Title: Winter Rain
Chapters: 2/2
Pairing: TezukaxFuji, hint ShiraishixFuji
Warning: OOC-ness!


Tezuka felt like exploding from the tension building up in his heart and his mind. He had never felt so angry, frustrated, perturbed, annoyed, and jealous. Wait.

Jealous? He snorted. There was no way he was jealous. He had everything he needed, wanted, and desired. Why would he need to feel jealous? That thought made him feel even more frustrated.

But you are jealous. A voice in his head said.

"I'm not jealous." Tezuka rebuked. "I'm not."

Who are you trying to kid, Kunimitsu? Just accept the fact that you are. Instead of trying to deny your feelings for him, why don't you just follow your heart?

Tezuka became startled, realizing that he was talking to himself or responding to an unknown voice. "Who's there?" He looked around the room, but saw no one. "I must be crazy for hearing voices."

No. You're an idiot! I'm your conscience. The day you listen to me is the day you'll be happy.

"This is illogical." He told himself repeatedly like a mantra. "This doesn't make sense."

Logic and what not! That doesn't apply when you're in love, baka!

"I'm not in love." Tezuka frowned. Okay, maybe he was crazy for maybe even continue this one sided conversation with himself.

I say you are. All your subconscious thoughts and feelings are no secret to me, but yourself. It is because that you are a stubborn headed mule that you cannot accept and believe in the most obvious thing called love.

"Shut up."

Get real Kunimitsu. You're old enough to make sane decisions. This is no different from those you made in the past. He's going to be stolen away by that bible addict if you don't make up your mind soon!

"Kunimitsu!" His eyes opened at the voice of his mother. He didn't know that they were closed.

"Did I fall asleep?" He shook his head to clear his mind, but heard nothing.


Seeing Tezuka again made his emotions jumbled up again! Fuji was proud of himself for not being emotional earlier. He did a great job convincing his brother that he was okay, that he had forgotten about that one-sided feeling he had for Tezuka.

He was hurt that Tezuka ignored him, that Tezuka didn't even spare a glimpse or an acknowledgment for him.

"Did I make him hate me so much that he wouldn't look at me?" He sighed heavily. "He must've hated me a lot for being a nuisance to him."

"But why can't I keep him out of my head? Especially my heart? I don't like this feeling at all. First it made me happy, now it makes me sad." Fuji growled irritatingly before plopping down on the bed and pulled the cover up. "Argh! Thoughts, please, stop thinking!"


"Seems like our Yuuta's back to normal." Eiji cocked his head to the side as he stood next to Inui, who was as usual collecting data. They had finished their practice match earlier than the rest.

"He is. Otherwise, the game would've ended before ours." Inui huffed, something akin to him feeling unsatisfied. "I don't understand. What triggers him to unleash his potential?"

Eiji snickered. "What's there not to understand? It's simple. A girl probably asked Tezuka to be her date for the winter ball, but Yuuta happened to like her, so he confronted Tezuka about it. They fought. Yuuta got angry because he couldn't get the girl, so the only way to release his anger is by going all out. End of story."

Inui stared deadpanned at Eiji. "As if that'd really happen. One, Tezuka is not interested in dating and girls. Two, didn't you see Tezuka's reaction yesterday when we bumped into Fuji-kun's brother and Shiraishi?" He opened his notebook and flipped some pages. "Hmm…I need more data."

Eiji became apprehensive before his eyes lit up. A light bulb lit overhead. "Ah! Replace the girl in my story with Yuuta's brother, then it all makes sense."

Inui glanced incredulously at the acrobatic player. "Are you suggesting incest?"

"No! You silly! I thought you're the smarting one out of us, why are you so not smart?"

Inui frowned, obviously feeling offended. "You want some juice?" He threatened.

Eiji shrieked and backed up. "No thanks!" He quickly refused.

"Then what were you suggesting?"

"Brother complex?"

"Hmmm…that theory makes a lot of sense." Inui rubbed his chin as he thought deeply. "But I still need more data to increase the accuracy of my hypothesis."

Eiji sighed, shaking his head. "Using mathematical and scientific analytical theories won't help you solve this enigma."

Inui's eyeglasses flashed. "Did you just say that?" It surprised him that Eiji could possibly make himself sounded pass his usual intelligent level.

Eiji stared.

"+1 to your IQ." Inui scribbled in his notebook as he walked away.

