A bit of a "filler chapter" here with much more of a romantic feel to it. Hope you enjoy and please leave reviews! xxx

It was three am on the Limewood Estate and for one of the two people staying in the hotel room, sleep had not yet engulfed them. The room was completely opaque now and Betty was unable to see her hand in front of her as she sat up in bed. She sighed and hugged her arms around her, rubbing her arms in an attempt to shield them from the icy breeze the air conditioning seemed to be blaring out. She sat for a minute, trying to hear for Daniel's movements in the bed across the room but all that could be heard was his heavy breathing and slight, husky snoaring. It was then that she looked around her and felt for her glasses on the bedside table next to her and put them on. Squinting through the darkness, she moved the sheets open on one side and slid off the mattress; feeling her feet hit the cold, wooden floorboards. Her eyes had adjusted a little to the sheer, obscurity of the light in the room and she wandered into the living room, picking up her phone on the coffee table.

She was just able to make out the formation of the room now. The coffee table, the arm chair and the double doors of Daniel's bedroom left open were all just dark shadows in the room but they gave Betty a guide to where about she was. After standing scanning the walls for the air conditioning controls, she saw a square, digital panel next to the door of the suite. Stepping around the arm chair and pushing an imaginary piece of hair behind her ear out of pure confusion as to how to work the controls, Betty shone the light from her Blackberry onto the control panel to give her some light in the pitch black atmosphere. After a few minutes she thought she might have figured the controls out and so tapped lightly on the touch screen panel. But it was then that the room grew colder and the noise from the air conditioning grew marginally louder.

"Oh shit" she whispered as she pressed a button on her Blackberry so the light shone out from the screen again. She sighed and tried to undo the action she had just made on the control panel, but it was no use so she wandered back over to her bed.

"Betty?" Daniel asked huskily and quietly as he sat up in his bed, his body covered from the waist down by the sheets and his torso completely bare. Although the darkness in the room meant that she couldn't make out his facial features, Betty could see that a stream of light bounced off the skin of his chest, causing her to be able to make out his strong arms and taught chest.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" she almost pleaded, apologising as she turned around and saw Daniel rubbing his eyes like a small child.

"What's wrong?" he asked through a stifled yawn and Betty moved to put her phone back on charge on the coffee table.

"It's freezing in here so I went to turn the air con off but I made it worse" she rubbed the tops of her arms as she shivered and curled her toes against the floorboards.

"Mmm come here" he said groggily, running a hand through his hair before yawning again.


"Just come here" he replied and Betty made her way through the living room and towards Daniel who was lying on the right side of the bed. She reached the bedside table and he slid his feet from underneath the covers so that he was sat on the edge of the bed, with the sheets still wrapped around his bottom half. He pulled his overnight bag from next to the nightstand and pulled one of his grey Harvard sweatshirts from the bottom. He looked back up to find Betty standing over him, toying with her fingernails. Slowly, he took her glasses off her face and laid them next to his phone on the bedside table. Pushing his hands inside the sweater, he pulled the material over her hair and down over her body as she pushed her arms through the holes. It was considerably bigger than her frame, but paired with her tiny shorts and her hair tied up, Daniel couldn't help but admire how lovely she looked.

"Better?" he asked as he rubbed the tops of her arms before feeling his way down to her hands which lay at least two inches inside the sleeve of his sweater.

"Much. Thank you" she whispered. Daniel swung their hands a little so they hit off each other like swings and he pulled Betty so that she stood in between his legs. The bed was higher than she had thought and so Daniel's head reached the space between her breasts and her collar bone as she placed her hands on his shoulders. Daniel wove his arms around her waist and pulled Betty into his torso as he rested his head against her chest. He felt the cold skin over her collar bone and moved his hand down to the back of one of her thighs. He held her tightly and she smiled softly as she brushed her fingers along the downy hair at the nape of his neck and leant her head against his. She could feel the heat radiating off his chest and through the sweater and he brushed his thumb over the curve of the back of her leg.

"God Betty, you are cold" she smiled in response and he pulled away from their embrace to look at her.

"Come on. Get in" he said as he cocked his head towards the other side of the bed.

"Are you sure?" she asked warily as she began to register the colour of Daniel's eyes through the darkness of the room.

