Senior year and things could not possibly be better. I'm finally out of the closet, much to my girlfriend's, Maya, delight. My parents have finally accepted me for who I am and I'm captain of the swim team. Things between Maya and Ali are even better now. Alison still hates the fact that Jenna is Maya's best friend but at least now she gives Maya a chance.

"So Noel Kahn is throwing a party this weekend, we are all going right?" Ali asked a rhetorical question. A newly slim Hanna quickly nodded, taking a break from texting her dream guy, Sean Ackard.

"I sort of have to go don't I." Aria referred to the fact that Noel was now her boyfriend and it was her duty as the most his girlfriend to support all of his parties.

"I can't. Wren is taking me to meet his family this weekend." Spencer informed taking of her stylish reading glasses and smiling at how serious her and Wren were getting.

"Em, I know you are coming." Alison gave Emily a stern look. The beautiful senior had been bailing on her friends a lot lately to hang out with Maya and her friends.

"Uh I think I'm going. I think Maya wanted to go anyways." Emily said getting a tight smile from Alison.

"So you are only coming because Maya says it okay. What's that about Em? The sex can't be that good to where you are doing anything she wants you to do."

The cafeteria table got silent at Alison's words. The girls kept love between Alison and Emily waiting for a response.

"Ali I thought you were over this. I've been with Maya for two years now, why are you still bitter about it?" Emily challenged.

"I'm not bitter about anything. I'm just stating facts. She says jump and you say how high. Just because she popped your cherry doesn't give her the right to rule you."

"Alison!" Spencer tried to come to Emily's defense.

"No Spence, it okay." Emily assured her. "You seem to forget that this isn't freshman year anymore. You don't tell us what to do anymore, Ali. You need to get over the fact that I'm dating one of Jenna's friends because this attitude is pretty pathetic. I love Maya and I love you too Alison but you DON'T want me to pick one of you. You won't like my decision." Emily said grabbing her bag off the table and storming out of the cafeteria.

The girl could see Emily walking towards Maya and her group of friends before taking a seat and kissing Maya quickly. Alison was basically fuming. The coy smirk Jenna threw in her direction did not help on bit.

"What the hell is her problem? Cant she see Jenna is just trying to piss me off."

"Of course she knows that Ali but she isn't dating Jenna. She is dating Maya. You should be happy for her." Spencer reasoned. If she were to be honest, none of the girls were too happy when Emily fell for one of Jenna's friends but the more they got to know Maya, they realized that she was perfect for Emily.

If Emily were to be perfectly honest, she wasn't very comfortable around Maya's clique of friends. Mona, Kate, and especially Jenna unsettled her. But unlike her own friends, they tried to make her feel welcome whenever she was around. Emily knew it was only out of respect for Maya but she appreciated it all the same.

"Hey baby." Maya said with a megawatt smile when her beautiful girlfriend sat next to her. As if on instinct, their hands entwined on the table which garnered a knowing smile from the rest of the table. Maya kissed Emily's temple again for two reasons. For one, she could not keep her hands of Emily. For two, she needed to ask Emily a question without her friends hearing. "What's wrong?" Maya whispered softly.

Emily gave her a sad smile and Maya sighed. She already knew what was hurting her girlfriend. It was the same thing every week. Alison would express her disdain for Maya and her friends.

"You wanna get out of here?" Maya asked momentarily forgetting her friends were right there.

"Leave but you just got here Em." Mona, the kindest one of the bunch stated. "You can't leave now."

Jenna gave Emily a knowing look that both unnerved her and comforted her for there was also a hint of sympathy in the look.

"Do you want me to talk to her? Maybe she will lay off you guys if we call some sort of truce." Jenna asked sincerely. Maya looked at the girl, shocked that she knew what was going on.

"No, I don't think that would help much. She will be fine once she sees me a Noel's party."

"You sure." Jenna asked to which Emily nodded.

"Great now that that is settled. I have a double date with Ben, Sean, and Hanna and I need your help to make sure I'm dressed better than her." Mona said in all seriousness getting a laugh from everyone.

