A screech of tires propelled Cyborg's beloved T-car across the smooth asphalt. Inside the mechanized hero and the changeling awaited for their destination.

"So when are you gonna let me drive" Beast Boy asked behind his trademark grin.

Cyborg glared at Beast Boy "Sometime between now and never" he growled

"Dude! That is so wrong" Beast Boy whined

"No you break everything" Cyborg quickly replied

"I do not!"

"Oh yeah, what about my stereo?" Cyborg raised an eyebrow

Beast Boy inched back in his seat "That totally wasn't my fault"

"Yeah then what about my CD player, the game-station, and the toaster?! I still don't even know how that happened"

"I told you my hand got stuck in it, how is that so hard to understand"

Cyborg shook his head "Whatever man"

Beast Boy gave a small sigh and decided to stop and try again later. He crossed his arms and turned back to the road. "So what do you think about this new dude?"

Cyborg's grip tightened around the steering wheel "When I get my hands on him it'll be the end of him"

"Whatever Chrome-Dome, bet I'll hit him way before you" Beast Boy said with a sly whisper.

"Oh you're on Grass-Stain!" Cyborg yelled back.

Scene Break

The industrial part of the city was full of huge factories and erupting machines. Upon reaching the epicenter of the area, Cyborg gently pulled over to the side of the road and stopped his beloved t-car and began to carefully climb out.

"I always hate heading over here" Beast Boy muttered as he stepped out of the car, slamming the door behind him.

"Watch the car man" Cyborg snapped at Beast Boy

Beast Boy scoffed and began to walk around. "I feel like Robin doing all this detective work" he said with glee before he started to jump around behind crates and boxes.

"Would you cut it out man, this is serious"

Beast boy lowered his ears in sorrow, "Come on Cy I'm just trying to have some fun here"

Cyborg opened his mouth to rebut Beast boy but decided against it, he would just come up with another half-ass reason anyway.

Beast Boy humbled up and walked side by side with his tin counterpart. "So what are we supposed to be looking for anyway?" He asked between his fidgeting footsteps.

"We're supposed to be looking for clues that could help us catch tall, dark and gruesome." Cyborg paused as he noticed a group of workers talking among themselves. "Come on lets ask these guys if they know anything"

"You first" Beast Boy motioned ahead.

Slowly Cyborg walked up to the group of workers with the changeling lurking close behind. "Hey there mind if I ask you guys a few questions?"

One by one the workers rolled their eyes and walked right past the duo, blowing them off completely

"I guess not" Cyborg looked back at beast boy with a defeated tone. As he turned back around he was greeted by a middle aged man glaring right at the metal hero with upright marvel.

"Wow you're Cyborg from the teen titans right?!"

"Uhm yes." Cyborg cleared his throat "Yes, that is me" He pulled out a deep voice.

"What are you doing?" Beast Boy whispered to Cyborg who brushed him off.

The man in front of them began to laugh "I can't believe I'm finally meeting you in person, I'm Marco. You saved my daughter a while back and I never got to thank you"

"Oh well its all in a days work" Cyborg replied making sure his ego didn't take over.

"Yeah so what questions did you want to ask, I'll help if I can"

"Oh right, uhm" Cyborg loaded up an image of the newest uvv or unidentified vicious villain as Robin would call it. "You ever see this guy before" He asked cautiously and nudged B east Boy to focus.

Marco's eyes blew up upon seeing the haunting image. The story that preceded was one of much disarray. The haunting tale of the first appearance of the uvv was indeed the clue the titans were searching for.

Scene Break

Heading back into the city Cyborg turned his head to his green companion. "What do you think?"

"Maybe he is an alien parasite that came to earth to feed on humans" Beast Boy sat up in his seat and acted like some sort of "alien" that he saw in a late night movie once.

Cyborg shook his head. "Why do I ask you anyway."

"Ok fine he's not an alien. Maybe he is a super advanced robot bent on ruling the world. No doubt that was another of Beast Boy's movie theories.

Cyborg turned his head and simple stared at B. "What was that about a super advanced robot?" Cyborg asked in a dull monotone that would have made Raven proud.

"Never mind" Beast Boy sunk a little bit in his seat.

Cyborg opened up a communication link with his headstrong leader"Rob, you need to hear this. You there?"

After a moment the strong voice of the boy wonder sparked through the t-car's systems."Go ahead Cyborg."

"I was over by the industrial district and I got some information about the uvv."

"What did you learn?!" Robin yelled back.

"Bits and pieces of a story."

"What did you learn?" Robin asked again, an annoyed tone was clear in his voice.

Cyborg ignored the tone and continued with his speech. "Apparently a couple nights ago there was a disturbance on one of the freight trains that came into the city."

"A freight train?" Robin's voice softened, obviously deep in thought.

"Yeah it was part of a traveling circus that was moving through from what I was told. Apparently as they were unloading and resupplying some guy jumped out screaming."

"Screaming? What does that have to do with the uvv?"

"I'm getting to it. From the information I got, as this guy was screaming he was changing."

"Changing to what?" Robin asked though he already knew where this was heading.

"From the testimony I got, as the guy was screaming, his skin got gray and it looked like he was decomposing." Cyborg took a moment to regroup his thoughts. "So anyway after a few moments of this guy screaming and decomposing out of no where he stopped and disappeared. They haven't seem him since."

"And the train?"

"What about it?"

"Is is still there?"

"No, it left a few hours after that. Like it didn't happen"

Robin's brooding was loud enough to be heard through the comm link. Batman would be proud. "Alright, head on back to the museum and meet up with Starfire and Raven."

"Got it"

"Robin out"

"Why didn't you tell him about my hunches" Beast Boy whined.

"Cause they weren't hunches you just watch too much TV" Cyborg yelled back

"You watch just as much as me!" Beast Boy whined louder

This new back and forth argument of tit for tat exchanges continued the whole ride to the museum, with the inevitable victor being Cyborg once again.