"Of course I am, now get in" she smiled weakly at him as she tilted her head in admiration. She began to wander over to the other side of the bed and pulled back the sheets. As soon as her skin hit the covers, she could immediately feel the heat glowing from Daniel like a halo. The sheets were balmy on her bare legs and his pillows didn't feel as hard as hers had. She shivered into her new found warmth but unexpectedly found Daniel moving over to her side of the bed. He lay on his side as he pulled Betty's body into his own. They were facing each other and her knees were pulled into her chest as Daniel rubbed Betty's back in soft circles and she leant her head against his chest.

"Daniel, I swear to God you're like a furnace" she laughed as she felt him take hold of her hands and blow hot air into them.

"It's one of my talents I guess. Warm hands and warm skin" he smiled at her as she relaxed sighed into his touch.

"Jeeze, how'd you get so cold?" he laughed a little as he felt her feet, like little blocks of ice, touch his thighs.

"Sorry…" she said, feeling guilty for having woken Daniel up and having him warm her up like a child after playing in the snow.

"What are you talking about? You've got nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart" he kissed her forehead and she rested her head against his shoulder. She moved slightly, holding onto the top of Daniel's arm as she brushed her lips along the length of his shoulder. He was stroking his hand absentmindedly up and down her back before he slipped both of them under his sweater and underneath her white cami and made contact with her cold, goose bumped skin. She sighed and her throat made a quiet "mmm" sound as he continued moving his hands upwards across the small of her back and clasped her shoulder momentarily before dragging his fingers downwards over the side of her body. He knew that she wasn't wearing a bra anymore and his hand accidentally brushed the side contour of her breast; making her nuzzle softly into his neck. It was the most pleasure she had experienced from anyone's hands and Daniel's seemed to work magic as he glided them across her skin. She felt wrong for wanting him to search further with his hands and for her to be bare of her clothes but she had no idea that Daniel was thinking the exact same thing. He could feel Betty's eyelashes fluttering against his neck as he carried on making circles on her skin with his hand. They hadn't ever been this close to each other but for Daniel it was miraculously soothing and his touch had warmed Betty immediately.

"Daniel?" Betty asked, lifting her head off his shoulder to look at him.

"What is it?" he asked as she rested her head back down into his neck. She waited a while before asking again.

"Are you wearing anything?" she sounded slightly cautious as she remained a little scared to ask such a question

"I'm wearing boxers, why?" he replied and pulled his face back to look at her seeing her look up with a smile on her face.

"No reason" she rested her head against his shoulder and he smirked into her skin as he pressed his lips into her neck.

"Do you want proof or something?" he laughed again as he spoke "You're hand aren't that far away from my ass right now"

"Mmm go to sleep Daniel" she said through a yawn and Daniel laughed again before settling his head back down in the crook of Betty's neck. One of her hands softly gripped Daniel's arm and the other rested on his collar bone. Her head rested just below his shoulder on the firm muscle of his chest and one of her legs was raised and rested on his hip. Daniel's hands had slowed their actions underneath Betty's cami and rested still on the small of her back; his upper arms keeping her firmly pressed against his body. The position was natural as they faced each other and it was the most comfortable way Daniel had ever slept holding a woman in his arms. Betty wasn't heavy by any means which meant that Daniel didn't feel like he had a dead weight leaning against him but he felt like he was being kept safe and warm. They were both content and snug underneath the layers of sheets and Betty had never felt a greater urge than to prise her clothes from her body and sleep skin to skin with Daniel. What she failed to know was that Daniel's hands were dangerously close to removing her clothes for her but his conscience was keeping him from doing so.

During the night of peaceful and contented slumber for both Daniel and Betty, their position in the bed changed only once when Betty turned over and took his sweater off and slept with her back pressed against Daniel's chest with his head nuzzled deep in the crevice of her neck. The removal of his sweater allowed Daniel to pull Betty closer to him and his arms lay tightly folded around her waist underneath her breasts. Throughout the night, Daniel had snored quietly yet gruffly in Betty's ear and while most might find it irritating, she found it one of the most comforting things that she'd ever heard. Their legs were entwined, their bodies moulded into one another's and their skin touching in every way possible without the removal of yet more pieces of clothing. Daniel would drift in and out of sleep and would find himself listening as Betty would sigh and make "mmm" noises when he traced his lips over her skin and pull her body firmer against his own. She loved laying in his arms and felt herself smiling when Daniel smoothed his hands down her arms and when his lips lay firm against her neck.

They had both learned that despite the teasing and provocative words shared between them, the tender moments were just as appealing and just as needed. Sleeping in each others arms didn't need to follow sex or making love to one another…well, not yet anyway.