Well here it is chapter 5. I want to thank everyone for their reviews follows and favourites they really make my day ;)
big shout out to pudsey ;) thanks for all the reviews :) luv ya xx
Well here it is chapter 5...
Chapter 5
Helias P.O.V
We're in McDonald's now. The girls won the contest, I knew they would. Flora is the most amazing singer I've ever heard.
Everyone keeps giving me looks and nudging me. They're wasting their time, Flora DOESN'T like me and I don't know why they can't get that through their heads. I wish I had the courage to tell her, but she'd reject me.
'Sooo Helia, don't you have something to tell Flora?' Stella asks, winking at me. God, that girl just won't take no for an answer. Flora looks at me questioningly.
'What do you wanna tell me?' she asks. God, what do I say? 'ummm...just wanted to tell you that you were great out there' I say, smiling. She blushes, god she's SO cute. 'thanks' she says smiling at me.
I get about a million glares from everyone, after that, even Timmy, who's usually really understanding.
At the end of the meal we head home. Me and Riven, as usual, walking back together. Riven is unusually sulky with me.
'Why are you mad at me?' I question confused. 'Coz you had the perfect opertunity to tell her, but you blew it AGAIN!' he says, sighing angrily. 'YOU DON'T THINK I WISH I TOLD HER? BECAUSE TRUST ME, I WANT TO TELL HER DESPERATELY. BUT SHE DOES NOT LIKE ME!' I yell.
Riven looks taken aback. 'but dude' he says, calmly 'you gotta try, because if you don't you'll seriously regret it' he says. It's the most sensitive I've ever heard him and it's kinda scaring me. 'but what if-' 'oh enough with the what if's already' Riven says, cutting me off.' 'you gotta tell her'.
We're at our houses now. 'just do it man' Riven says, giving one last attempt to pursuade me, before heading inside. Oh what am I going to do?
Flora and Musa walking home...
Musa: 'Flo this is getting ridiculous, you gotta tell Helia you like him, or else hell think you don't and move on with someone else...'
God maybe Musa's right ,but then again... Helia doesn't like me...
'Musa, Helia DOESN'T like me. Why can't you just except that?' I ask sadly, knowing that Helia would never, in a million years, like me.
'But Flo, he does. Why can't you just take a chance? Because if you don't, you'll seriously regret it' she says calmly. We're at her house now. 'just go for it' she says, before heading inside. Just go for it? God if only it were that easy...
The next month of school flies by...just a bit of work, a LOT of drama and I get as close to telling Helia I like him, as I do to growing a moustache. It's the day before the mid term now, and we're chatting in the base classroom.
'I think you could definetely rock purple hair.' Stella says to tecna. 'I'm thinking of dip dying my hair red' Musa adds. 'omg that would be like SO cute on you' Stella says, enthuasiastically. God I wonder if there was ever a time when Stella talked about anything other than boys, hair and clothes.
The guys are walking towards us. God, Helia is SO good looking.
'Hey, you guys going to the cafe after school?' Timmy asks. 'Yep' tecna replies, smiling at him. We go to the cafe most days after school, now.
The guys all walk over to their girlfriends and start chatting to them. Leaving me with Helia. 'Did you get the art homework?' I ask. we got a really hard thing, about perspective that I don't understand at ALL. 'Yeah, if you want i can explain it to you after school?' he asks 'That would be great' I say, smiling.
Just then the bell rings and we head to class, chatting all the way.
In The cafe after school...
'And that's what the vanishing point does ' Helia says, finishing his explanation. 'Now I get it' I say, happily. God Helia's a great teacher. Add that to the list of reasons why I like him.
'K guys, we better get going' Stella says. We all get up and head outside the cafe, to say goodbye.
'Thanks, for helping me with the art' I say. 'No prob, it was my pleasure' Helia says, smiling. 'Well, we'd better be going' I sigh, sadly, and me and Musa start heading down the road, towards our estate.
Helias P.O.V
'Well we better be going' Flora sighs, her and Musa then start walking down the street. God I can't hold it in anymore, I'm tired of being afraid
'FLORA! I REALLY LIKE YOU!' I yell, after her.
She turns around, shocked. I'm running towards her now. 'What...I-I like you too' she says, shaking.
Before she can say anything else, I pull her in for a kiss.
Floras P.O.V
We're walking away from the cafe, when I hear someone yell, 'FLORA, I REALLY LIKE YOU'
I turn around, it turns out to have been Helia who yelled. Wait...WHAT? Helia really likes ME? what me. noooo there's gotta be some mistake.
Helia's running towards me. 'what...I-I like you too..' I begin, but before I can continue, he pulls me in for a kiss. The others start cheering behind us.
'Well it's about time' Stella says laughing. They all laugh, as Me and Helia pull away, out of breath.
'Flora, will you go out with me?' he asks. 'OF COURSE!' I yell, flinging my arms around his neck, in a massive hug. THIS, IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!
'That's my boy' Riven sighs, proudly.
'And that's my girl' Musa whispers...
The rest of the year flew by, with me and Helia side by side the whole time. As did high school. And during our eighth year of dating, Helia proposed. I said yes, obviously. And we're currently living happily ever after...
~~*~~ The End ~~*~~
Well that's it. I'm kinda sad to see it end :( Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my story. I really appreciate it. I'm thinking of writing a one shot of their first date but I dunno. I have a lot more ideas...I'm currently writing 2 new stories and hope to have one uploaded by the end of the week... Goodbye everyone :) and thanks again for reading xxx