Yuuta came home to a quiet house. "Gramps?" He shouted out. "Aniki?" A moment later, his grandparents emerged from their room.

"Oh you're home." His grandma said.

"I thought no one's home."

"Well, Syusuke isn't. Did he tell you that he had a date with Shiraishi-kun?"

"What?" Yuuta's eyes widened, feeling slightly offended that Fuji didn't share that bit with him. "He didn't."

"I didn't know about it until he told me at lunch today. Turns out, they talked and planned it yesterday."


"Shiraishi-kun seems like a nice boy, so I'm not too worried about letting Syusuke go out. He'll take care of our Syusuke well."

Yuuta absentmindedly nodded. He betters.


Shiraishi took him to see a newly released movie Les Miserables, a book he previously read for his class, at the theater. As they were walking down the street to a café near his home, they passed by a bookstore. With the urging on Fuji's side, they came into the store.

"Do you like reading?" Shiraishi asked as he followed Fuji down the isle of books from behind.

Fuji turned his head and threw Shiraishi a wide smile. "Not just like, I love it. I come here every week when new books come out."

"I supposed you have a library of your own at home?"

Fuji nodded and continued over to the isle by the register.

"Wouldn't it be more convenient for you to get an ebook? That way, you don't need to come here so often."

This time, Fuji stopped and spun around. "I like holding the actual book in my hand and physically flipping the pages. And the scent that you smell from opening a new book is really refreshing."

Shiraishi smiled fondly. "You're an admirable person, do you know that?"

Fuji frowned and pouted, eyes averted away as if thinking about something. "There's nothing admirable about that. I'm just really passionate for reading."

Shiraishi laughed. "Passionate it is then. Now what's the title of the book you're searching for?"

"Le Petite Prince."

The French pronunciation was so fluent that Shiraishi had to strain his ears to pick up the words. He knew a little French, just enough to get around town if he had to use it. "The Little Prince?"

Fuji nodded.

"Your pronunciation is perfect. Do you speak French as well?"

"Oui!" Fuji laughed and they stopped in front of the said book. "My father is half French. They met and got married in Paris. Every one of us was born in France for the first few years of our lives before moving here to live with my grandparents, so it's about right to say that French is my first language."

Shiraishi watched Fuji with wonder. "You surprised me so much today."

Fuji giggled as he took the book off the shelf. "This book is going into my collection. I've read it twice, once in French and once in Japanese. You should give it a try. It's a very good read." He picked up the same novel in Japanese and handed over to Shiraishi, who took it readily.

"I must then, since it's recommended by you."

Fuji then led them back to the other side of the bookstore, where new books were displayed. He walked excitedly over to the only one left of the book that he wanted. "Hurry before it gets stolen away." He subconsciously took Shiraishi's hand and pulled the taller one along in haste.

Shiraishi could only laugh and made sure not running into anyone or anything. As Fuji reached for the book, he saw it got taken away by another hand right in front of him. When he turned his head, he wasn't ready to see Tezuka holding the book that he wanted.

They stared at each other for a long while before Shiraishi broke the silence. "Is that the book that you wanted?"

Fuji nodded weakly and Tezuka's eyes traveled to the book in his hand. "It's the last one." Fuji mumbled, looking sadly at the book.

"Then you take it." Tezuka held out the book to Fuji, who responded with a gasp and widened eyes. He hurriedly shook his hands in a form of rejection.

"No, it's alright! You take it."

Tezuka shook his head. "I'm not in a hurry to read it."

Fuji pushed the book into Tezuka's chest. "Me too. I'll buy it next week when new shipments come in. Besides, this place is probably closer to my house than yours, so it's more convenient for me."

Tezuka had the urge to correct Fuji because his house was actually closer since Fuji didn't know where he lived. Instead, he settled with a nod.

"It's nice seeing you again." Smiling was something he did naturally, but suddenly he found it difficult to smile truthfully in front of Tezuka. All he felt was the sadness of Tezuka's rejection. He hoped giving up that book would somehow make Tezuka like him a bit better.

"Let's go?" Fuji turned to Shiraishi and both headed to the cashier, leaving Tezuka to watch their backs intently, not knowing that his knuckles turned white from gripping onto the book.

"Please let me pay." Fuji took the book out of Shiraishi's hand and shoved it to the cashier. "Consider it as my gift to you." Shiraishi couldn't say no to that smile and that face even if he wanted to.

