A/N: This will be a collection of 26 Jane/Lisbon drabbles, each one starting with a different letter of the alphabet. This series is for the Paint It Red January 2013 Monthly Challenge. The prompt is 'letters'... so you can see what I've done here. Each drabble will be a true drabble - exactly 100 words long. The discrepancy will come from a/ns. Also, I'm aiming to update this daily. Sorry to followers in advance!

x tromana


"And you know this how?"

The words come out as a demand. Lisbon places a hand on her hip as she waits for Jane to answer her question. Infuriatingly, he merely taps his lip and wanders to another spot in the room. She's used to this; Jane's mind games and tricks. He wants her to work out what he's seeing.

Sometimes, it annoys her; on other occasions, she realizes that it's helping her to become a better cop.

He stares pointedly at the photographs on the wall.

Each one is torn.

"She left her boyfriend?"

He nods and she smiles.