Author's Note: Had this story in my mind for a few days so I had to get it out. It's pretty mature so hopefully you'll like it. I'll be getting back to my other story "The Beginning of Hell" now that I finished this. So look forward to seeing that within the next few weeks or so.


It was a typical Friday night, and Amy Rose was getting ready for her night out on the town with her best friend. She wore a fitted black dress with a teal stripe that went horizontally across her waist. The dress stopped just above the knee. She accessorized the dress with white heels decorated with teal accents along the shoes. She stared into the mirror as she applied eye shadow, and blush. She applied some mascara and eyeliner, before moving to lipstick.

She slowly applied a sultry dark red lipstick to her lips before blotting the excessive color onto a piece of tissue paper. A light knock on the door startled her before she ran to the door opening it. Standing in the doorway was an ivory bat in a skintight sequined red dress. It had a plunging neckline that revealed a good amount of her breasts. She wore two gold bangles on both arms that jingled with every movement. She had a black clutch, and black stilettos with red tips on the heels.

Rouge smirked at her friend eyeing her up and down. "Ooh, hun, love the dress. Maybe I can raid your closet sometime." She allowed herself in, walking over to the hallway mirror, and staring at her complexion.

The pink hedgehog giggled to herself. "Thanks, Rouge but I think it's your closet I should be raiding. You have some of the sexiest clothes I've ever seen."

Rouge smiled as she pulled out a tube of lipstick reapplying it to her lips. "Thank you, Amy. We're both looking fierce tonight," she said snapping her fingers together.

She placed a hand on her hip. "So, are you ready to go Rouge?" she asked standing at the door waiting.

"Yeah babe, let's go!" She flew out the door as Amy closed the door locking up.

Club Roxy - Night - 9pm

Long lines of people were standing outside of a large purple building waiting to gain entrance. A huge bull bouncer stood in front of the door with his arms crossed as people waited in irritation to get inside the club.

"Please, ya just gotta let me in." A female fox pleaded to the bouncer while batting her eyes.

The bull huffed not given her much attention. "No can do, you have to wait your turn."

Amy and Rouge cut in front of the line, and stood before the bull. People in line took notice and glared in disgust at the two.

"Hey, what the hell is this?" A male wolf shouted.

"Yeah what are these two crazy sluts doing in front of the line?" A female grey rabbit spat in disgust.

Rouge looked over her should and gave a dirty look to the crowd. "Oh, cool off." She turned her attention back to the bouncer, and slipped something out of her clutch.

"Frank, its been awhile, maybe you could allow me and my girlfriend to get inside?" As she spoke to him she pushed her hands against his chest slipping a twenty into the pocket of his shirt.

The bull noticed the lovely contribution and smirked. "Rouge, it has been awhile. Maybe we could catch up later." He smiled as he lifted up the velvet rope allowing the two girls inside the club. As the two entered they could hear the irritation of the crowd in complaint over the two girls getting access.

Amy noticed the scowls and jibes being said as they walked inside. "Rouge, don't you think we should've waited our turn like everyone else?"

Rouge chuckled. "Nonsense dear, if you can pay, you get your way. Now come on lets hit the dance floor!" She grabbed Amy's arm pulling her into the middle of the club.

It was fairly crowded as people grinded against one another to the pounding beat of the music. Bright strobe lights flashed brightly into the pink hedgehog's eyes. Amy and Rouge danced next to each other as they bounced up and down feeling the beat of the music. As Amy swayed her hips to the music she was interrupted when she felt a pelvic grinding up against her behind. She spun around to meet a pair of green eyes. An attractive blue hedgehog stood inches apart from her as they danced together.

"Well, hello there," he said seductively while raising his brows.

She blushed and turned her head away to see where her Rouge was. She noticed her friend chatting up a sexy red echidna that was obviously hitting on her. Amy shook her head quickly before turning her attention back to the blue hedgehog. "Hey." She smiled at him batting her eyes at him as they continued dancing.

The male hedgehog placed his hands on her hips bringing her body flush against his as he continued to grind against her. Her breasts pressed up against his chest as she felt her face go red again.

He leaned over, speaking into her ear so she could hear him over the loud music. "What's your name?"

She leaned over and spoke into his ear as well so he could hear her. "It's Amy." She wrapped her arms around his neck loosely as they continued to dance.

He smiled. "I'm Sonic," he winked at her, flashing her a smile.

She smiled back. "Nice to meet you, Sonic."

"Well, Amy, I have to say you're definitely the cutest girl I've seen around this joint. You also look like a fun girl. Would you like to get a drink?"