"Thank you." Shiraishi picked the book up from the counter after it was paid and lightly and plyfully tapped Fuji's head with it.

2 hours later, Shiraishi walked him back home, not forgetting to give him a hug before leaving.

"What was that?"

Fuji jumped and turned around to see Yuuta standing at the bottom of the stairs, arms crossed. "You scared me! And what was what?" His heart raced and he tried to calm it down with biofeedback, something he learned from his online class.

Yuuta returned with a blank face. He knew his brother knew what he meant. Fuji might look young and innocent, as if his mind was always filled with flowers and cute forest animals, but he was far more intelligent than Yuuta could ever be. That, though, could be his brother's downfall because sometimes geniuses overanalyze and miss the small details that matter most.

"Oh, you mean the hug?" Fuji asked as if it wasn't something interesting, gliding up the stairs in the process.

"Yes, the hug. Are you guys dating?"

Fuji gasped and immediately covered Yuuta's mouth with his hand. He didn't think Yuuta would be so straightforward. "Yuuta! Don't say that."

Yuuta removed the hand easily. "Why not? I'm just asking if you are."

Fuji frowned. "We're not." He crossed his arms, making himself look like a stubborn child. "I only like him as a friend."

Yuuta suddenly laughed and rubbed Fuji's head. "Why are you so serious? It's merely a harmless question. I don't mind if you are though. Shiraishi-san is a good person."

Fuji shook his head. "That can't happen."

Yuuta raised a curious eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because!" Fuji huffed. "I already told you why! Ugh!" He took a turn and ran up the stairs.

Yuuta stood at his spot, watching Fuji running from the topic. "It's because of buchou, isn't it?" He whispered to himself.

Later on that night, the phone rang in their home. It was their parents and older sister informing of a vacation to Japan.

On Friday, their grandpa went to pick up the family while Fuji and his grandma went to the market and prepare the house for their arrival. With Fuji as a brother, Yuuta didn't need to worry about anything but school and tennis practice; he trusted his brother to take care of everything.

Yuuta could hear his mother's voice even before he came through the gate, and she sounded excited.

At the click of the door, it was flung opened by his mother, who pulled him into a bear hug. "As much as I missed you, you're cutting off my *cough* oxygen." His voice went from clear to husky.

"Sorry baby. I just missed you so much!" Yoshiko squealed and pinched his cheeks. "You're so big and tall now."

"Yeah, thanks to Aniki." He mumbled and threw a glance over at the kitchen's doorway ,where most noise came from. "Can't stop eating."

Yoshiko laughed and pulled him to join the others in the kitchen. "I take it that I made a right decision to let you leave with Syusuke."

"Oh Yuuta! You're home!" His dad, Kensuke, walked over and gave him a manly hug that came with pats on the back. It'd have hurt if his muscles weren't tone at that particular area.

"Dad. Your accent is still horrible." Yuuta said, though didn't mean anything bad.

Kensuke merely laughed in that deep and loud voice that his mother fell in love with. "Well son. Been a while."

"Maa, this house hasn't been so loud since the last time we all got together. This is going to be so wonderful." Fuji clasped his hands with merry. He was attending the oven.

"Of course, my angel!" Yoshiko cheered while placing a hand behind Yuuta's back. She gave him a side glance smile.

"Our little Syusuke is still little and cute while our Yuuta is big and mean looking." Kensuke joked, patting Fuji's head gently and affectionately while receiving a glare from his youngest son.

"You do realize that you're practically saying that to yourself, cuz we look almost exactly alike." Yuuta shot back, eyes smirking.

"Haha! That's actually a compliment. If you weren't then how could I trust you to take care of Syusuke?"

Yuuta chuckled. "True."

"Hmph! I don't need to be taken care of. I'm the one that's been taking care of Yuuta this whole time." Fuji grumbled, glaring, but not quite at his father. Those eyes were too cute to be a glare.

"Boys, what's going on in here?" Their grandma walked in at that time with Yumiko and their grandpa in tow. "It's so noisy."

Yumiko came over to greet and hug Yuuta.

"Is dinner ready? This old man is starving." Their grandpa announced. He was already in the kitchen lifting up lids from the pots to check the progress.

"Grandpa! You've got to wait a little more." Fuji whined and ran over to save the steam from escaping the pot.

"You've been busy in the kitchen even before they came and you're still cooking, my little cherub. Is there really nothing I can eat now?"

