Sorry about the long wait. This semester was insane. Enjoy the new chapter.

Kid Flash sat next to Harry frustrated that he'd arrived as the class was heading into the potion's lab and therefore missed the chance to try to prevent curses from flying. This wasn't the first time he attended a potion's class, however it was the first time he'd attended one of Harry's. Before, he and Robin had attended Violet's Potions class on Tuesday. Of course since they'd also attended her Arithmancy class, once Potions was over she'd subtly pulled them off to a deserted corridor and told them to quit stalking her and visit classes other than her own like perhaps Harry's since someone entered the unlucky kid into the Tournament.

Robin being the little troll he is had replied that Artemis and Zatana had attended some of Harry's classes on Monday and he and Kid Flash had only attended her Arithmancy class. Aqualad and Miss Martian had been in her Ancient Runes class and Superboy and Rocket were in Defense class because those were the first times those classes were offered.

Violet had responded by requesting that they not follow her around the whole time they were at Hogwarts because she's not going to be getting kidnapped there at school thank you very much. The fact that she left getting attacked or cursed out made the two uneasy especially with how uneasy the DADA class had made Superboy and Rocket. They hadn't explained, wanting to only go over it once at the debriefing on Saturday at the Mountain. Robin was going to try to find out from Violet the next time he saw her out of school as well.

A knock on the door pulled Wally out of his thoughts. A small mousey haired Gryffindor walked in, beamed at Harry and Kid Flash and walked up to Snape's desk. Wally then recognized him as the older Creevey brother, both of whom were both fans of the superheroes and asked lots of questions whenever they ran into one of them in the halls.

"Yes?" said Snape curtly.

"Please, sir. I'm supposed to take Harry Potter upstairs."

"Potter has another hour of Potions to complete," said Snape coldly. "He will come upstairs when this class is finished."

"Sir – sir, Mr. Bagman wants him," Creevey said nervously. "All the champions have got to go. I think they want to take photographs…"

"Very well, very well," Snape snapped. "Potter, leave your things here, I want you back down here later to test your antidote."

"Please, sir – he's got to take his things with him," squeaked Creevey. "All the champions-"

"Very well!" said Snape. "Potter – take your bag and get out of my sight."

As Harry and the young boy were about to leave, Creevey turned to Kid Flash. "Do you know where Robin is?" he asked. "He's needed as well."

"Rob's in Gotham City," Kid Flash said. "Duty calls unfortunately." Creevey nodded at that and he and Harry left.

Violet headed down into the Bat Cave where Bruce and Dick were already. "What's going on?" she asked.

"Timothy Drake has been kidnapped," Bruce said tapping on keys.

"Timmy?" Violet asked in shock.

"Oh yeah, he's the kid you babysit sometimes," Dick said looking at Violet who nodded. "Ii have a quick couple questions. First, what went on in your Defense class that made you, Supey and Rocket uneasy?"

"Moody performed the Imperious Curse on all of us so we could practice throwing it off," Violet said knowing there would be no point in avoiding the question since it would be revealed tomorrow anyway.

"Grayson you're next," Moody said as Janine walked back to her friends after being a ballerina under the Imperious. Fred and George had already gone being forced to act like a cat and yodel respectively.

Violet stood in front of Moody's desk and waited. Once the spell was cast she felt like she was floating weightlessly and was completely relaxed.

Moody's voice echoed in a corner of her brain: Sing us a song… sing us a song…

Violet opened her mouth thinking, I know the words to Demons.

Sing us a song…

Hang on though. Another voice made itself heard. I can't sing.

Sing us a song…

Dick is the one who can sing not me. Admittedly, I can sing better than Wally but that's because he sounds like a dying moose.

Sing! Now!

"No thanks," Violet found herself saying.

"Now, that's more like it!" growled Moody's voice and suddenly the echoing feeling in Violet's head disappeared.

"Look at that, you lot… Grayson fought! She fought it and eventually beat it! We'll try that again, Grayson, and the rest of you, pay attention – watch her eyes, that's where you see it. Very good, Grayson, very good indeed! They'll have trouble controlling you! Now let's see if you can beat it faster."

"Is that legal?" Dick asked.

"Apparently Dumbledore wanted us taught what it feels like," Violet replied. "What's the other thing you wanted to ask?"

"How long are you going to give Roy before you go knock some sense into him?"

"He's going to go to the team's Christmas party if I have to drag him kicking and screaming," Violet said smirking. An identical smirk appeared on Dick's face.

"Violet I want you to go see the Drake family and give them some comfort while relaying any news they get to me," Bruce said. "Dick and I will go find Timothy."

"Alright," Violet said. "It's Tim's first time being kidnapped as far as I know so they're probably nearing a panic attack especially Mrs. Drake."

"See you later," Dick said grinning.

Violet waved and headed to the garage. She mounted her motorcycle and put on her helmet. She drove down the road a little ways grateful that the Drake's property was right next to the Wayne estate and on the way to the shops.

"What happened?" she asked as soon as she took her helmet off.

"The Drake's nine year old son was kidnapped," said a cop eying Violet slightly suspiciously.

"Violet!" Mrs. Drake cried having seen Violet from her living room window. She ran over and hugged Violet tightly.

"I was heading into town when I saw the lights," Violet said. "I decided to come see what had happened and the officer here said Timmy's been kidnapped."

"It's terrible!" Mrs. Drake cried. "I went to go pick Timmy up from school but before he got to me someone in a ski mask snatched him up and drove away in a white can."

"The police and Batman will get Tim back safely," Violet said. "A cup of hot chocolate will help calm you down."

