Not Just the Dark Lord

Chapter 4

Derek walked into the apartment and sighed when he saw Tali curled up in front of the fire in the living room sound asleep. It had been almost a week and Tali just wasn't getting better. Abby had sent her home from dance the night before because she couldn't concentrate and Derek had booked Tali into a doctor but couldn't get in for another three days and he just hoped that Tali started on the mend before going to the doctors and that she didn't get worse.

Derek draped a blanket over Tali before sitting himself down at the kitchen counter and pulling his laptop out to do a bit of work before he would wake Tali for tea and then send her upstairs so she could sleep in her own bed. Derek got caught up working on his laptop and just about jumped out of his skin when there was a knock at his door.

As Derek walked towards the door he checked to see that Tali was still sleeping before he walked towards the door and opened it to reveal Tom standing at his doorstep. He held his finger up to his lips and pointed towards where Tali was curled up asleep. Tom gave him a small smile before following Derek into the apartment and towards his office where they could talk without waking Tali.

"What can I do for you Tom?" Derek asked as he quietly shut the door of his office. Tom sat down on the couch before handing Derek some of the files Eileen had given him earlier about everything that had to do with Jerry taking over the production of Bombshell.

"Eileen asked me to pass these onto you. This is everything that we have to know about Jerry taking over the production," Tom said. Derek sat down in his desk chair before opening the file and reading through what Eileen had put together for them. He sighed. There was something inside of him that was screaming that Bombshell was finished for him but he pushed it aside and read through the files.

"Tali still not well?" Tom asked. Derek shook his head.

"No. She's not great. Abby sent her home from dance because she couldn't concentrate so I'm guessing that's where she ended up and hasn't moved since there. I got home probably half an hour after Christi called me to let me know she was taking Tali home and she hasn't been awake since," Derek said with a sigh.

"Let me know if there is anything that you or Tali need and I'll do whatever I can," Tom said with a small nod before tuning and walking away from Derek's office and towards the front door. Derek followed him before saying thank you and closing the door behind him and properly reading through the files Eileen had sent through.

She had been told to stand down from producing Bombshell and now Jerry was producing the show and it was safe to safe that Derek was not a fan. He hated Jerry with a passion and this was just further cementing the idea in his brain. Derek sighed as he put the files down and walked out into the lounge, carefully scooping Tali up and carrying her up the stairs and tucking her into her own bed for the night.


Tali walked into the dance competition knowing that she really shouldn't have been there and should have been in her own bed, most likely asleep but she was never one to let Miss Abby or the team down. Tali plastered a smile on her face and followed the girls into the dressing room ready to start the competition process.

Tali competed with the girls in the group dance and was now warming up for her own lyrical solo. Tali felt like shit and everyone in the room could see that she was struggling. Abby was tempted to pull her solo but knew that Tali would never agree and instead asked for Giana to keep a close eye on her and then decided that she would go backstage just to make sure that Tali was okay.

"Tali, you don't have to do this. I can see that you don't feel well," Abby said. Tali shook her head.

"I said I would do a solo and I am going to do this solo. Plus, it's an amazing number Miss. Abby," Tali said with a smile before her name was called and she gave Abby one last hug before heading towards the stage and starting her number. Abby watched from the side lines with anticipation as Tali did some of the biggest turn sequences that she had ever completed and nailed them!

Tali finished her solo and it was just about flawless and Abby couldn't believe how incredible she had performed. Tali walked off the stage and Abby wrapped her arms around the incredible girl. Tali could feel her knees go weak as Abby held her and her head was just spinning. She felt horrible but before she knew it, everything went black.


Derek was in the middle of rehearsal when he heard his phone ring. He called a 5 minute break before he looked at the caller ID to read, Abby Lee Miller. Derek hit the answer button before listening to what Abby had to say and feeling sick to his stomach. He knew that he shouldn't have let Tali go to the competition but he had never been good at saying no to Tali.