Fuji laughed softly. "Of course grandpa! Let me get sushi for you." He walked over to a cabinet to get a plate to put the different variety of sushi on. "Oh no!"

That startled the whole house. "What's wrong?" Yoshiko was the first by his side, thinking that he might have cut himself.

"No! I forgot to buy wasabi." His eyes drooped ruefully.

A sigh of relief left everyone's breath. In that moment, his grandpa laughed, breaking the silence. "Not a problem. I can do without wasabi."

But Fuji wouldn't have it that way. "No. Sushi wouldn't taste right without wasabi." He said stubbornly with steel resolute that meant nothing could sway him otherwise. Besides, his life wouldn't be complete without wasabi. "I'm going to run to the store really quick."

He ran out of the room too quickly that no one could say anything. His mother ran after him. "Syusuke! I'll drive you there."

Fuji stopped at the door and turned around. He flashed her a smile. "You don't need to. It's only a few blocks away. I'll be quick."

Yoshiko shook her head. "It's dark and cold outside right now. You have a hard time breathing when it's too cold."

"Then I won't run. It'll be fine if I just walk right? Besides, my body's stronger now than before. I'll be alright." Fuji insisted.


"Don't you trust me?"

Yoshi became speechless. It took her a moment to reply. She nodded. "Okay. Come back safely."

Fuji smiled and nodded thankfully. He grabbed his jacket from the hanger on the wall and left quickly.

Yoshiko stood at the porch even after Fuji was out of sight. Her eyes filled with worries. A second later, her husband came out and hugged her from behind. "Our little Syusuke's grown up. He's bound to make decisions for himself now that he's older, so you've got to trust him."

Yoshiko nodded with hesitancy. She agreed with him, but her mother's instinct was too strong to overcome.


Fuji ran for a block and knew he couldn't run anymore, so he slowed down to a walk to catch his breath. Running even that sort distance was a feat for him. It was another 5 minutes that he reached the store. By that time, the sky suddenly flashed. He glanced up at the sky, hoping it wouldn't rain until he got home because he didn't bring an umbrella.

He came in and came out quickly with a tube of wasabi on hand. The wind had picked up, so he pulled the zipper all the way up and pulled the hood on. He ran across one block and slowed down to a walk. The neighborhood in this area was quiet. There was no one on the street, and the houses were lighted on the inside.

He didn't make it through half of the neighborhood that drops of rain began to fall. It was misting initially, then drizzling. He didn't have time to think, so he ran over to the first house with a place of refuge to hide from the rain. "Aww~ Now mom's going to be worried." Not that she didn't to start with.

Shivering from the passing wind, he embraced himself, pulling the jacket closer to his body as he lowered on the floor, squatting. "I wish it'd stop soon."


Tezuka was at the library near home, trying to get some study in and project done when he saw lightning outside, so he gathered his belonging and left for home. The weather could worsen if he stayed longer, and it was getting late. When he left the building, it started to rain. He was wondering how he was going to get home safe and sound without becoming wet. Then, a thought came to mind, and he remembered the blue umbrella that he had in his backpack and been carrying it around. Originally, he planned to return it to its rightful owner days ago, but couldn't muster up his courage to face the person that he hurt and made cry.

Surprisingly, the same umbrella had saved him once again from the winter rain. As he walked back to his home in a slow steady pace, his mind went back to that day he met Fuji and Shiraishi at the book store. It had been a coincident that both were out to buy the same book, but that wasn't the reason that that day's memory kept lingering around. It made his blood boiled with an unknown rage when he saw how close and friendly Shiraishi was acting towards someone he had just met. Not only that, the smile that he acquainted with memory of Fuji was directed at the Shitenhouji captain. It wasn't just fair. But he had no one to blame but himself.

Don't say I told you so. You let him get away and now you're sulking like a love-sick fool.

Tezuka sighed. You're right, he thought.

Of course I'm right. Because of your stubborn mule-headed resolve, I've to suffer this heartbreak and loneliness with you!

Tezuka frowned and was about to rebuke to his own thought when he saw a small figure crouching in front of the gate of his house. Somehow, that image brought a sense of déjà vu in him. He slowly walked over.


Fuji was humming to keep himself occupied while waiting when suddenly darkness, overshadowed him. He looked up and couldn't believe who he saw. His eyes widened, showing the other the surprise in his bright blue eyes despite the gray sky and chilling weather. "Te-Tezuka-san."