"Well Hanna and I are going shopping for her outfit today, why don't you join us?"

"That would be great, are you sure she won't mind." Mona asked cautiously.

"Hanna is like the total opposite of Alison personality wise plus she once told me she loves your fashion sense." Emily said inflating Mona's ego causing Maya to snicker.

Jenna chuckled along with her friends but her mind was not on the joke. Her mind was on the subtle way Maya rubbed Emily's hands to calm the other girls nerves. Jenna never liked Alison. Some may even go as far as to say she hated the blonde but she loved her best friend even more. Maya was always a player and now that she had found happiness, Jenna was not about to let her petty school girl beef with Ali destroy it.

Around eight-thirty that evening

Emily dug her hand in her back pocket, pulling out the spare key. She slid the key in the key hole and twisted the knob, pushing the door open. Her eyes peered in the house, noticing the fire place that was lit up. She entered the house and shut the door behind her. Immediately, she watched the familiar girl jog down the stairs. "Hey, you made it."

"It's so nice in here." Maya smiled, leaning in to kiss her.

"I got this." She took Emily's bags from her and carried them in the living room, sitting them on the sofa. "I was thinking about making s'mores. We have the fire so..." She looked around the place, stopping here and there.

"It's so nice and cozy. I love it here." She finally met Maya's gaze, a smile leisurely forming across her lips. "I love you. Thank you for letting me stay here."

"You're so welcome. Thanks for agreeing to stay while my parents are away." She moved in closer, gradually meeting lips with Maya. She attached her arms to Emily's waist, kissing her passionately. "You smell really good."

"I took a shower before I got here." Her hands roamed Maya's chest as she felt Maya's lips graze her neck. "I also have some good news." Maya pulled back to peer in her eyes. "I got my acceptance letter. I guess we'll be going to the same school." Her eyes lit up instantly.

"That's perfect! Congratulations. What are you taking up?"

"I'm gonna be a doctor. General doctor. Well family doctor, whatever." Maya smiled massively.

"That's awesome. So we'll both be in the medical field. I'm so happy for you." Maya grasped her hands, leading her to the sofa. "So...I thought I should tell you that I set up a room for you."

"Thank you. I appreciate that." she nodded.

"No problem. I know you've been having problems with Ali and the whole Paige thing. I..."

"I spoke to her. I told her I wasn't gonna break up with you just because she wasn't happy with us being together. I love you and no woman is gonna make me give up the woman that I love." Maya smiled warmly. "You have nothing to worry about. As long as YOU don't screw up, you'll be fine."

"Okay." Maya chuckled and looked away, putting her focus on the flames in the fire place. "Watching the fire makes me wanna fall asleep. It's so soothing." she sat back, keeping her gaze on it.

"It is." Emily agreed, resting her head on Maya's ample chest. Maya looked down to stare at her. "I could lay here all night." Maya skimmed her arm soothingly while eying her interestingly.

"Why are you so beautiful?" Maya asked, watching her look up to stare at her. "It's just...I didn't think it was possible for someone to be so beautiful." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm not SO beautiful so stop saying that." She sat up, folding her legs Indian style on the sofa. "I'm just average."

"You're nothing like the average." She bit her lip, slowly looking away to peer in Maya's naturally seductive eyes. "I mean it. Everything about you is. How you look when you get pissed. It's so sexy." She chuckled softly. "You clench your lips together and your eyes get like it's cutting through the wind. I think that's why I used to provoke you a lot. I loved how you looked." She peered in his eyes, her smile slowly fading. "It's impossible for you to look average. I can't wait to wake up in the morning to see you." Maya reached out, grazing her cheek with the tip of her thumb. "I bet you look even sexier with that messy hair and...crusty eyes. Ahaha." She immediately broke out laughing.

"That's...that was funny." Maya slowly leaned in, pecking her on the lips. Emily placed her hand on Maya's cheek, leaning in closer as they continued to kiss. Maya could feel her pressing herself up against her body which was a big sign that she was getting in the mood.

"Baby..." Maya broke away to gaze into her eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asked, panting heavily.

"Nothing, I just wanted to say I love you."