Persona: The Golden Flash
4ever NaruIno
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the Persona series.
A/N: It will be a Naruto POV, so he will be speaking as the narrator.
*Playing - Aria of the Soul*
Hm? Where am I? Oh... It's this place again... The Velvet room is it? Then he should be here...
"Welcome to the Velvet room." I turn to the direction of the voice to see a familiar face. Long nose, big eyes, yep, it's him alright.
"It's been a long time isn't it... Igor." I said as I walk closer to him, inspecting the room. Huh, it's different from the room before, more cramped. It seem to have transformed into a limosine.
Said figure looked at me surprised, then settled for a large grin, as if pleased that I came.
"Ahhh... so we meet again... Naruto- san. I am pleasantly surprise you came." Igor said as he stared at me. He then introduced me to his assistant as she bowed "This is Magaret, she will be supporting you on your journey that lies ahead."
Another journey? what does he mean by that?
"What is this journey you speak of? I thought I have finished it last year?" I questioned him as I recall the incident that happened last year withe SEES group...
*End Song*
Ugh... What is this?! My body feels so heavy... like a bunch of gravity seals is stuck on me.
I looked around to find my friends at the same position as I am. I hear thier frustrated cries as they try to defy the power of the Nyx. Are we going to die here? That what I thought as I drifted to oblivion, I was stopped however by Mitsuru's voice screaming at the Nyx.
"I... I refuse to die here! I refuse to let the Shadow take over! Not when I just achieve my happiness..." she then went down her knees, gravity taking a toll on her. I saw her tears running through her face... "I wanted to spend life with my friends, my family... and with Naruto..." She whispered softly as she dropped to the ground.
I... I refuse to stay down like this... all the bonds I formed with everyone... am I going to waste them? NO!
Suddenly, my body feels light...
'Come on kit, don't fall here, not after you save the world countless times... don't let my sacrifice be in vain...'
I swore I heard the voice of Kyuubi that time... Huh, he's right... not like this, I won't end it like this. Thank you, Kurama...
Suddenly, I appeared on the Velvet room... Igor was expecting me, along with Elizabeth.
"You are nearing the end of your journey... all the bonds you formed with your friends will bring you the power you need to face your final foe. I am glad that I have met you, but I get the feeling that we will meet again... but for now, you have been a wonderful guest... now go and fulfill your destiny." The elevator stopped and the door opened... well, I guess this is it.
*Play- Reach Out to the Truth*
I stood up and looked straight at the eye of the Nyx, then looked back to see the shocked faces of my friends. I smile at them and bowed and whispered a thank you to them as I ascended to the moon to face the Nyx, ignoring thier pleas.
As I arrived at the source, the heart of Nyx, a big ass egg. Looking whats on my arsernal... its not much, can't summon any persona, just my special kunais... Well, better than nothing I guess...
So I tested the waters and throwed a kunai straight to the egg, barely even a scratch...
"Great, that ended well." As I said that, a wave of Death was heading to me... this is not my day.
And so I jumped up and flash to the kunai I thrown right behind it... er, or was front? It's an egg for Pete's sake!
Several minutes later...
Argh! Not yet... I have to destroy this thing! My friends are my strength, and thier voices empowers me to withstand the Nyx. It was then I heard Mitsuru's voice that changes everything...
"Naruto- kun... Please defeat it, and come back to us... come back to me, my world wouldn't be complete without you... I love you." It was then I paused... and I realize why cant I defeat it. I chuckled softly and stepped in front of the egg.
"I see... I know what I have to do..." I then did my signature move... the Kage bunshin, and four clones came out. I nodded at them and they spread around the enemy. I place my hands up and called out my ultimatum.
*End Song*
*Play- I'll Face Myself*
"Power of the seal!" I yelled out as chains appeared on the four clones. They then proceed to wrap it around the egg, and a Large door appeared behind it. Then all the cards that I formed a bond with appeared right in front of me. I raised my hands up, and the cards followed.
"Persona Fusion: Orpheus Telos!" I cried out as all the cards merged into one. Said card floated right into my hand. I looked atit briefly and smiled.
'Thank you Orpheus... and goodbye.' I thought as the card glowed. I looked at the Nyx one more time. It's terrible power radiating from it. It's time to end this once and for all.
"It's over." I threw the card right at the center of the door frame and card multiplied to all the arcana, from The Fool to The world held at the center. Then the Door was engulfed in light.
*End Song*
End Flashback
*Playing - Aria of the Soul*
I sealed the Nyx using the bonds I've formed with my friends back at Iwatodai. By sealing it using Orpheus Telos as a medium, I basically reversed time by a year, all people living there would have aged back a year and all the time I spent together with my friends , and all memories they had about Tartarus and the dark hour will vanish.
Well... the confusing thing about it, is that the rest of the world had thier mind tweaked regarding anything about that place.
I was broken off my line of thinking by an eerie laugh coming from Igor.
"Ah... But Destiny has decreed that you will once again enter the contract, and will partake another Journey in finding the truth. And I will be here, guiding and assisting you once again, Naruto-san..." He said as he stared at me with those creepy eyes of his.
"Soon, you will sign this contract... and your journey will begin , if it hasn't started right now." He chuckled.
Margaret bowed. "It seems you will be waking up soon, Naruto-san, we will meet again soon... but for now, Farewell."
The velvet room faded as I awoke from my slumber.
*End Song*
A/n: Hi! well... I decided to write a fanfiction after playing 130hrs of persona 4 so... LOL. Anyway, the pairing has been decided, but I'll let you keep guessing... it might or it may not be Mitsuru, so keep your heads up.
I made a HUGE modification on the ending of Persona 3, as oppose to him killing himself, lololol, wouldn't like that. Anyway, I'm still looking for consistency regarding the story flow so, he will NOT reveal he's a ninja here, yes, I said it, unlike other stories, he will not reveal his secret to anybody.
For Kyuubi, eh, keep guessing. It'll reveal soon.