Epilogue 6 years later:

It was the middle of May in England and the sun decided to make an appearance that day. Many people in formal wear arrived at a lakeside castle.

Linda and Lawrence and Mr. & Mrs. Saunders were in one of the large drawing rooms perusing the itinerary Candace had drawn up. 2-3pm Ceremony. 3-5 Photography. 6-8 Dinner. 8-? Dance. "She's even got all the first dances marked." Vivian was fretting about going between the drawing room and Great Hall. Friends and family were being seated in the Great Hall.

In the sitting room off the drawing room there was a young redheaded man getting ready. Buford looked uncomfortable in a full tuxedo. "Why now and why here dinnerbell?" Phineas looked at his friends "It was her idea, she got to talking with her friends and they decided now or never. She even made me call Ferb and Alison." Baljeet was fixing his tie "I never completely got the hang of putting this together."

On the other side of the sitting room, in the library, a tall green haired young man was getting ready. "So, Ferb, I guess today is the day?" Jeremy said while adjusting his jacket. He was wearing the green and blue kilt of the Johnson clan. The younger man, wearing the green and blue kilt of the Fletcher clan, nodded his head. "Today is the day. Am I supposed to be nervous about this?" The blond man rubbed the back of his neck "I don't know, Candace and I are getting married this fall. You're the first one to take the plunge, so to speak." "I hope I can live up to Alison's expectations." The groom commented. "You'll exceed her expectations." The best man reassured.

In two adjacent bedrooms on the other side of the Great Hall, two young women were getting ready.

"Thank you so much Candace, this really means a lot to me." The brunette smiled. "I'm so happy for you." Candace replied while adjusting the back of the corset of Alison's wedding dress. "This dress is so beautiful, elegant, sexy and…Ferb is going to abscond with you right after the ceremony, if he even waits that long." She finished. Alison turned around and gave her soon to be sister-in-law a hug. "You were able to accommodate Isabella into today?" The redhead frowned. "I did my best. I've been helping you plan this out for the past two years, then six weeks before your day Ferb gets a call from Phineas asking if he and Isabella can make it tandem." Alison looked at her maid of honor. "I think Ferb almost had a heart attack at the suggestion. In a matter of hours he undid ten months work on a rebuild." The bride poured two glasses and handed one to Candace "To peace in the family."

In the other bedroom, Isabella was trying desperately to get into her wedding dress. "Hold still." Gretchen commanded. "You've put on a few pounds since your last fitting." The raven-haired woman was trying desperately to adjust the front of her dress. "It's a little snug around my…" The shorter woman smacked her friend's hand and scolded. "Stop pawing at the lines. You'll give yourself away. Now stand tall and in an hour or so, you can change into this." Ginger held up a flowing A-Line.

Ferb walked out of the library, hugged his parents, and shook hands with his soon to be in-laws, crossed the drawing room and entered the Great Hall to take his place at the front. Jeremy knocked on the door behind which the women were getting ready. "Who's at the door?" A female voice called. "It's Jeremy, it's time to get the show started." Gretchen answered the door wearing a pink bridesmaid dress. "You've got the wrong room, you want that room." She said while pointing to the next door. He walked over to the next door and knocked. "Are we ready yet?" He asked. Candace opened the door revealing herself in a blue formfitting dress with a simple white belt around her waist. "Is Ferb with you?" She asked looking around. "No, he's taken his place in the Great Hall." Jeremy replied, smiling and liking what he saw. "I've just got to help Alison attach her train and…. There." Candace said as she finished with the dress. The man in the room couldn't help himself. "You are very beautiful, Alison. Ferb is a lucky man."

Phineas left the sitting room, adjusted his collar and made his way to the Great Hall. Buford knocked on the door to the bedroom. "Who's there now!" Gretchen almost screamed "Stop tugging at your dress or I'll send you out in your undergarments!" The former bully couldn't help but smile a little. "Hey, short stuff, time to go."

Everyone arranged themselves in order. Robert Saunders and Linda Flynn-Fletcher stood side-by-side, followed by Lawrence Fletcher, Gwen Saunders and Vivian Garcia-Shapiro. Jeremy offered his arm to Candace, and Alison Saunders nervously stood behind them. Buford offered his arm to Gretchen, and Baljeet offered his arm to Ginger. Isabella stood at the end of the line trying to keep her hands off her dress. Gretchen inquired "Why is it that Ferb's wedding takes place first? Phineas and Isabella were together longer." Mr. Saunders answered her question "The eldest always goes first when a situation such as this arrises." "Why does Candace get to wear a nice dress and we've got to wear…" Isabella glared at Ginger. "Pink." Ginger finished. Alison was just about to say something when Candace and Jeremy shook their heads indicating any arguments now were not in anyones' best interest.

At the front of the Great Hall two young men were waiting for the tandem wedding to start. "Thanks bro, Isabella felt it necessary to, you know, hurry up and get married." The green haired man looked at his stepbrother "I must admit that when you two first called to inquire about this, I wasn't thrilled. Alison and Candace agreed that we had booked a large enough venue and most everyone was going to be here anyway that it would be fine." The redheaded man started fiddling with his tie. "I'm sorry Ferb." The taller man looked at him, the shorter one continued "I'm encroaching again aren't I?" Ferb looked at his shoes. "I. I still don't like the idea. In my mind today is Alison's day; however, logically it does make sence. You two were going to be here anyway for us and you've got imminent reason to get married." The redhead looked at his brother "Ferb, don't say that. You've known you were in love with Alison long before I knew how in love with Isabella I was. I shouldn't have told Isabella that it was all right. I should have… she should have… we should have planned our own wedding." The older brother smiled a little and with a chuckle said, "I heard Isabella is not very happy with Alison's choices of dresses, colours, flowers, and all those other things I don't understand." Phineas looked worried. "You're not nervous? I'm a wreck. How can you be so calm?" Ferb discarded many thoughts before he spoke, and while looking up at assembled friends and family with a serious tone replied "I'm terrified, though, don't tell anyone but I snuck a nip about 20 minutes ago."

The procession started down the middle of the Great Hall and everyone took their respective places. Throughout the ceremony, Jeremy had to remind Ferb that he was supposed to actually repeat the wedding vows and not just agree to them.

Phineas and Isabella recited the vows that Isabella wrote, almost flawlessly.

Gretchen was not happy, Isabella was being difficult about everything. 'It looks as though Isabella's wedding was an afterthought tacked onto Alison and Ferb's. She did only give six weeks notice, and Isabella had her mind made up on what she wanted. It really is her own fault for having the style clash. She should have tried for a different day, she should have waited until after the baby.' The maid of honor would never voice her thoughts to the hormonally challenged bride though.

The rings were exchanged. Ferb and Alison exchanged simple yet elegant two-tone gold bands. Phineas and Isabella exchanged something more elaborate and in the redhead's opinion much too large, the ring on his finger was very wide. The ring Isabella wanted had six diamonds in it, matching her engagement ring. Phineas didn't know how she was going to wear both at the same time.

The officiator announced to friends and family assembled "May I now present Mr. & Mrs. Ferb Fletcher. And Mr. & Mrs. Phineas Garcia-Shapiro-Flynn." Ferb raised an eyebrow at his brother as if saying 'long enough name for you?' Said brother shrugged his shoulders slightly as if saying 'it was her idea'.