I never expected to be clambering around in the library, scrounging for my life.
Shaky breaths escaped me and I felt my heart hastily thudding against my rib cage. My bones quivered and my shoulders shook violently. I held back a gasp, as I caught sight of a sleeve. My wand tightly gripped, arm slightly bent, I tiptoed towards the edge of the bookshelf.
I glanced up quickly. Some of the books were fluttering about above. Turning back to look around the corner of the shelf, I held my free hand to my chest. My heart would not stop pounding. It almost hurt how fiercely it leapt.
A cry tore from my throat. I choked on another, as he fired again. The wooden board of the shelf broke away and various textbooks slammed up against my back. I braced myself against the floor, arms flailing. My nose crunched. My palms scraped. My head hurt. Blood began to stain the cool tiles beneath me, warming them. As I raised myself up, my fingers ran over the tiles, drawing the dark substance along. The drops followed me, as I ran around to the next corridor of books. The books towered over me. I gasped in pain, tearing away my cloak.
Scrolling up my torn jumper sleeves, I revealed the scrapes and gradual bruising. I winced, glaring at the marks marring my pale skin. I looked left and right, hearing footsteps. They echoed.
"Sally…" His voice drawled. I knew that voice, but it no longer loved me. He no longer loved me. He was so quick to cast me aside, so easily.
Licking my lips, I gulped and backed away from the noise. His feet tapped against the tiles. As he walked through the wreckage, their polished shoes squeaked. The soles were clearly not fond of being hauled through my blood. They kicked at the scattered books, causing me to wince again.
Through the shelf I caught sight of their cloak, trailing along. I took a deep breath, looking up the lane of books. Could I run for it?
"Sally…" He repeated, turning.
I slowly closed my eyes, leaning against the book shelf. There would be no running.
"Sally, if you don't come out we can't talk about this… misunderstanding." He made his way back towards the entrance, cutting off any chance of running. Now I was truly screwed. "You know I'd never hurt you."
I bit my bottom lip, tearing the pink skin and sucking on the blood. I stared up at the ceiling, watching the few lively books left placidly drifting round in circles up above.
I looked back up the lane, listening intently for their footsteps.
"Sally I'm sick of playing this game now." That voice, once soothing, rattled my bones. I flinched and my hand snapped up to cover my mouth to quench the oncoming scream, as another bookcase endured a malicious assault.
I kneeled down, shuffling away and crawling further into the library. I frowned at the bloodied handprints and rubbed at the floor. The marks wouldn't go away. I silently cursed, but moved onwards to the back of the library despite it.
"Sally!" He shouted, stomping and indignantly snorting, "Come out! I want to kill you already!"
I held back a cry, halting and rolling myself into a ball. I leaned against the leg of a large table, rocking a little from my bottom to my feet and back again, head and spine lightly hitting the leg of the table every time. My hands were locked together. Where was my wand now?
Looking about, I couldn't find it. Screwed - I really was screwed. I swallowed the whiny groan that attempted to breach my lips.
He stomped again.
I dragged myself further under the table and looked up, eyes widened and a breath clogged. A light blared down upon me.
The half-moon shined through a short window across the way. I swore, my feet pushing against the floor. My nails scratched against the tiles and palms scraped, as I dragged myself from beneath the table and got to my feet. I leaned over a little, inspecting the various pathways. There was no sign of them. I took a step away from the table. I took another.
I straightened my spine and quietly sighed. I rolled my shoulders as well, lessoning the tension in my muscles. I took another step towards one of the dim pathways, away from the moonlight, tiptoeing.
"There you are." He jauntily announced.
His hand slammed down upon my shoulder. He spun me round and pushed. I hit the shelf behind. Books toppled to the floor and those fluttering about, trembled. I gasped, the pain shooting up my spine. He grinned and I cringed, watching him step towards me. I very much desired to step back, but somehow found the courage to hold myself against temptation.
I held up my hands. "Come on now," I was surprised i didn't stutter – I sounded quite bold, "I'm not armed. This is hardly fair."
Laughing, he replied, "Sweetheart, whenever have we played fairly with one another."
A shaky breath seeped from between my bloodied lips and a short cry followed. I gazed up at him, eyes moist and body trembling. I murmured, "Barty…"
He raised his wand. It gleamed at me. My nose scrunched up, dark brows drawn together and my eyes shut tightly.
I needed only to wait one moment.
I knew no more.
Author Comments: Updated. Again, if interest is shown i'll consider throwing up some more 'shots' of their relationship, but otherwise this is done. Hope any readers enjoy. Cya x