She nodded and he escorted her to the bar. Sonic tapped her on the shoulder leaning over to whisper something. "I'll be back in a second, I just need to use the restroom real quick."

She understood and squeezed her way through people to get to the front of the bar. She leaned over the bar trying to get the bartender's attention.

"Excuse me, excuse me?" She tried flagging down the bartender but he didn't seem to notice or hear her. The bartender stood down at the other end talking to a girl. Amy sighed in frustration until she felt like someone was hovering behind her. She turned around expecting to see Sonic but instead came face to face with a black and red hedgehog. "Oh, uh hello," she smiled shyly.

The black hedgehog chuckled. "Having trouble?"

She brushed some hair back from her face. "Yeah, I was just trying to get a drink."

"Allow me." He gently brushed her aside and snapped his fingers as he looked at the bartender. The bartender took notice of him and rushed over.

The bartender threw a dishtowel over his shoulder. "Hey, man. What would you like?"

"A glass of whiskey, on the rocks, and an apple martini for the lady," he said gesturing to her.

"Yes, sir. I'll get that right away." The bartender hurried off to make the drinks.

She looked impressed. "Wow, thanks."

He smiled. "Heh, no problem. By the way, I didn't catch your name earlier."

She extended out her hand as he took it shaking it. "Amy Rose."

He shook her hand back. "Shadow," he replied introducing himself.

The bartender walked over and placed the drinks in front of the two. "Here we are." Shadow pulled out some cash and handed it over to him. "Thanks, man."

She placed her hand on his arm. "I could've paid."

"Nonsense, it's on me." He placed a hand on her lower back, escorting her over to an empty booth. She followed him as they slid into the booth.

"So, what brings an attractive looking girl like yourself alone to a place like this?" He questioned.

She took another sip of her drink and smiled at his compliment. "Well, I didn't come alone. I came with my girlfriend Rouge." She pointed over to the white bat that was busy making out in another booth with the crimson echidna.

Shadow shook his head as he chuckled. "I see."

"And I just came to have a little fun," she added. Suddenly Sonic approached the booth they were sitting at. He smiled at the two of them, as he got closer. Amy stood up feeling a bit embarrassed. "Sonic, I forgot to wait for you…"

He smiled putting his hands up trying to calm her. "It's alright, Ames, I see you've met my friend Shadow."

She looked back and forth at the two hedgehogs. "Oh…so you two know each other?"

"Yes Sonic, and I are roommates, and good friends."

She started to leave the booth. "I'm sorry I don't want to get in between your friendship. You both were flirting with me after all," she said smiling sheepishly

Sonic stepped in her path stopping her. "Nah, stay with us and chat."

"Well…okay." She scooted herself back into the booth, as Sonic scooted in next to her. With both Shadow, and Sonic on either side of her, she felt a little uncomfortable as a short silence set in.

Sonic leaned over to her with his lips just inches from her ear. "So Amy, Shadow and I were wondering if you'd be interested in something we could all do together."

She turned her head facing him. "What is it?" she asked curiously.

He began to play with her hair, running her hair between his fingers. "We wanted to know if you'd be interested in a threesome with Shadow and I?"

She looked over to Shadow and then back Sonic. A blush covered her cheeks as she thought for an answer. "I don't know Sonic." She hesitated. "I've always been a one guy at a time kind of girl," she said rubbing her left arm a little uncomfortably.

Shadow placed his hand on her leg running his hand up it slowly. He leaned over to whisper in her ear. "Haven't you ever been curious to know what its like?"

She felt a shiver run down her spine from his comforting touch. It had been a little fantasy she had always wondered about since becoming sexually active. She heard Rouge had done it before and raved about how much fun it could be. Ever since then Amy had wondered what it might be like, but never felt comfortable enough to ask anyone to try it with her. Now that these two hedgehogs she had met offered it, she figured this was the best opportunity to give it a try.

She brushed her bangs away from her eyes. "Well maybe a little bit," she admitted shyly.

Shadow placed an arm around her. "No need to feel embarrassed about it. A lot of people have had threesomes before."

She looked over to Sonic who was staring at her through a half lidded gaze. "Well, Ames?"

She took a deep breath. "Alright I'll do it."

The two males looked at each other smiling. All three got up from the booth getting ready to leave the club. Amy stopped and motioned to the two she'd be back in a minute.

"I just need to let my friend know I'm leaving," she told them.

They both nodded and waited near the exit for her. Amy found that Rouge was in the hallway between the women and men's' bathroom. Rouge was up against the wall being kissed up and down her neck by the echidna.

"Oh, Knuckles you make my body tingle with ecstasy," she moaned out as he felt her up, leaving hickies down her neck.

