as me but isn't the complete opposite either." Kim nods.

Brett automatically flooded her mind and her heart broke as he did. She had to shake it off though. "Pfft! Who cares about that! You'll never find a girlfriend with guidelines! Any girl who I can get to go out with me is great!" Jerry says. Jack rolls his eyes at Jerry but chuckles.

"What about you?" Jack asks. "Me?" Kim asks, in her regular voice but has to cough to cover it up. Jerry and Eddie made a face at each other, then at Milton who slapped his forehead at Kim's slip up and lame attempt to cover it up. "Yeah? Do you have a girlfriend?" Kim wanted to point out that she's never had a girlfriend because she's a girl but then she realizes she is masquerading as a boy.

"Uh… No. We broke up. Last week." Well. It's not completely a lie. Her and Brett broke up last week. "I'm sorry, man." Jack says. "Eh. It's fine. She was… always thinking of herself before anybody else." Again. Not far from the truth. She's just describing Brett as a girl. Everybody seemed to buy it, so that's good. Kim could finally take a sigh of relief that something she said was bought, but she didn't see Jack's confused glint in his eye as he turned back to his meatloaf. Or whatever was in front of him.

Later that day, Jack was down at the food court getting some actual food and Milton was in an extra class so Kim decided it was a good time to video chat her mom. "Hi sweetheart!" Kim's mom answers with a smile. Kim itches at the wig and decides since no one is in the room, to take it off. "Hi mom! Good to see you!" Kim says in her regular voice. "You too! How's school?" "It's great! The lunch food is disgusting though."

Kim's mom makes a face. "Just lunch?" "Yeah. They get some caterers for breakfast and dinner. It's confusing." Kim shrugs. Kim loves talking to her mom; she always knows what to say. "So… How's Kaleb working out?" Her mom asks. Kim smiles, "Good! …One of my roommates found out though." As soon as the words exited her mouth, she knew she made a mistake of telling her mom.

Her mom's mouth fell open, "Kimberly-" "It's okay though! He's helping me keep it a secret! He's a nerd! He has nothing better to do!" Just as those words left her lips, Milton walks through the door. "Wow. Thanks." Milton says sarcastically. "What about the other boy?" Kim's mom asks. Milton puts his stuff away quietly and neatly as Kim talks with her mom. "He doesn't know. But… He's kind of cute."


"MOM! I can't help it! I'm a girl!" Her mom gives her a look. "You better keep your voice down. You cannot like a boy when you're masquerading as a boy!" "I know! I know! Don't worry though. I've got everything under control." The door handle jiggles, telling Kim and Milton that Jack's back. Kim mentally slaps herself for taking the wig off. Kim tosses it under her pillow and pulls her hood over her head in record speed, pushing back any stray a ways.

"Got it under control, huh?" Her mom asks, raising an eyebrow at her daughter. Jack enters the room several seconds later. Kim sighs. This was going to be way harder then she thought. She needs a new plan.

Okay, so Kim has almost blown cover several times... When will Jack find out? Dun Dun DUNNNNN. So, yes, that was short but you all really needed an update. Please review!Thanks a bunch for being so patient with us!

