This is what I have to say/Disclaimer: I don't own the rights or know any of the members of the Power Rangers. They are the property of Saban. They don't belong to me! And if I did belong to me, I would be rich!

BTW: Please read and review my story anytime! I'm open to any ideas you have in mind and any type of criticism would be good.

Chapter 1

It was school time at Reefside High School. Conner McKnight met up with two of his friends, Ethan James and Kira Ford at school as he ducked under a banister to join them for their first period science class.

"What's up, you guys?" He greets them

"Hey there, Conner."

"What's up, dude?"

"Have you guys seen Trent?" He asked him.

"No. Well, not since yesterday after we defeated that monster." As they disappeared into the classroom and the door closed behind them, Cassidy Cornell, in her usual preppy outfit, were bombarding them with questions as they sat in their seats.

"Hello, Conner. Ethan. Kira."

Kira already knew what Cassidy wanted, placing her hand on her cheek, signing as she asked her, "What do you want, Cassidy?"

Cassidy scoffed at what Kira just said. "All I just wanted to know is where's the other member of your little group?"

"Who, Trent?"

"No, Devin." She gave them a sarcastic remark. "Yes, Trent. Where is he?"

They all shrugged their shoulders. "We don't know."

"We haven't seen him since yesterday."

"The boy partially rushed home yesterday."

"Really? Tell me more about his 'disappearing.'" As the school bell rang, Cassidy was vying to hear questions and answers about what was going on with Trent as Dr. Tommy Oliver walked into the room.

"Cassidy!" He calls her name. "Think you can take your seat? Unless you're planning on talking about animals from the Mesozoic era."

Cassidy takes her seat next to Devin, taking out her pink rhinestone compact mirror from her white tote bag, looking to see if she looked like her usual 'perfect self', as the Rangers and maybe everyone else would preferred to call it 'annoying self.'

"Now, should we get started?" Before Dr. O could begin his lecture, Trent walks into the classroom with all eyes at him.

"Am I late again, Dr. O? If I am, I apologized."

"No, Trent. You're not late to class; you're right on time, actually." Trent sits next to Kira, looking at her with coyness and Dr. O began his lecture on animals of the Mesozoic era.

"Where were you, man?" Conner whispered.

"I overslept again. I was up last night with work from another class."

Kira looks at Trent with coy, but not soon after she looked at something blue and black on his arm buried in his long sleeve black-and-white shirt.

She quietly takes a look at him, but long before Trent stops her from what she's doing and looks away. She continues to look down at her notebook as she was listening to Dr. O's lecture.

After school, the gang head down to Hayley's Cyberspace to hang out, do some school work and Trent had to work there today, walking around the place and placing the drink orders on a table.

As usual, he was getting so involved in the game, he was unaware of his surroundings or how much noise he was making. Fortunately for him, Kira and Conner were already used to it, despite the fact that they had homework that had to be done.

Trent walks over to where they are and asked them,

"What are you guys up to?"

"I have to study for this major test for social studies class on European history…" Kira said.

"While I have an essay to write for English on The Canterbury Tales." Conner said.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm already done with my homework." Ethan said with a smiling, full-on grin on his face.

"We know, Ethan." They said in union.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be playing video games.

Their dino bracelets went off, meaning that Dr. O must have something to tell them. Before leaving, Hayley told him that his shift was over and that he can go and see what Dr. O wants to talk to them about.

They ran into an alley next to the cyberspace that gave them cover they needed to communicate with Dr. O.

"Yeah, Dr. O? You got us."

"Rangers? Come in, rangers! We've got a situation! I need you guys at the beach, right away." Tommy said.

"We're on our way." Conner said into this communicator. Pulling out their morphers, "Ready?"

Before they morphed, Kira can still sees the blue and black bruise on Trent's arm, still buried in his sleeve, but quickly ignored it to focus.


"White Ranger, Dino Power!"

"Dino Thunder, Power Up! Ha!"

Morphed up, they all rode of in their Raptor Cycles and Trent on his White ATV. They drove their riders to the beach. Once they got there, they got off their rides and take a good look around.

"So, now what?" Kira asked.

"I don't know." Conner said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yoo-hoo! Little lambs!" They heard Elsa's voice. They stopped and looked around.

"Did she really call us 'lambs?'" Kira said.

"I think we're too old to be called 'little lambs', Elsa."

They turned and saw Elsa standing there with her hands on her hips, a small army of Tyrannodrones and along with her, the White Ranger Clone.

"I should've known." Ethan stated.

"Of course."

"Tyrannodrones, get them." Elsa commanded. "You. Let's get the White one."

"With pleasure."

While Trent had the White Ranger Clone and Elsa at the same time, Conner, Ethan and Kira faced against the Tyrannodrones.

Conner blocks one of their kicks and punches, and blocks some punches before he kicks one and the drone flies about 20 feet away. He grabs the two of the drones by the shoulder and turns them around before kicking them into the same tree. He grabs his Tyrannostaff, twirls it around and hits two of the drones down

Kira used her hands to block some attacks by some of the drones. She throws a few punches and kicks, blocking more drones from hitting her. Taking out her Ptera-Grips, She slices them through some drones as the sparks flew off them.

Ethan jumps over an attack before knocking a drone down. He jumps over the drone before flipping to drones behind him. He bring his Tricera-Shield around and he cuts on in the chest.

Trent handled Elsa and the clone on his own. Blocking their attacks, he used his White Drago Sword to help him against them, shooting lasers at them after drawing his sword as Elsa and the clone did at the same to him with her sword and cloning Drago Sword, causing him to be knocked to the ground.

Still feeling wearily, Trent gets up and charges towards them. He did his super speed attack hitting and punching the major parts of Elsa and the Evil White Ranger in under the span of 30 seconds flat before kicking them to the ground.

"Had enough?"

The Evil White Ranger runs to Elsa's side and helps her off the ground. Standing there with their hands on their wrist and stomachs, glaring at him,

"Like I said before, you will rue betraying Mesogog, White Ranger!"

The Evil White Rangers extended his sword as they disappeared into the invisaportal.

Regrouping, Ethan said,

"What was that all about?"

"You tell me!"

"Come on. Let's just get back and see what Dr. O and Hayley found."

The four teens walked back from dropping their raptor cycles and ATV back in the lair, they were walking out when Kira stopped them before they climbed the stairs that would take them through Dr. Oliver's house.

"Hey, you guys want to go back to Hayley's and grab something to eat?"


"Why not? I don't have soccer practice till Wednesday Hey, Richie Rich?" Conner said, talking to Trent. "You want to get something to eat? If you are, you buying?"

"Thanks, no thanks. I got to get home."

Kira walks up to Trent. "Are you sure you can't hang out with us for a couple of hours? We're going to get a bite to eat."

"Yeah, I am. My father's away for a while and my grandfather's in town and he'll freaks out if I come home late and he'll point it out."

Kira sees more of those bruises on Trent's wrist as he was getting his stuff together and had backpack on his shoulder. "See ya tomorrow at school." He leaves the Dino Lab, leaving Kira to look puzzled.

A few second later, Conner walks behind her and sees Kira's look on her face.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah," Kira shrugs off. "I'm alright."

They shrugged and headed to Hayley's place for a quick bite and later, head on home and get some rest.