Derek ended the call after Abby had said everything she needed to and quickly packed his bag up before slinging it over his shoulder and heading out of the room. Derek was just about out the doors when he was stopped by Jerry.

"Where are you going Derek? We have rehearsal!" Jerry asked. Derek sighed.

"Matalia is sick. She collapsed and I am going to see her. Now if you excuse me," Derek said as he went to walk past. Jerry stopped him.

"No you are not. You have a rehearsal to run, so run it," Jerry said standing firm. Derek ran a hand through his hair before turning to look at Jerry.

"My daughter is lying in a hospital bed and I need to be there Jerry. So either move willingly or I will make you!" Derek said trying not to let his temper get the better of him.

"You walk away and you are done with Bombshell!" Jerry said. Derek walked past him before turning.

"Then I quit!" Derek said with a shrug before walking away and hailing a cab. He needed to be with his daughter and Tali was the most important thing in his life and he was not going to lose the only family he had left.


Derek rushed into the hospital and was greeted by Abby who wrapped her arms around Derek before explaining to him exactly what had happened at the competition and Derek sighed. He knew that he shouldn't have allowed her to go to the competition today but he couldn't say no when she started to cry and beg to be able to go and compete.

"I'm so sorry Derek! I didn't mean for this to happen and I tried to pull her solo but she wouldn't allow it and I should have tried harder and I am just so sorry!" Abby said as she led Derek to where they had been told to wait for news on Tali while they ran some tests.

"Abby, it's not your fault. I shouldn't have allowed her to compete this weekend. It's not your fault and we both know that Tali never wants to let you or the team down. It's just who she is. She is fiercely loyal and extremely competitive so she wouldn't have let you pull her solo…basically ever!" Derek said with a sigh as the pair sat down.

The pair sat in silence for 10 minutes before a doctor walked out and looked around the waiting room before walking over to where Abby and Derek were sitting.

"Miss. Miller and I assume this is Mr. Wills?" the doctor asked. Derek nodded his head. "We have run some tests and the levels of insulin in Matalia's body. Is there a history of diabetes in your family?" the doctor asked. Derek ran a hand through his hair before sighing and nodding his head.

"Isobel, her mom's side of the family. It was all through their family," Derek said with a sigh.

"Matalia has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and collapsed because of her insulin levels were extremely low. We will give you a pack that has all the information you need to know and when Matalia is awake we can talk more about what exactly being diabetic means but you are welcome to go and see her but she is currently asleep at the moment," the doctor said. Derek shook his hand with a smile.

"Thank-you," Derek said before the doctor turned and walked away. Abby sat down in shock. One of her best dancers was diabetic. This was going to change everything and she had no idea how Tali was going to take this news. She worked so hard to become the person and the dancer she was today and Abby just hoped that everything was going to be okay.


Jerry walked back into the rehearsal frustrated and angry. He couldn't believe that Derek had just quit. He slammed the rehearsal doors shut behind him and everyone in the room jumped slightly before turning to look at their producer. Jerry called for everyone to come in.

"Everyone, your director has just up and left the show, leaving us in the lurch and without a director. Rehearsals have been put on hold effective immediately and will be on hold until we can find a new director. You will all be contacted when the position of director is filled and until then, I ask that none of you comment to anyone on this situation and we will be in contact," Jerry said as there were disappointed sighs and talk already starting to circulate about why he had quit.

People started to pack their things up so that they could head home and Julia and Tom pounced on Jerry to find out why Derek had quit.

"What the hell happened? Why did Derek quit?" Tom asked. Jerry knew that he couldn't come off sounding the bad guy so he decided then and there that he was not going to let them know that he had made Derek choose between the show and his daughter.

"I asked him to come back to rehearsals and he refused. So I gave him an ultimatum and he didn't choose the show," Jerry said stretching the truth.

"Why did he leave in the first place?" Julia asked not getting why Derek would just leave.