Tezuka too, had his eyes widened. If Inui was there, he would've said 'ii data' and scribbled in that notebook like a mad scientist. He blinked and blinked before it dawned on him that he was indeed looking at the person responsible for the misery he felt these past few days. He wanted to say a lot to Fuji, but now that the other was here, he became speechless.

Fuji stood up quickly, still didn't process that Tezuka was using his blue umbrella because all he saw was the other's face. "What-What are you doing here?"

Tezuka's visage came back to his normal stoic self. "It's where I live." He flicked his gaze to the house behind Fuji.

"Oh!" A blush came onto Fuji's cheeks. He felt embarrassed for asking that question. "I'm sorry." He stepped away from his refuge, when Tezuka swiftly reached out to his wrist.

"Fuji-san." The umbrella was instantly over his head.

Fuji looked up. "Is that my umbrella?"

Tezuka felt embarrassed that he was caught. "I meant to return it sooner, but…"He drifted off in silence, leaving Fuji to stand there confused.

"But?" Fuji urged.

Just tell him that you miss him, you fool!

Tezuka wanted to scold his conscience to stop invading his mind, but one look at the expectant gaze of Fuji's made him forget. "I'm sorry."

The corners of Fuji's mouth suddenly drooped, and Tezuka knew that that wasn't what Fuji wanted to hear. "It's fine. We have plenty of umbrellas at home."

"But uhm…" Fuji continued, albeit shyly.

Tezuka gave Fuji full attention and noticed an air of discomfiture shown around him.

"My wrist…"

Heat rushed to Tezuka's face and he knew the blush was evident because Fuji was now smiling. He immediately let go of Fuji's wrist at lightning speed

"Now that you're home, I suppose you don't need it more than I do, so uhm..can I have it back?"

At Tezuka's nod, Fuji reached up to hold the handle that Tezuka released once he had it in his hand. However, Tezuka's hand quickly covered his, startling him. He quickly pulled his hand away as if being burnt, and Tezuka once again had the umbrella.

"I'll walk you home." Tezuka said quickly. The firmness in his voice made Fuji complied without questions.

Once they started walking slowly down the sidewalk, the awkwardness got better. "Are you…" Tezuka began with great hesitancy. "and Shiraishi together?"

Fuji became alarmed at the assumption. "No! We're not…we're just…but why does everything think so?"

"Oh." Tezuka thinned his lips, eyes ahead.

"He and I are not like that, but he's a really good friend. He's funny, charming, and smart…a very interesting person to hang out with."

Hearing Fuji speaking fondly of his supposed love rival was unpleasant and unnerving. Not a good feeling.

"I'm happy when I'm with him. He makes me happy."

Tezuka nodded absentmindedly. "How about me?"

"Eh?" Fuji glanced sideway, eyes blinked in confusion.

"What do you think of me?" Tezuka cleared his throat. "How do I make you feel?"

Fuji fidgeted with his hands and felt nervous. "I uhm…" He stuttered.

"Is it the same with Shiraishi as it is with me?" Even though Tezuka asked that question, he wished he didn't because he dreaded to hear the answer.

Fuji silently shook his head, hair flying side to side, making Tezuka to suddenly feel itchy to touch those strands. "It's different. It's…Uhm, can I really say it? You're not going to be upset?"

Tezuka blinked and raised his eyes in confusion. "Why do you think I'd be?"

"Last time I told you how I felt, you were mad and didn't like it. I thought you hated me for saying those things. It made you feel uncomfortable didn't it?"

Tezuka's eyes softened as they came to a stop in front of Fuji's house. The walk was too short. "Uncomfortable, maybe, but I wasn't mad, and I never hated you. Those things that I said, it was because I was angry at myself. I was confused about how I felt."

"So…you don't hate me?" Fuji asked, now feeling more hopeful and lighter from a burden he kept in his heart that shouldn't have existed initially.

Tezuka shook his head. "It was the opposite actually." He took a deep breath. Now or never, he told himself. "I like you." After moment, he added. "Do you still feel the same as when we first met?"

A sincere smile appeared on Fuji's face. The same familiar warmth that he harbored whenever he thought about Tezuka before suddenly came back stronger than it did before. "It never went away. Even if it's just seeing you for a second makes my day happier, and your presence make me feel safe. Shiraishi may be all that I said, but he doesn't make my heart beat fast or give me the same warmth that you do."

Tezuka let a rare smile appear on his face.

