Blaine wasn't a prude. No, in fact, he had been with his fair share of relationships and a few one-night stands, though he never made a habit of doing that. Though the one thing that Blaine would never stoop down to was hiring a prostitute. Well, Blaine was gay so finding a male prostitute would be difficult if not impossible anyway. Were male prostitutes even called prostitutes? He wasn't sure. All he knew was that he never should have opened that damn door with the tie around the knob. Blaine shared an apartment with his one of his good friends, Puck, and their code for if either one had a 'friend' over was to put a tie around the doorknob. Blaine had a horrible day at work, his head was aching and he was in no mood to sit outside the apartment for hours until Puck's little friend left. The second he set down his bag, the moans and groans began radiating from the back bedroom. Placing his fingers at his temples, Blaine stomped down the narrow hallway to make his presence known before slamming his door shut. Puck always had some girl around him and it was beginning to get irritating. A few minutes later, he heard hushed voices and scattered footsteps until there was finally silence. Blaine let out a sigh as he laid back on his bed, flicking the light off and immersing himself in the darkness.

It wasn't but a second later that he heard his door open, a yellowish light streaming in from the cracked door, "Dude? What the hell is up with you?"

"Nothing, Puckerman." Blaine growled, rolling over and away from the light.

The door was thrown open and Puck came in, jumping on the bed next to him, "Come on, man. You need to yank that stick out of your ass!" He joked, still hopping up and down on the mattress, "…Or maybe you need one up it?" He mused, letting out a haughty laugh at Blaine's disgruntled face.

"Remind me again why I ever agreed to move in with you?"

Puck decided to answer Blaine's sarcastic, rhetorical question, "'Cause, dude. I'm freakin' awesome!" Blaine sat up, realizing he wouldn't be getting any sleep and made his way into the small kitchenette to brew a cup of coffee, Puck right on his heels, "No, but seriously. You really need to get laid."

"Yeah, yeah." Blaine waved him off, downing a few pills to take the edge off the headache. "As far as I'm concerned, you get laid enough for the both of us."

"I'm surprised you never dated anyone from the Garglers. Weren't they all gay at that school?"

Blaine rolled his eyes, "Yes, Puckerman. They were all gay and we had weekly orgies in the common room."

"TMI, man."

"That was a joke."

"Oh… Well, I've got some connections. I can totally get you a dude if you want one." Puck smiled proudly, punching something into his phone.

Blaine wiped a hand down his face, "Noah," Puck turned, knowing something was up since he was using his real first name, "We've been over this. I'm not going to pay someone for sex. It's degrading and I won't do it."

Puck pursed his lips, "Sure, sure…" He walked away, holding the phone to his ear before talking animatedly with someone on the other line.

Blaine took his mug of java and sat on the small couch in the den, turning on some mind numbing reality television until the throbbing behind his eyes ceased and he was able to think clearly. A few hours later and several episodes of Project Runway over, Blaine finally went back to his room, crawling gratefully into the warm bed. He was never more thankful for the fact that it was a Thursday and he only had one more day at work. Running your own business most definitely had its perks, but it was very demanding. His days of owning Ties R Us were over though. He was handing off his business to his friend Wes and Blaine only had to go in once or twice a week to check on everything. This was his last week working full time, and though he was sad to see his days there were numbered, he was excited for his future in music. He had no worries about having Wes in charge after seeing the way he used that gavel in Warblers practice. He fell asleep with a smile on his face, dreaming of his high school days at Dalton.

Raucous laughter woke Blaine after what seemed like only a few hours of sleep. He checked his clock to see that it was already ten in the morning. Blaine frantically threw his covers off of him, stripping himself of his clothes and pulling on fresh ones. He did the quickest gel job he'd ever done in his life before throwing the door open to see Puck and Finn lounging in the den, watching some episode of South Park. "You think you could've told me it was this late?" Blaine accused, throwing on a jacket and slipping on his shoes.

"Didn't wanna bother you." Puck spoke around a mouth full of cereal.

Finn gave a sheepish look, "Sorry, dude. Rachel kicked me out this morning so I came over here. She said she needed the place to herself for the day."

Blaine sighed as he poured a generous amount of caffeine into his travel cup, "I don't care that you're here, Finn. I'm just late for work." He didn't hear Finn's response as he power walked out the door.

"You're late." Wes stated as soon as Blaine walked through the glass doors.

"I know, Wes. I'm sorry." He walked to his back office, Wes on his tail, "How did you do this morning?"

Wes started talking, but Blaine just wasn't listening. He was just so worn out. The shock of a hand slamming on the desk in front of him jolted him to awareness. "Blaine!"

"Don't know why you ever got rid of that gavel." Blaine stood, running a hand through his lightly gelled curls, "Listen, Wes. Do you think you could just hold down the front? I mean, you are going to be running the place."