Amy felt a bit awkward watching the intense make out scene. She felt bad for having to interrupt the two lovers. "Uh, Rouge?"

Rouge's eyes widened as she heard the familiar voice of her friend. "Oh god, Amy!" She pushed the echidna away from her as she straightened herself up to look more presentable. Knuckles shot her an annoyed glare. "Hey!"

"Just one minute, babe," she said to the echidna. Rouge herded Amy into a private area away from the red echidna so they could talk.

"Sorry to interrupt you, Rouge. I just wanted to let you know I'm going to spend the night with two guys I met."

Rouge looked taken aback. "Wait…two guys? Amy does that mean your having a-…"

"-Yes a threesome." She blushed slightly. She enjoyed the company of men, but didn't like to talk too openly about her sex life.

"Oh, Amy I'm so happy for you. You are going to REALLY enjoy it. Trust me." She placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Amy giggled. "Thanks Rouge. I'll see you later then?"

She nodded. "Of course, see you tomorrow, and we can maybe chat about our nights?"

Amy looked back as she walked off. "Sure, Rouge."

Amy approached the two males. They both extended one of their arms out for her to link with. She looped her arm around both Sonic and Shadow extended arms as they escorted her out of the club.

Shadow and Sonic's place - 1am

The three hedgehogs entered the apartment as Sonic, and Shadow put down their keys and took off their shoes, leaving them at the front door. Amy wandered into the living room observing her surrounding. She noticed a couch, and coffee table in the middle of the living room. The blue hedgehog noticed her demeanor had changed slightly now that they had gotten back to their place.

"Nervous, Ames?" he asked curiously.

She turned around, twirling a piece of her hair around her finger. "Just a little. I've never done anything like this before," she chuckled.

Sonic slowly walked over to her, holding her at arms length. "Don't be. Shadow and I will take good care of you. You can just follow our lead."

"Okay, so uh when do we start?" she asked.

Shadow came up from behind her whispering into her ear. "We'll just head into the bedroom and then we can start."

They led her into the guest room of their apartment. The walls were black and in the center of the room was a large king sized bed with white sheets. There were two nightstands on either side of the bed with two lamps.

She approached the foot of the bed staring at it before both Shadow and Sonic came up from behind her on either side. They kissed down the side of her neck sensually, and slowly. It was not long before the three of them fell onto the bed continuing their foreplay. She closed her eyes feeling their warm lips press against her delicate soft flesh. She felt the zipper of her dress slowly being unzipped, and before she even realized it her dress was on the ground leaving her only in her undergarments. She felt her left breast suddenly being groped softly by Shadow. She let her head fall back as she continued to be kissed around her neck by the male hedgehogs.

Sonic kissed up the side of her neck eventually kissing her cheek. Sonic pressed his lips against her soft ones allowing his tongue to slip inside her mouth venturing around. She kissed back allowing her tongue to fight with his as they danced alongside each other wrestling for dominance. Shadow was busy feeling up her breast as he licked down her neck onto her collarbone. Eventually he undid her bra removing it from her body and discarding it on the floor.

Shadow nuzzled his muzzle in between her two breasts. As he kissed down her chest he came to the valley of her gorgeous breasts. Her nipples began to get hard as her make out secession with Sonic along with Shadow's caressing of her breasts were getting her hot. Shadow licked her nipple before enveloping it into his mouth, and sucking on her breast tenderly. She let out a soft moan into Sonic's mouth as Shadow sucked on her left breast.

Sonic parted his lips from hers as he licked his lips. "You are a very good kisser," he complimented.

She blushed before letting out another hitched gasp from Shadow's handy work on her breasts.

"Thanks, Sonic, you're pretty good yourself." Her eyes closed again as her mouth stayed agape from the pleasure she was feeling.

Sonic had a thought in mind before switching his position. Shadow noticed and stopped his fondling on her. Shadow went behind her, propping her up so she was in a sitting position. Her bare back pressed against his warm chest. He wrapped his arms around her torso using both hands to grab her tender breasts. She gasped again.

Shadow placed his muzzle on her left shoulder smirking into her neck. "Rose, you're breasts are so soft and lovely."

"Thank you Sha-" Before she could continue Shadow's lips caught hers in a lip lock.

He titled his head as he kissed her deeper. She moaned into his mouth, as she found herself getting into it. Meanwhile Sonic was pulling down Amy's panties. Amy felt her panties slowly sliding down her thighs and before she knew it she was completely naked. Sonic stuck two of his fingers into her opening. She gasped, breaking away from her kiss, and looking down to see what Sonic was up to.

"Aahh, Sonic what are you doing?" she moaned.

