Naruto: The Return of Darkness

By: G3rMan

Synopsis and Story Overview

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.


The sacrifice Naruto's parents made was not in vain, their child taken into the loving care of the Sarutobi clan. Not all is well in the world, however, and a new power threatens to overtake even Akatsuki in its evil. To combat it, Naruto will need more than his chakra, his heritage, his burden; he will need love.

Enter the village's most powerful jounin, Kakashi Hatake. With the loss of her team-mates in the war, her personality has changed to being a caring individual for those around her. Even she is not without emotional baggage, however, and Kakashi has forced her heart into a corner to prevent herself (and others) from getting hurt again.

What will happen if these walls threaten to crumble as one person slowly, but surely breaks down each and every one to reveal her true feelings. Will Kakashi accept and embrace this freedom that was cruelly robbed from her during the war? Or will she retreat farther, reminding herself that she is nothing but trash that does not deserve the affection of another.

These two individuals hold the keys to the others heart in the most mismatched pairing the world might ever see. Will they be able to save each other from themselves, or will the world plunge into darkness once again?

Additional Information:

This is an Adventure/Romance between Naruto and a female Kakashi. The storyline follows arc format and while it does share some arcs from the manga, it has its own unique antagonists presented in the second arc.

There are some other pieces of information that are important to keep in mind, as the time line is also somewhat different.

During Part I, Naruto is 15 and Kakashi is 25. Naruto is the only child to be affected by this age change, meaning that the Kyuubi attack and his birth were earlier than in the manga. This also means he did not grow up with the others and does not know them very well or at all.

As said earlier, the story will follow an arc format that is similar to the manga. Though an arc may have the same name, the events may well be very different for Naruto and those involved. This is done to make it comfortable for both the reader and myself to know where we are in the original time line as it helps to keep pace.

There are also new arcs that take the place of older ones to serve the story's new antagonists which will debut in part II. Akatsuki will still exist, but without giving anything away, they are not by any means friends with this other force.

It goes without saying but because of Naruto's different upbringing, he will act differently. The same goes with Kakashi being a girl, there are just some things she likes or doesn't like that as a boy she would feel differently about. Overall, I want to keep her with the same personality because Kakashi is a great character that deserves justice. One major thing is that, in certain situations, she will get more emotional.

To reiterate, this is a romance between a younger Naruto and an older female Kakashi. If you do not like the idea of this or gender bender in general, do not read.

Author Notes:

Hey guys, welcome to my little side project that I have been playing around with this holiday. If this receives enough interest I will put more effort into completing the first chapter. For now though, this will be an information page for the story so that I can do away with long information in the author notes as well as give everyone a better idea of the story as soon as they click to read.

Keep in mind that my other stories will still take precedence. I am not willing to give up my current stories just to mess around with this idea, because I love all of my stories and I really do want to see them finished eventually. This is a side project until it garners enough interest.

I decided that I wanted to try something different and give myself a challenging side project; there was also some reader interest when I said I had planned a female Kakashi story so I realized that I wasn't the only one to think about it. If you guys are still interested in a female Kakashi and a bit of something new then maybe we can work together and see this story become something other than an information page.

What you can do is leave a review and tell me what you think about it! I like to hear from you guys on what you think about stories and ideas. Also, go to my profile and use the poll at the top of the page so that I can get some real numbers on how many people like the idea of a female Kakashi.

Until next time, Happy New Years!