author's note: Some of you may recognise the first chapter, and that's because I've decided to republish (and rewrite) this fiction. In the original, Link was OOC and I didn't like how everything was evolving. I have better ideas now, and hopefully Link's character will be expressed in the way that I perceive it to be. Thanks for reading if you do.
Title: Sweet, Dark Lullaby
Genre: Drama/Suspense
Rating: T
Couple: Link/Midna
Sweet, Dark Lullaby
Chapter 1: Begin.
Ganondorf struggled with empty wishes.
A cool, silent breeze tinged the wound. Death was a foul play, and yet victory still danced in his eyes. The blade was nothing compared to the loss. For he was a Master, a Dark Lord, a King. Unbeatable, possessing a furious invincibility. Not even the Goddesses could touch his dark flesh, and he smiled at each of them like a possessed puppet.
Finally the winds died, and his knees snapped, bringing him to the ground. Yet this was no surrender. Incapable of raising his mighty head Ganondorf watched the boy proceed, stop and wait patiently. Wait for his black heart to stop beating. Wait for the Devil to drag him back into Hell.
But of course, there was a distraction and the boy was gone, rushing for the gorgeous lights, the silhouette he foolishly believed to be his love. That was when he started to laugh. At first, quietly, as gentle as the wind, until he was roaring, gazing up at the heavens with vengeance and glory. Everything was perfect. Everything was beautiful.
'My Princess.'
Slowly, he stood, cloak billowing.
'My dear, sweet Princess. It is time.'
His heart pumped faster with each breath that escaped his lips. Link was almost running faster than his legs would allow him. Head spinning, the boy prayed. Prayed to the Goddesses she was there, she was here, she was her. The boy prayed whatever fate the spineless demon had inflicted upon her was no longer there.
Then he reached the top: '––Midna.'
A sharp, horrific pain forced its way through his chest. Link was quiet, but he recognised the action, the energy, the agony of the betrayal. Slowly, he lowered his chin and observed the sharp blade which effortlessly ripped through his flesh.
When panic began to empty his veins, Link lifted his head.
The Princess he ran for wasn't there.
I've been made a fool.
Had the Goddesses truly turned their backs on him?
With an almighty tug, the blade was torn out of him. He screamed, collapsing to his knees. Blood poured from his gaping wound, covering the fresh green grass with a disgusting red liquid. When Link placed a hand over the injury he knew it was worthless.
Everything had been worthless.
Someone was walking nearby.
Furious, Link whipped his head around and watched Zelda proceed to face him properly. Then she knelt, and placed a hand over his cheek. Link stared into her once warm eyes, and all he could see was a tormented yet pleased beast.
Ganondorf never let the strings go, and the puppet had been his toy all along. The Zelda Link thought he knew was indeed non-existent. The Zelda Link believed he was saving could never be saved. Her heart still beat, but barely. The poor, sweet Princess was possessed by evil.
A bloodied sword fell from her grip and she finally stood. Link jarred his teeth and gazed up at her, almost desperate, but the woman had already turned away until she was gone.
Soon Link was shivering, trembling and broken.
Darkness filled his vision and he fell to the side, no longer able to remain conscious.
The game never ended.
It had only just begun.