"He wouldn't say. He took some phone call and left. Now if you'll excuse me I have to begin to try and find a new director," Jerry said before walking away.

"I don't get it! Derek wouldn't just walk away," Julia said with a sigh. Tom shook his head. He had to agree with Julia, it really didn't sound like Derek.


Two hours had passed and the doctor had been in to see Tali and to talk to both Derek and Abby, who both spent a lot of time with her and to discuss just what being diabetic meant. Derek couldn't believe how well that Tali seemed to be taking it and even smiled when the doctor said she would be able to dance just like normal but she would just have to monitor her levels.

There was a knock at the door and Derek stood up to open it and smiled when he saw Gianna, the moms and all the girls on Tali's competition team walk through the doors carrying various teddy bears, bunches of flowers and balloons. Derek smiled when he saw Tali smiling with the girls and giving them each hugs and the same with the moms.

"Tali, these are yours. You won you category and your age division with your solo and you were also awarded the highest score for the competition!" Gianna said with a massive smile as she wrapped her arms around Tali with a massive grin. Gianna and Tali had always been close and Derek just hoped that she would help Tali through everything that she was about to be going through.

Derek's phone started to buzz and he excused himself before walking out into to the corridor and out of the hospital it the small garden out the back before looking at the caller ID to see that it read Karen Cartwright.

"Darling, hi," Derek answered with a sigh.

"Derek, what happened to you? Jerry said you quit Bombshell!" Karen said sounding a little distressed by the whole situation.

"Oh, yeah, I did quit," Derek said. A part of him was happy to have quit but there was another part of him that wished it had been on better terms.

"Why?" Karen asked.

"Uh, Abby Lee Miller called me, Tali's dance teacher. Tali collapsed at a competition and Abby took her to hospital. I got off the phone with her and packed my stuff up and walked out. Jerry stopped me and said that if I walked away I was fired so I quit," Derek said with a sigh.

"Oh my gosh! Is she okay?" Karen asked worried about Tali.

"She's just been diagnosed diabetic but other than that, she's okay. She's got the dance moms and dance girls with her as well as Abby and Gianna at the minute keeping her company and she seems to be taking it really well," Derek said.

"And how are you taking it?" Karen asked.

"I don't know. I haven't really had the time to really process what exactly is happening but it will be okay," Derek said as he sat down on one of the garden seats.

"I am so sorry Derek! If you need anything just let me know," Karen said hoping that there was something that she could do to help out.

"Thank-you darling. I better go back to Tali but I will call you if there is anything that you can do," Derek said before bidding goodbye to Karen and pushing his phone back into his pocket and heading back to Tali's room. Everyone was still there and they were all discussing how much they wanted to beat the rival studio the next week at the competitions and Tali said she would be there cheering them on.


Karen sighed as she walked into the apartment she now shared with her best friend Ana. Ana was sitting on the couch with a stack of movies on the coffee table and a smile on her face. Karen had rung her earlier in the day to let her know that she would be home early from rehearsals.

"So I got a whole heap of chic flicks and thought that we could order in and have a girls night," Ana said with a smile. Karen took her coat off and dumped her bag down on the table before taking her shoes off and joining her friend on the couch with her own smile.

"That sounds great!" Karen said with a smile.

"Did you end up finding out why Derek quit?" Ana asked.

"His daughter Tali collapsed at a dance competition and was taken to hospital where she was diagnosed as being a diabetic. He quit because Jerry said that he wasn't allowed to leave and if he did he would be fired, so he quit," Karen said with a sigh not believing how horrible Jerry could be.

"What? Are you kidding me? That's horrible!" Ana said handing Karen a beer from the fridge.

"Thanks and that's just the type of man that Jerry Rand is," Karen said before taking a swig of her beer. "I feel like I should do something for Derek but I don't know what I could do to help with any of this. He's a single father whose 16 year old daughter has been diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic. It's not like there is a greeting card I can give to him."

