Chapter 32: Onwards

A week later when they were in the pirate haven of Tortuga, sitting in the private section in one of the bars, all of them well and together, they received news that the Company had turned on their leader Anderson, killing him and releasing the prisoners in the progress. The news had been Jim's doing. Buying over the townspeople to keep those that had seen silent. He also kept the officials from looking into the matter with money. He was the master at pulling strings and the matter had been covered up so well.

Right at the moment, Sherlock and Irene were bickering about the ship and the splitting of the treasure, a little ways away from their table and John stood right by Sherlock, listening as they talked.

"The ship is mine. I earned it you can't have it. I'll give you three quarters of my treasure haul, it'll be enough to get you a decent ship and a crew," Sherlock offered as he slipped his arm around John's waist, possessively pulling the doctor closer to him. He had recovered fully with John's help and the extremely vile concoction that was the tonic water. He swore he would never fall sick again. Though falling sick did have its own benefits, such as getting a little kiss as and when he asked from his doctor.

"Three quarters," Irene said a twinkle in her eyes, "you're being generous aren't you? Since you already have everything you need there," she teased indicating John.

"You did help, I'm only being fair," Sherlock said smirking, nearly everyone knew that John belonged to the Pirate King now and Sherlock didn't so much as mind, "Where are you going from here on out?" he asked as Irene turned to go and collect her treasure.

She shrugged, turning back to him, "To a corner of the sea that I can rule on my own. Maybe someday I can find a lover as good as the one you have," she said shaking her head as Sherlock nuzzled John, "You have fun Sherlock and you can bet you and I will cross paths again. Don't you forget me Sherlock," she said as she came back over to him and standing on tiptoes she kissed the Pirate King on the cheek. "See you Sherlock," Irene said waving her hand as she headed out of the bar.

John shook his head as Sherlock swiped his cheek from the woman's kiss, secretly happy that the other didn't care much for the woman's kisses. They walked back to the table now, that's when Jim stood, "I want to talk to you Sherlock. Alone."

At that John was a little shaken, he knew what the two had shared before and Jim having saved Sherlock…he looked to Sherlock who smiled at him reassuringly, "I won't stray. You have my word."

Nodding, John watched as Sherlock and Jim took their conversation out to the docks. Moran stood to go, following not far after Sherlock and Jim had left.

On the docks, there was the sound of the waves lapping against the sides of the ship. That along with the slight flapping sound of the canvas in the wind. Jim walked on ahead of Sherlock now, lost for words now that he had actually brought Sherlock out. He didn't know where to start.

"It's a nice night out isn't it?" Sherlock asked trying to fill in the silence. They hadn't been together and not fought since a long long time ago.

Jim laughed at that, shaking his head as he turned back to look at Sherlock, "You're still not good with words."

"Neither are you," Sherlock murmured.

"I want to tell you…when I left you back then…" Jim started as he swallowed the lump in his throat, "I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't like the fact that you were always the more…dominant one. Everyone always listened to you. They still do…"

"You just wanted to become a captain, didn't you?" Sherlock asked as he stopped beside Jim who stood leaning against the wooden beam on the pier.

"I just didn't like you being dominant Sherlock. I would much have preferred if you were like Moran. A follower," Jim murmured, "I missed you, you know? I wondered if leaving you was a bad idea. I thought what if you died back there. It would be all my fault."

"But I lived," Sherlock said as he looked up to the full moon, it's pale moonbeams shining down on the dark surface of the water.

"Yeah you did. You're strong," Jim murmured as he looked sideways at Sherlock. His heart clenched at the sight of Sherlock as the moon shone down on him, he was a masterpiece, the man was all he had ever wanted. Moran, he loved Moran but not as he loved Sherlock. Moran was too much of a yes man, he would follow every word of Jim's to the detail. He felt more like a servant, a bodyguard if anything. No, he couldn't love him now, Sherlock was John's lover.

"What?" Sherlock asked as he caught Jim looking at him, he knew that look, a look which Jim had given to him so long ago.

"Nothing," Jim said shaking his head. Here out on the docks with Sherlock, he knew where his heart was. "You better take care of yourself you know. Don't get yourself sick again. When John knew you had malaria he nearly died himself. He really loves you."

"Yes. John is…perfect," Sherlock nodded smiling at the thought of the doctor.

Sherlock was happy. At the mere thought of John he smiled. That was what true love was and Jim yearned for that so much. Maybe in time he could find that in Moran…maybe. "Well I should get going. The sea is mine for the conquering Pirate King!" Jim announced, "Just you wait. One day I will take over your title as Pirate King."

Sherlock broke into a smile, "You can try Jim. Just don't cross into my waters or I'll blast you right out of them," he said jokingly as he stood watching Jim turn and walk back down the way they had came. His back looked small, defeated and Sherlock just knew he had to put one thing straight, "Jim," he called, the other stopping in his tracks.

Jim was surprised when he felt Sherlock's lips press against his for a second, "Thank you," he heard Sherlock whisper as the Pirate King pulled away from him now.

"You're welcome," Jim whispered as he touched his lips. He could still feel the soft pressure of the fleeting kiss of Sherlock's. Just like that the man was gone and with it a part of him. But something in that kiss had felt a little off, Jim just couldn't put his finger on it.

