A/N: Another upload! I'm on a roll!
Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING
Alfred followed Gilbert as he walked briskly through the busy streets of New York, his eyes never leaving the teen's back. Ever since they left Grand Central Station, Gilbert seemed to be in a hurry. Alfred almost had to run to keep up with his long strides. And if he had to ben honest with himself, Alfred was a little worried about meeting this "Roma" that Gilbert had talked about. Alfred's experience with caretakers had never been a good one, so he felt that he had reasons to be apprehensive.
The more he followed Gilbert, however, the more Alfred began to trust him. A couple of times, when Alfred was falling too far behind, Gilbert would stop and wait for him with no look of irritation or impatience on his face. And after fifteen minutes of walking, when Alfred began to grow exhausted Gilbert stopped so that he could rest for a bit.
As Alfred leaned against the brick wall of the bank they stopped in front of, Gilbert began to fish around for something in his pocket. Alfred watched and his eyes widen when Gilbert pulled out a shiny red apple from his coat pocket and stretched it out towards him.
"Here," the albino said with a smile. "I know you haven't eaten today so you can have it."
Alfred looked at the apple for a bit then took it with a grateful smile on his face. "Thanks," he said before taking a bite.
Gilbert smiled kindly and said, "No problem."
After Alfred had finished the apple, they continued to walk. It wasn't long before Gilbert began leading him down alleyways and backstreets where hardly anyone was. Alfred wondered wildly if Gilbert was going kill him. This thought vanished however when Gilbert stopped in front of an abandoned building and held out his arms in a grand gesture.
"Home, sveet home!" he said happily, making Alfred stare at him speechless. Gilbert grinned at his expression and gestured for Alfred to follow him inside. Alfred hesitated for a minute then followed Gilbert inside. The minute they did, there was a shout of "GILBERT!" and the albino was knocked off of his feet.
"Feli! Feli!" Gilbert said laughing, hugging an auburn haired boy around Alfred's age. "I vas only gone for a few hours! Calm down!"
The boy, Feli, got off of Gilbert and pouted, saying, "We thought-a that the policia took you!"
Gilbert laughed. "Kesesesese! No vune can catch zhe awesome me!"
"You have such a big head bruder," came a stern voice from Alfred's left. Alfred jumped and stared at another boy, who also looked to be his age. His looks where slightly identical to Gilbert's, though he had blonde hair with blue eyes, that were looking at Gilbert with slight worry.
Gilbert waved away his brother's worries. "Ah Vest you vorry too much! Anyvay, vhere's Roma? I have a new recruit for him to meet."
As if they just noticed him, Feli and Gilbert's brother stared Alfred, making him feel slightly uncomfortable. Then Gilbert's brother gave a small smile and extended a hand for Alfred to shake and said, "Mein name is Ludvig. It is nice to meet you."
"Si! And I am Feliciano!" said Feli happily as Alfred shook Ludwig's hand. "But everyone call me-a Feli!"
"Uhm, hi," Alfred said, giving a crooked smile. "My name's Alfred. It's great to meet you."
Feli bounced up and down on the balls of his feet as he said, "Nano's not here right now but he'd love to meet you!"
"Vhere did Roma go?" Glbert asked Ludwig.
"Out training zhe ozhers," Ludwig responded "Hopefully, zhey'll come back vizh dinner."
"Don't-a worry though, Alfred!" Feli said reassuringly. "Nano may be tough be he's-a nice!"
And yet somehow, that did not ease Alfred's nerves one bit.
A/N: There you have it! Review please!