Wes's eyes bulged, "A-are you sure? I mean, there are so many things left to do! We have the new shipment of bow ties coming in this afternoon, then the guys from Hancock Fabrics are coming in at three, and-"

"Wesley." Blaine cut of his ramblings, "You'll be fine. I trust you. And if you have any problems, just call me and I'll be in as soon as I can." Blaine placed a hand on the ex-Warbler's shoulder, "Just calm down."

Wes nodded, "Yeah… Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Good." He patted the hand on Wes's shoulder before leaving the store.

Blaine walked the few blocks back to his apartment and up to the second floor. When he came in, neither Finn nor Puck had moved from their spots. He smiled fondly at the two before sitting down and joining in on their conversation.

"So, Blainey boy. If you had a type, what would it be?" Puck asked, kicking back in his chair.

Blaine raised a questioning eyebrow, "Why?"

"Just curious is all." Puck smiled, looking the picture of innocence.

"I like a guy that's taller than me." Blaine started.

Puck seemed to be taking in this information, "Like, Finn tall or just a bit taller?"

Blaine narrowed his eyes slightly, "Just a bit taller… What's this all abou-"

"What about hair color?"

Blaine decided to play along with whatever was going on, "Brown."

"Light or dark brown?"

Blaine huffed, "I don't know. In the middle? Light?"

"Eye color?"

"Blue or green I guess. It doesn't really matter to me-"

Puck continued firing questions at him, "What about skin color? Ethnicity?"

"Puck, seriously!" Blaine was starting to regret going along with this game.

Finn gave him a half smile, "I'd just get it over with and maybe he'll leave it be."

"Pale… You sound like you're trying to order me a boyfriend or something." Blaine joked.

Puck let out a loud laugh that had a slight lilt to it, "No. No… You like a big di-"

"And I believe that's my cue to leave. Have fun!" Finn stood, "I'll just go and see if Rach will let me back in the apartment if I stay quiet while she's doing vocal warm ups." He left the apartment in a hurry, and Blaine was contemplating following his lead.

"So, big dick or small dick?"

Blaine eyed him incredulously, "Are you kidding me right now?" Puck shook his head, "If I answer this, you have to leave me alone. Agreed?"

Puck smirked, "Agreed. Now, big or small?"

Blaine sighed, "Big." He tried to cover his blush.

"Got it. Thanks, man." Puck punched his shoulder as he went by, striding back to his room.

Blaine sat back on the sofa, "Why don't you share an apartment with Puck, they said. It'll be fun, they said." He murmured to himself as he rested. Deciding to get a few more hours, he pulled the blanket off of the back of the couch and wrapped himself in it.

The sun was just beginning to dip in the sky when a knock at the door stirred him. He stood, rubbing at a kink in his neck from falling asleep on the couch and called to whoever was at the door, "Who is it?"

"I have a delivery for a Blaine Anderson?" A voice spoke from the other side of the wood. Blaine walked over and opened the door, gasping in surprise when he was suddenly face to face with a stunning young man. His skin was pale like snow and his light brown hair was brushed back in a coif. Seashell pink lips were turned up in a smile as Blaine could only gape at the beautiful man. What caught him though were a pair of stunning, iridescent eyes. Blues and greens were swirled around in those bright orbs, specked with flecks of gold near the pupil. "Do I get to come in?" He asked in a sultry voice.

Blaine sputtered for a moment, "Y-yeah. Come in. I- Uh… Who are you?"

The man slowly made his way inside, closing the door behind him and leaned against it. He cocked his head to the side slightly, "You didn't order anything?" Blaine shook his head, "Hm." The stranger seemed thoughtful for a moment, "Well, someone did. And you are in fact Blaine Anderson, correct?"

"Yes." Blaine had to use every ounce of will power he had to keep his voice steady.

"Then I have the right place." He concluded. "My… boss said that a very well paying customer called in a… specific order for tonight. And I've come to deliver it to you." He gave a coy smile before dropping his trench coat to the floor, revealing a pair of sinfully tight leather pants paired with an off the shoulder, deep red shirt.

Blaine blanched, "W-who told you to come here for me?"

The man raised his eyebrows, "I don't handle the business side of things, honey. I just come and do my job so boss man makes a pretty penny." He stalked closer to Blaine, swinging his hips from side to side, "Don't seem so nervous, baby. I'll make you feel real good." He purred as he made his fingers walk up Blaine's chest before gripping his tie and tugging it forward gently.

"I don't even know your name." Blaine's breathing quickened as the taller man let his pale hand travel to his lower back.

"You can call me Porcelain."

Blaine's mind was going all fuzzy around the edges, "I've never- uh…"

"Virgin?" Porcelain asked quickly.