From the shadows Moran appeared and Jim looked to the ex-militant. He was tall, intimidating, his blonde hair looked gold in the pale moonlight. His blue eyes were trained on him and the pink scar down the side of his face marred his rugged good looks.

"Can I?" Moran asked as he approached Jim.

Jim raised a brow as he looked up at the ex-millitan's request, "Can you?" he asked then he realized what Moran wanted and he blushed. Sebastian had never once asked, maybe that's why he never knew. Jim nodded it was only fair, after all that Moran had been through for him. He would treat this as a reward. Jim closed his eyes, feeling as Sebastian pulled him close, leaning down as he pressed his lips to his. Jim shuddered at the spark of electricity that ran through him. 'That…didn't happen when Sherlock…' he thought, trailing off as he looped his arms around Sebastian's neck, pressing up close to the man. Maybe the one he had been searching for all this time had been by his side all along and he didn't know.

As the kiss deepened Jim's body tingled with want for the man that was kissing him. It had to be him, the one he wanted, the one he loved had to be Sebastian Moran.

The next day, the crew of the Bel Ange had stocked up on their supplies and they were ready to sail on the seven seas once more. With the threat of the Company removed now the seas were pretty much governed by the Pirate King now. Who could punish any pirate who did wrong as he deemed fit. That made Sherlock's life all the more busy though he still always kept his nights for just John and him. That morning as Sherlock woke up beside a still sleeping John, he thanked whatever god that had been listening to his prayers all this while. He had everything he ever wanted. Kissing John on his cheek and pulling the sheets up to cover John, he slipped out of bed, pulled on some clothes before he headed on deck. He knew just whom he needed to talk to and that would be his brother, Mycroft Holmes.

He found Mycroft not far from the helm – where Lestrade was – instructing the crew to swab the decks and clean out the cannons. Sherlock hadn't talked to his brother since what had happened. He knew he owed Mycroft some sort of thanks, but his brother likewise owed him a sort of apology. He approached his older brother now, tapping him on the shoulder, "Mycroft…" he began clearly noting the his brother's shock when the other turned around to see him, "I need to talk with you."

Sherlock walked across the deck now headed for the bow. He knew some time through his malaria fit he had probably muttered some sort of mush to his brother. But now he need to say it sincerely, mustering his courage, he took a deep breath, "I forgive you for what you did to me," Sherlock said.

"I know you told me when you were sick and dying in bed. It sounded much better then."

There it was again, the irritating way in which Mycroft spoke, "I wanted to tell you sincerely now though and I wanted to thank you. For…changing," Sherlock said trying to resist the temptation to say something else.

Mycroft was a little taken aback that his little brother hadn't answered back otherwise, maybe he did change with the malaria having burned his unlikeable side of his brain away or something, he thought, "I'm sorry as well. For selling you out, I just…you know I thought survival of the fittest…"

Sherlock nodded, "Yeah. Looks like I'm still better at that. Pirate King. Captain of the ship," he said he couldn't resist rubbing that in his brother's face. Maybe that's what always happened between siblings at no matter what age. You could fight, you could squabble, you could betray one another and yet still forgive them and go back to the way things were, because you loved them. They were your blood kin and nothing could change that deep rooted bond.

"Sherlock!" Mycroft growled as the younger briskly walked away from him now. Mycroft followed suit breaking into a chase as Sherlock ran across the deck of the ship now.

"Lestrade! Please take care of your pet!" Sherlock called shoving Lestrade into Mycroft's path just as Lestrade came down from the helm after finishing his duty.

Mycroft crashed head on into Lestrade, the two tumbling to the floor in a mess of limbs now. Lestrade smirked up at the other, locking his hands around Mycroft's waist and not letting the other go.

From the crow's nest Donovan called down to the deck, "Captain! I've spotted his ship on our waters again! Captain! It's Jim! Do we give chase?" she yelled down to the deck.

At the same moment, the bell for breakfast was rung by Molly, signaling that Mrs. Hudson was done with the cooking and that they could all have their share down in the galley.

Just then, Sherlock, caught John coming out of his cabin, he smirked, immediately barreling right into John and pushing him back into his cabin, "You're not going anywhere John. I'm going to have you for breakfast," Sherlock whispered as John shook his head, protesting.

"You just had me last night Sherlock!" John giggled as Sherlock began to lick the shell of his ear, gently nibbling on it as he kicked the door shut, leading him back past the beaded curtain and falling back into the bed once more.

"I'll never get enough of you, ever," Sherlock whispered, kissing John once more.

Outside the captain's cabin, the usual chaos of a pirate ship continued as the world continued to spin ever forward, bringing on further challenges for the pirates of the Bel Ange.


AN: Hey guys so this is the end of the story! I do hope that you guys enjoy it. Please do leave me a comment to let me know if you liked it and also to let me know about anything else (like if you want to see a sequel or something, you can leave me some ideas). Also, i've got a pol running on my profile page so you guys should check it out and VOTE on which pairings you would like to see me write more about! I hope you enjoyed the journey of Pirates of Baker Street, it was really fun for me to write and i'll see you soon in some other story of mine that you decide to read! :)