"How about you?" Fuji asked meekly.

Tezuka turned to stand face to face. "There was not a single moment that I couldn't stop thinking about you." He said in all seriousness as he dared himself to take Fuji's hand into his. "Please give me another chance."

Like the rain, tears began to spill out of Fuji's eyes. He took his hand back in attempt to stop the tears from flowing. "You're *hic* a meanie."

Tezuka's eyes softened. He stepped closer and took Fuji's hands away to wipe the tears that he had caused to flow. "I'm sorry. It seems like all I do is making you cry."

At that Fuji cried harder, and he pounded Tezuka's chest with his fists. "You're an idiot." Despite the tears, he let out a small smile. "I'm crying because I'm happy."

Tezuka caught one of his hands, stopping him from the pounding. "You mean it?"

Fuji nodded shyly.

Happiness swell in both of their hearts as Tezuka closed their distance to bring the little one into a hug.

Unknown to them, three pairs of eyes were watching them, each held a different emotion. One of curiosity. One of sternness. And one of happiness. Not long after, all eyes widened at the sight of Tezuka swooping down to put a kiss on Fuji's lips.

After Tezuka had gone home, Fuji entered the house to see Yuuta standing at the foyer with arms cross and unblinking sternness eyes. A moment later, the door opened and Yumiko came in.

"Did you just get home from somewhere?" Fuji asked, obviously shocked by his sister's entrance.

Yumiko smiled serenely. "No. I've been inside the car, was told to pick you up because of the rain."

Fuji gasped. "Did you…" He began to stutter.

Yumiko nodded but didn't say anything. Her smile was the only indication that confirmed his suspicion. "Hurry to the kitchen. Everyone's hungry."

Yuuta wordlessly turned and followed Yumiko, leaving Fuji with a red face to stand there by himself.

Thankfully, dinner ended without awkwardness between the siblings. Yumiko offered to wash the dishes while everyone rested after the big meal. Yuuta took the time to pull Fuji into his room.

"I have something for you."

Fuji cocked his head to the side, waiting in silence.

Yuuta picked up his book bag and took out something wrapped in a brown paper bag. He handed it over to Fuji.

"What is it?"

Yuuta shrugged, leaning against the table. "Buchou told me to give it to you." To Fuji's surprise, Yuuta didn't sound anything negative.

Lifting up the tape carefully, he un-wrapped the object and saw the same book he wanted to buy now on his hand. It looked well-kept and like it hadn't been opened. "Tezuka-san told you to give this to me?" He repeated what Yuuta said earlier.

Yuuta nodded wordlessly. There was a moment of silence as Fuji turned and scrutinized the book. "I thought he wanted it." He murmured mostly to himself.

"Well, now he wanted you to have it. Aniki."

Fuji looked up at his brother.

"What's going on between you and buchou?"

Fuji thought back about the kiss earlier and blushed, now feeling more embarrassed under Yuuta's scrutinizing gaze.

"I thought he didn't return your feelings. What changed?"

Fuji smiled wistfully. "He was confused." Then, his smile brightened up. "But he finally had it figured out."

Yuuta raised an eyebrow. "I take it that you guys are…together?" The way he said the last word after a quick after thought sounded somewhat displeased, but Fuji nodded with enthusiasm. Internally, Yuuta winced. He hoped Tezuka wouldn't mess up anymore.


Shiraishi had been in deep thought after witnessing the interaction between his object of admiration and Seigaku's captain. He didn't need to ask or dig for information to know that Fuji was besotted while Tezuka was jealous, but still there was one thing that he couldn't understand.

Why were they the way they were? It was obvious to see the longing, yet discomfort, from both. It was like as if they were trying very hard to avoid each other but somehow always ended up seeing each other. Like the first time when he met Fuji, he already sensed something odd in Tezuka's demeanor when he left the scene quicker than anyone could say a word.

Nevertheless, he knew one thing for sure: he didn't have a chance with Fuji. At all. Zilch.

If only they had met first.


Another week came, and it was another week that Inui felt thrown off balance in his mind. One moment Yuuta and Tezuka were at odds with each other, the next moment they acted as if nothing happened. Then, they became close. What in the world could be happening between these two?

Yuuta was standing next to Tezuka, whispering something short and neutral before walking into the court where Echizen was waiting.

Inui saw how Tezuka's straightened up while his arms went stiff. He decided to start digging by first approaching Tezuka when he was obviously, in Inui's eyes at least, distracted by whatever Yuuta said.