"Can't say I've ever seen one of those. Maybe you could take him some take out because we all know that hospital food sucks," Ana said with a shrug. "I mean, you could just tell him you love him but if you want to do it the hard way then that's how I would do it," Ana said with a smirk. Karen rolled her eyes.

"You would be okay with me skipping girl's night?" Karen asked. Ana nodded her head with a smile.

"I can just call Jimmy. He and Kyle were talking about some party they were going to and he invited me to go with him, as his date so I can," Ana said with a smile. Jimmy Collins and Kyle Bishop were two guys that Karen and Ana had met at a party and Ana and Jimmy had really hit it off.

"Ana, thank-you!" Karen said as she wrapped her arms around her best friend in a hug before putting her shoes on, grabbing her bag and coat and heading out the door. Ana smiled before pulling out her phone and shooting a message off to Jimmy letting him know she was free tonight if he wanted to catch up.


"Hey Dad, shouldn't you have been at rehearsals today?" Tali asked after everyone had left and it was just her and her dad left. Derek looked up at his daughter and sighed.

"I ah, I quit," Derek said avoiding eye contact with his daughter.

"I'm sorry you ah what?" Tali asked looking at her dad.

"Jerry wouldn't let me leave. He said that if I wanted to leave that I was fired so I quit," Derek said looking at Tali.

"But Dad, you loved Bombshell!" Tali said, before thinking, especially its leading lady.

"Tali, you are the most important thing in my life. Nothing else compares to you and there is nothing that could have stopped me coming to you because you are my world Tali Rose. I would give everything up in a heartbeat, just for you!" Derek said as he held Tali's hand. "I love you more than anything in the world Tali. You're my beautiful little girl and you always will be!"

"I love you too Dad," Tali said as she pulled her dad in for a hug. The pair stayed like that until there was a knock at the door and Derek pulled away and opened the door to revel Karen standing there holding a plastic bag full of take-out and a beautiful soft white plush teddy bear.

Tali couldn't help but smile when she saw Karen standing at the door. She adored Karen and she knew that her dad loved her like he loved her mom. She was only young when her mom died but she can remember the looks that they use to share and it was the same look she could see on both her dad's and Karen's faces.

"Hi Derek, Hi Tali," Karen said with a small smile as Derek opened the door fully to let her in. "I hope you don't mind me dropping in like this but I know that hospital food isn't that great so I got take out but then I didn't know if you would be able to eat it Tali and I knew that you liked to eat healthy anyway so I got you a salad wrap and figured that you would be able to eat that and…" Karen said before Tali interrupted her.

"Karen, you're rambling, and it's really sweet that you thought of us like that," Tali said with a smile. Karen smiled, glad that she had made the right choice or more to the point, Ana had made the right choice for her.

"Oh, I also saw this on my way here and thought that it was too cute to leave there so I brought it for you and I hope that you are out of this place soon," Karen said as she handed the bear to Tali.

"Thank-you! That's so kind!" Tali said as she wrapped her arms around Karen for a hug. Karen smiled. Tali really was the most incredible girl she had the chance to meet. "Now, food?" Karen laughed with a smile.

"Of course. Here you go Tali," Karen said as she handed the girl the salad wrap. It wasn't long before they were all eating in a comfortable silence before finishing and chatting until Tali feel asleep. Karen looked at the time and knew that visiting hours would be over soon and decided that it was her time to leave.

"Visiting hours will be over soon so I'll talk to you again later," Karen said with a smile as she stood. Derek stood to and wrapped his arms around Karen in a friendly hug.

"Thank-you so much for coming to see her. I haven't even received a phone call from Tom or Julia and you are the only one I have heard from apart from the dance girls," Derek said sadly.

"If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call. Ana and I are here if you need anything at all," Karen said with a smile. Derek kissed her cheek before she left the hospital for the night.

End Chapter Four

A/N: So sorry for the long wait on this update! It's a little longer than normal to try and make up for it! I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think :)