"Just getting you ready, Ames." He pushed his index, and middle finger back and fourth inside of her vagina feeling the soft interior of her insides clamp around his fingers.

"You're so tight, I can't wait to have you," he fantasized.

She was about to thank him but felt something long and hard pressing against her lower backside.

"Ooh, Shadow, what's happening back there?" she asked coyly.

He kissed down the back of her neck. "I want to take you right here and now..."

She giggled. "You'll just have to be more patient." She moaned near the end of her sentence as Sonic's finger torture was getting the best of her.

He fingered her faster feeling her juices cover his fingers. She moaned softly feeling her back arch some as she was nearing her first climax. Suddenly he stopped, and she looked down at him.

She was confused. "Why did you stop?"

"I have a better idea." He lifted her legs up and started kissing down her inner thigh. She felt her cheeks heat up as she knew where this was going.

"Oh Sonic" She gasped. "You don't…" Before she could finish he pressed his lips against her vaginal lips and kissed it before sliding his tongue inside of her.

Her breathing hitched, as she had never been eaten out before. He took his tongue out and licked up and down against her warm insides.

He lifted his head up to take a look at her pleasure-tortured face. "You taste delicious."

Her whole body heated up and she could feel the tingling sensation down below. She was completely turned on. "Please, Shadow…Sonic just take me," she begged. "I need it now."

"Enjoy it, Rose." The black hedgehog whispered seductively in her ear.

The blue hedgehog lapped faster against her tender insides as she was nearing the end.

"Aah, Sonic I can't take it anymore!" Her body trembled with passion as she had her first orgasm.

The two hedgehogs smirked, and maneuvered themselves in preparation for the finale. Sonic got on his knees and positioned his erect penis towards her opening. With her still in the sitting position Shadow lifted Amy up from under the knees with her back still against Shadow's chest. He positioned his penis against her ass.

"Are you ready?" Shadow whispered in her ear.

She nodded quickly. "Yes, just do it," she urged.

Shadow slowly entered her rear end pushing in gently enough so it wouldn't hurt her. She moaned out feeling this strange new sensation. It was weird that it didn't hurt like she thought it would, it kind of felt nice in an odd kind of way. Once he had pushed himself fully inside her Shadow waited for Sonic to enter Amy. The blue hedgehog grabbed ahold of her waist and pushed himself inside of her sliding in easily. The pink hedgehog couldn't help but utter a small moan as he pushed inside of her. He could feel the warm and irresistibly wonderful tightness envelope him.

He smiled still supporting her as he entered. "Oh god..."

She smirked. "Please, just fuck me…"

Sonic looked shocked to hear that word come from her mouth. "Whoa, what happened to the polite Amy I knew at the club?" he joked.

She closed her eyes still smirking. "She has needs too. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Now please…continue."

With that said both Sonic and Shadow began to pump in and out of her. The pink hedgehog let her head fall against Sonic's shoulder, as her body became warm and tingly all over. Her nipples were still erect and she could feel herself already getting the overwhelming need to orgasm again. Being practically levitated in the air while being fucked was an incredible feeling. Both Shadow and Sonic were well 'gifted' downstairs with their genitals, as they were definitely satisfying her She ran her hands down Sonic's back as Sonic sped in and out of her.

Shadow squeezed Amy's ass cheeks as he went in and out of her. He let out a low moan showing he was enjoying this just as much as the she was.

"Ah-um Shadow….Sonic," she moaned out.

Hearing her pleased was a delightful sound to the two males. They both began to go faster speeding up the process of pleasure.

The black hedgehog closed his eyes. "Oh god, Rose…"

Her body began to sweat; it was so hot from the mixture of skin rubbing against one another, and her body being warm from ecstasy.

"Oh god, I don't know why I waited this long to try this," she panted. She would thank Rouge later for the idea.

Suddenly she screamed as she began to orgasm. Her toes curled on end as her warm juices flooded out of her. Sonic climaxed as well shooting his seed deep inside of her He fell on his back panting feeling the amazing tingle run down his body. Finally Shadow climaxed as well shooting his warm seed into her anus. Amy collapsed falling on top of the blue hedgehog. His chest heaving up and down as he tried to catch his breath.

Amy smiled through her half lidded gaze. "That. Was. The. Best. Sex. I've ever had."

The two males chuckled in unison. "Told yah you'd enjoy it," Sonic grinned.

"I'd enjoy doing it again sometime. But maybe next time Sonic and I could switch." The black hedgehog whispered into her ear.

The pink hedgehog smiled. "I'd like that."

Rolling off of one another the three hedgehogs lie in bed and fall asleep.

Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed it! Please fav, and review.