"Fuji's agility and hit force improved by 20% within the last two week. Amazing statistic, don't you think so?" Inui said casually with gaze directed at Yuuta.

Tezuka threw a suspicious side glance at the data man. "I see the same with Echizen."

"Not quite exact. Echizen's progress has been on a stable rise ever since he joined the club. He improves at the rate of .5% every day. However, Fuji showed a spike in his potential just within a week. Proves that he can play above satisfactory level, but his performance has a trigger."

Tezuka's eyes glazed over as he employed in deep thought about what Inui said, which was true.

"I haven't been able to figure out what the trigger is though. Has to be something outside of tennis." Inui continued. "Would you happen to know?"

Tezuka remained silent.

"What did he tell you earlier?"

Tezuka's silence persisted.

"Can you stay an hour after practice tomorrow? We need to discuss our line up for the match with St. Rudolph."


Inui's eyes raised in curiosity. "Why not?"

Tezuka glanced at Inui with evidence of annoyance. "I've got plan."

"With Fuji?" Inui decided to prod further to test Tezuka's limit.

Instead of responding to Inui's prodding, Tezuka changed the subject. "Let's play a set." Inui couldn't refuse even if he wanted to.

The next day, Inui stayed until Tezuka left, which was at the same time as when Yuuta left. Inui's first suspicion was confirmed: Tezuka's plan had something to do with Yuuta.

Tezuka and Yuuta spent most time in silence as they walked together with Inui trailing inconspicuously behind.


Inui smiled creepily. Finally. About time they start talking.

"As long as you don't do anything wrong, then you needn't to worry too much. If anything, you just need to tread carefully in front of Yumiko-neesan."

"Don't you hate me?"

Inui's curiosity turned into confused. Whoah, did I just hear right? Fuji hates Tezuka?

"I might, but you make him happy."

Him?! Now Inui was lost. Who are they talking about?

"Just know that it'd be a nightmare for you if you take the wrong turn."

Inui watched Tezuka following Yuuta into a house before leaving for his own home.


Fuji was the first to welcome and approach him when he stepped through the door. Tezuka had been nervous to meet the Fuji family, yet excited to see the environment that Fuji lived in. Apparently, Fuji's family found out about him and their beloved son, thus requesting Tezuka to come over. Yuuta had been the one to deliver the message.

Fuji latched onto his arm and dragged him into the living room. "I'm glad you could make it. My family looks forward to meeting you."

Tezuka grunted and let himself be led. He could hear a sigh of irritation from Yuuta, who was behind them. "Is it necessary to be so touchy? Tsk. Baka Aniki." He mumbled.

A middle age couple was sitting on a bench together in front of a piano looking through a book of musical composition while on older couple sat side by side on the sofa, facing the piano. Face back to them was a woman, whom Tezuka couldn't see.

"Ah! Our guest is here." The middle age woman stood up as everyone's eyes turned to look at them. The woman with her back facing them turned slowly around, shocking Tezuka with how similar she looked to Fuji.

They all seemed very friendly and surprised to see him. The adults were pleased with Tezuka's physical aspect on first impression. However, like Yuuta warned, the challenge lied in the youngest female in the room. She left no hint to pick up of how she felt.

Tezuka bowed and greeted each one of them.

"My, Tezuka-kun. You're a handsome boy." Yoshiko commented after they all sat down on the sofa. Tea and assorted Japanese sweets were displayed on the coffee table.

Tezuka looked down and blushed. He wasn't one to love compliments. "Thank you."

"Yuuta told us that you're the tennis club captain and the student body president."

Tezuka nodded.

Yoshiko smiled motherly. "I can see that you're a very accomplished and well-disciplined individual. You're still young, yet are able to manage many groups and activities. It's very admirable."

Tezuka smiled. He felt a bit uncomfortable under so many Fuji gazes.

After a couple more exchanges, the man of the household finally spoke up, surprising Tezuka with his accent. "I think Tezuka-kun really suits the saying 'the good and the wise lead quiet lives. Don't you think so, anita?"

Yoshiko laughed gently and nodded in agreement. "That's also a good thing because our Syusuke likes to talk a lot. No one needs to compete for talk time."

Fuji whined. "Mom!"

"Our little cherub is like a baby. Eager to speak, yet there is little to say."


The family laughed.