"No- no. I've never hired a… Well…" Blaine wasn't sure where this lack of forming coherent sentences was coming from.

Porcelain pulled one side of his mouth up into a smile, "Don't you worry. Your buddy paid up front, so you have me for two hours." He guided Blaine backwards towards the couch. Blaine felt the backs of his legs touch the cushions and he let himself fall back onto them, Porcelain straddled his legs before leaning in and whispering hotly into his ear, "Now, what can we do for two hours?" He nipped lightly at Blaine's ear lobe, eliciting a moan. Porcelain's lips moved further down his neck, "I can certainly think of a few things… But you're the customer here." Blaine was losing focus, his mind reeling at the sensation of the man that was on top of him, "Tell me what you want, big boy." Blaine whined as he felt his erection palmed through his pants.

"Bed." Blaine managed to pant out. Porcelain smiled knowingly and stood up, pulling Blaine up with him. Blaine led them to his room before sitting on the side of his mattress. Porcelain shut his door, clicking it locked and then resumed the same position they were in on the couch.

Porcelain undid his tie, setting it beside him as he worked on the buttons of Blaine's shirt, "Top or bottom, baby?" He questioned as he slid the shirt off of Blaine's shoulders.

Blaine blinked, "W-what do you want to do?" He asked since that was the normal thing to ask… right?

Porcelain let out a chuckle, "That's not for me to decide, honey."

"Okay… Top?"

Porcelain pulled his shirt over his head, "You're adorable." He grinned as he worked off his tight pants, revealing the fact that he was not wearing any underwear. Blaine's eyes widened at the sight of Porcelain's length before he moved and crawled onto the bed, wagging his ass in the air, "I'm all ready for you, Mr. Anderson. No prep needed."

Blaine flushed, "Couldn't we just, uh… I don't know, kiss first or something?" He worried his lower lip awkwardly.

"I don't kiss on the lips, hun."

"Oh." Blaine tried to hide his disappointment. He wanted nothing more than to taste those delicious lips of Porcelain's. It was very dark in his room, the only light coming from the moon. He considered turning on the light, but decided against it as he climbed back onto the bed after shedding his pants and boxers.

"Tell me where you want me."

"Lie on your back?" Though it wasn't supposed to, the statement came out as a question instead.

Porcelain laid himself out on his back, fanning his arms out on the sheets. Blaine reached over and grabbed a condom and some lube. He slid the latex over his throbbing erection before slicking up with a fair amount of lube. Porcelain said that he was prepared, but he didn't want to hurt the man. "Hm, I was right earlier when I called you big boy."

He blushed when Porcelain gently took hold of Blaine's length and guided it inside of him. "Fuck." Blaine cursed at the feeling of being totally inside of Porcelain.

"Oh, yes! You can move." Porcelain said, almost as if rehearsed… Which it probably was. Blaine began thrusting in and out, listening to the sensationalized moans and groans coming from the man beneath him. He could see that he was only half hard, so Blaine reached down and started to stroke Porcelain's member. Porcelain shot him a slightly confused look until it transformed into one of ecstasy, "Oh my God!" The pale boy threw his head back and Blaine grinned in satisfaction. Not caring, Blaine dove down and captured Porcelain's plush lips in a searing kiss. He tasted of a mixture of coffee, nicotine, and a hint of cinnamon gum. Porcelain was reluctant at first before he seemed to melt into the kiss, their tongues moving against one another's, fighting for dominance. Blaine wasn't sure, but he thinks that Porcelain might have let him win as he took over the kiss. He could feel that he was close to the edge, so with a few final snaps of his hips, he came. Blaine slumped forward before feeling that Porcelain was still hard beneath him. He pulled out and Porcelain made a move to get up before Blaine pushed him back down with a hand to the chest, grabbing hold of his erection and pumping a few times. It didn't take much before Porcelain was coming, arching his back up from the bed. He watched as the young man fell back onto the pillows, his thick lashes fanned out along the hollows under his eyes. It took a moment for Porcelain to gain his bearings. He gave Blaine a smile before rolling off the bed and started to dress again.

Blaine furrowed his brow, "Where are you going?"

Porcelain sent him a wink, "I don't do sleepovers, babe." Blaine must have looked let down because Porcelain came up to him, placing a chaste kiss to his lips, "If you want a round two, talk to that friend of yours about setting something up." He stood, sending Blaine a wink before leaving the room without another word.

Blaine waited until he heard the apartment door shut before the realization hit of what he had just done. He'd actually had sex with… with a prostitute. He grabbed his discarded phone and dialed a number, "Noah Puckerman! I'm going to kill you!"


I have no idea why, but this idea hit and I just couldn't leave it be. I know it's bad since I'm already working on my other story at the same time, but I had to write this! My priority for updating with be WDIES, but I'll try to do both equally! Let me know what you thought! :)