Mrs. Drake nodded and the two of them headed inside. She went into the living room and sat next to her husband. He put his arm around her. Violet took a look at Mr. Drake and decided that he needed a pick-me-up as well. She fixed a couple mugs of hot chocolate and brought them to the Drakes.

Commissioner Gordon came into the room as Violet handed the mugs to the couple. "Oh hello Violet. You babysit Timothy right?"

"I do," Violet said sitting next to Mrs. Drake. "He's a sweet kid. Do you have any idea who took him?"

"Not yet" the commissioner admitted. "We haven't had a ransom demand yet."

It wasn't long before the Drakes' phone rang, but it was long enough to fray the already fraying nerves of those waiting. Commissioner Gordon handed the phone to Mr. Drake and told him to put it on speaker.

"Hello," Mr. Drake said, his voice shaking slightly.

"Mr. Drake," a scrambled voice replied. "If you want your son to live you'll do exactly as I say."

"Is my son okay? I'll do what you want just let me know my son is alright!"

There was a brief pause and then, "Daddy!"

Violet flinched at how scared Tim sounded. She also heard a slight slur in his tone and she wanted to punch whoever drugged the little boy.

"There's your proof," the voice came back. "Now I want two million dollars delivered to the second warehouse from the water on Pier 22. The money must be in a black duffel and delivered in forty minutes by the commissioner and one of his subordinate officers. No weapons or the kid gets it."

He hung up and Mrs. Drake started sobbing in her husband's chest. Violet slipped her hand into her pocket to tell Batman the instructions and that she suspected Two-Face was behind it.

Commissioner Gordon sent one of his officers with Mr. Drake to the bank while he headed to the Bat signal to fill Batman in on the new development. Mr. Drake was dropped back off at home while the commissioner and the officer went to the drop.

When Gordon and his officer arrive at the warehouse they were greeted by Batman standing over Two-Face and his goons who were unconscious and tied up. Robin was comforting Timmy who looked a little worse for wear but other than that he looked uninjured.

"Hi Commissioner," Robin chirped. "We've got Two-Face all ready to go back to jail for you.'

"Thanks," Gordon said. He radioed the backup that was around the corner. "The kidnappers are in custody. Move in."

"Would you take Timmy home for us?" Robin asked as the kidnappers were loaded into squad cars.

"Of course," Commissioner Gordon said smiling gently at the nine year old.

Timmy hugged Robin tightly, smiled at Batman, thanked them and ran over to Gordon. He opened the door for Tim. Gordon turned to Batman and Robin but the duo had already silently vanished.

The officer at the Drakes' front door opened it when the commissioner puller up. Commissioner Gordon nodded at Timothy to let him know that he could head inside.

Timmy grinned and bolted inside and into his parents' arms. Violet watched the reunion from the side a soft smile on her face.

"I should probably head home before Bruce starts getting worried," Violet said. Tim ran over and hugged her tightly.

"You'll visit soon, right?" he asked.

"Of course," Violet promised.

"Before you go can you-?" Tim asked eyes wide with hope.

Violet smiled and ruffled his hair. "Alright. Let's go outside so I don't have to worry about making sure I don't break anything."

Tim grinned and pulled her out to the front lawn, his parents and the commissioner following. Violet picked a spot where she was perpendicular to the path and there was nothing behind her. She smiled and launched herself into a quadruple somersault. Tim cheered and the adults applauded.

"Thank you," Violet said giving a little bow, grinning the whole time. "I will see you all again soon."

Gordon and the Drakes said their goodbyes and Mrs. Drake thanked Violet for staying with them. Violet put her helmet on and headed home.

Halfway home, violet was forced to stop due to a strange hooded figure blocking her way. Upon closer inspection she noticed that his face was concealed by a porcelain mask shaped like the face of an owl. Violet wasn't sure why but the sight sent a chill of foreboding down her spine and made her shift her hand closer to her civilian Taser.

"You miss performing in Haly's Circus don't you?" he said smirking under his mask. "I know I do."

Violet stiffened every instinct screaming at her to attack him, get out of there, or attack him and get out of there. They wouldn't get her any information though so she repressed them enough to focus on what he was saying.

"It's a pity your family died and Bruce Wayne took you in," the masked man continued. "If that hadn't happened your skills wouldn't be so dull and unvaried. A couple martial arts classes for self-defense is nothing. The only thing you're any good at is acrobatics and if it didn't' keep you close to your family you probably wouldn't be as dedicated to keeping up with it. It's pathetic really." The disdain was clear in his tone even with the mask changing the sound of his voice. "But that's what happens when you become a socialite instead of following your true calling, which is now mine."

"And what calling is that?" Violet asked, grateful that he didn't know about her schooling or night activities.

"Becoming a Talon."

Violet was confused by that but the foreboding feeling was back and stronger than before. The figure, or Talon apparently, left, but his parting words echoed in Violet's ears long after and explained just why she was so uneasy during the conversation.

"Beware the Court of Owls, that watches all the time, ruling Gotham from a shadow perch, behind granite and lime. They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed, speak not a word of them or they'll send The Talon for your head."

Quick note. The Court of Owls that is here is going to be slightly different than in Batman canon, mainly because I don't know all that much about it. Basically the Court is just a group of assassins in Gotham and the individual members are called Talons. They only do jobs that benefit them in some way. Members are pulled from various places including Haly's Circus.

They'll show up again every now and then but right now they mainly are just rattling Violet. They might become more of a threat or might jsut be a shadow lurking over her head. Who knows. :D