Now, he only needed to exchange some words with Yumiko because she hadn't spoken a word sans the greeting. The opportunity came when it was time for him to leave. Yumiko volunteered to see him out the door along with Fuji.

"It's too cold for you to be out here, Syusuke, unless you want to get sick." Yumiko told her brother in a gentle yet firm tone.

Fuji pouted, but he had to listen to her. "But-"

"Don't worry about Tezuka-kun. I'll see him out properly for you." A flash of mischievousness flashed through her eyes before closing them in a smile.

"Okay." Fuji hastily wrapped his arms around Tezuka's waist and buried his face into Tezuka's chest. "Walk back safely. Thank you again for coming today. It means a lot to me." He looked up to award Tezuka with a winning smile.

The sight made him momentarily forget Yumiko's presence, so he bravely swooped down to place a chaste kiss on Fuji's lips.

That surprised Fuji. He hit Tezuka's chest lightly. "Yumiko-neesan's here!" He blushed and quickly ran into the house, leaving Tezuka to stand awkwardly in front of Yumiko.

"I hope you enjoyed tonight." The first thing Yumiko said was fairly neutral, Tezuka thought. "Everyone thinks kindly of you. And that includes me too in case you're having doubts."

Tezuka's mind freaked. How did she know? It was as if Yumiko could read her mind as she gave him a knowing smile.

"I'm actually glad that it's you Syusuke chose. I wouldn't wish it any other way." She paused, going into a pondering thought. "…But that doesn't mean I approve entirely. Syusuke's a very precious person to us, if you hurt him again-"

"I won't." Tezuka responded haphazardly, scaring himself for cutting off Yumiko rudely.

Yumiko's eyes rose and a smirk came onto her face. "Let's hope you won't need to find out."

Tezuka quickly nodded.

"Please take care of our Syusuke." Yumiko gave him a slight incline of her head. "Walk home safely. Good night."

Tezuka was left stunned at the respect Yumiko gave him. His eyes traveled back to the house for the last time before walking away with a satisfying mind and heart.




"Oi Oishi! Who's that with Ryuzaki-chan?" Eiji was leisurely leaning on Oishi as they waited for everyone to finish changing to uniform for tennis practice.

Eyes squinted and mind concentrated, Oishi tried to make a clearer image. "Don't know. He looks familiar."

Once the duo came closer, Oishi, Eiji, Kawamura, Kaido, and the rest of the club members' eyes widened while Yuuta and Echizen looked indifferent and Inui confused.

"Who's that?" Kachiro Kato asked loudly, finger pointed.

Satoshi Horio had a dreamy look on his face. "I don't know, must be an angel sent to me from heaven."

Kachiro gave Satoshi a side glance and grimaced. "Eww~ you're drooling!"

"That's…" Kawamura and Echizen began at the same time.

"Tezuka's boyfriend." Kawamura said silently.

"Fuji's brother." Echizen ended lamely.

Apparently, Kawamura dropped a bomb without realizing it himself. The whole club went into an uproar, including the regulars.

Yuuta glowered.

"What's going on out here?" The door of the tennis locker room slammed opened, rattling the poor door as Tezuka stepped out with eyes with an intent to assign infinite numbers of laps.

All club members eyes turned at Tezuka's presence. "Buchou!" Everyone shouted at once with mix horror and shock.


Tezuka's eyes widened, recognizing the voice even before Fuji's face came into view. Fuji had taken the time of Tezuka's slow response to run over and latch himself on the captain. "I found you!" He laughed merrily.

"What's wrong with Fuji?" Oishi asked offhandedly after tearing his eyes off the couple and now observing Yuuta, who looked like he needed to cream someone on the court quick.

Yuuta was glowering with veins popping on his head.

Eiji laughed, confusing others around him. "I bet it's brother complex."

Yuuta whipped his head to Eiji with a menacing glare. "What complex?!"

"Ah." Inui finally understood. "So that's how it is." For a moment, he scribbled furiously in his notebook, often looking up at the happy couple and Yuuta. "Hmm. Tezuka blushing 2 times more than usual. Fuji's aniki, Tezuka's weakness." His data collection was complete…for now.


AN: A collective thanks to abbyjc, I Love Fuji, fujiyuki, Got2be x Got2LuvU, reinbowbox, supremekikay241, val1794 for taking time to drop a review. It shows that you're interested. HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone. I hope you all spent a wonderful time with your family and loved ones and I wished you all success, happiness, and health!