I was watching season one on Nick (If you follow NinaMartin4RP, you could have seen me commenting xD), I noticed at the finale, Nina looked more worried than I thought. She looked as if she was going to cry, and when she spoke up, it sounded as if she would pass out any second. So then I thought, I have an idea! This story will be a two-shot. But I like experimenting with 'what if' moments, if you haven't figured that out. Okay, on with the story, too much babbling!

Description: They had gotten all the pieces. After such a long time of figuring out clues, and solving the near impossible, they had all of them. They were ready. But their plans failed when Rufus caught them, he had locked them all in Mr. Winkler's room. And Rufus has something that would let him kill all of them in an instant, if they didn't obey.

He needed the Cup of Ankh to live. But when he realized they didn't have the pieces, he decided to take Nina, and get them himself.

Part One

Nina Martin tossed and turned in her sleep, having another nightmare. She just couldn't seem to get ahold of herself, after what happened the other night.

She let out a scream, and sprang up from her slumber, beginning to shake as tears raced down her cheeks. She had woken Amber, and she had rushed to her side, comforting her friend for the third night in a row. She didn't think Nina would take it so bad, but she had no idea what happened when she was with Rufus. She assumed it was something completely awful.

Even being all the way downstairs, Fabian could hear Nina's scream. He hadn't the past nights, but it did tonight. He knew it was Nina, he could tell. He quickly stood up, opened his door quietly, and stepped out into the hallway.

He slowly crept upstairs, being extra careful when he got over to Victor's office. Victor had changed since that petrifying night, he seemed as if he didn't care about anything anymore. But that was because he knew his time was running out, he could no longer extend his life. He wasn't immortal.

When Fabian got to Nina and Amber's door, he could hear Nina's soft cries, making his heart break into a thousand pieces. She was in pain, she was scared. He didn't even have to look at her to know that. That night changed her as well. And he didn't even know half of it.

Fabian opened the door slowly, revealing an exhausted Amber, who was trying to comfort a distraught Nina. But she had moved away from her, sitting in the corner of her bed, shaking as she sobbed. Amber looked up at him, her bloodshot eyes now visible. Fabian was growing more worried by the second.

"Nina?" He whispered, looking over at her. She didn't even glance at him, she was too embarrassed to do so. She was the one who was always brave, who was always optimistic when times were tough. And now she sat on her bed, wishing it would all end, and that she had never even stepped foot into Anubis.

Fabian walked over to her bed, and Amber stepped away. She had started to cry as well. She had been so scared that night, of what had happened to her best American friend. And she could tell that the damage was done, and that it could not be reversed. She knew Nina changed.

Before going to Nina, Fabian went over to Amber, giving her a quick hug.

"It's going to be okay, Amber. Go talk to Alfie. The light's on in his room." Fabian whispered to her, letting go. Amber nodded, and ran out of the room, heading straight to Alfie's.

Fabian looked back at Nina, who hadn't moved from where she was before. He hated seeing her like this. He hated it more than anything. He wanted to see her smile again, he wanted to see her eyes sparkle with excitement once more.

Fabian sat on Nina's bed, and moved himself until he was right next to her. She was sobbing even more, and shaking as if an earthquake had unleashed within her. He put his arms around her, and pulled her onto his lap. She tried to stop him from doing so by hitting his chest lightly, but that just made Fabian hold her tighter.

Eventually she buried her head in his chest, soaking his shirt with her tears. Fabian gently rocked her back and forth, trying to calm her down. But it seemed to only make her more nervous, causing her to cry even more.

"H-He's still alive..." Nina stammered, her heart beating faster from just thinking about him. Rufus, the one who was causing her all this misery. The one who made her fearful to step outside her room, because he could easily snatch her away. And she would be gone, never to be seen again.

"He won't hurt you Nina, he has no reason to. He thinks he drank the elixir." He whispered softly, still rocking her back and forth. What he had said seemed to calm her down a bit, and the rocking eventually got her to stop crying. But she was now clinging to him.

"I wouldn't let him lay one finger on you, Neens. I promise." He added, kissing the top of her head. A stray tear slid down her cheek, and Fabian wiped it away with his thumb. She smiled at him slightly, but it wasn't much of one. It wasn't a Nina smile.

The smile he saw made him want to kill Rufus right on the spot.

After a while, Nina fell asleep in his arms, and Fabian laid her down gently. He knew if he stayed he would get in a lot of trouble, so he kissed her forehead, and headed back down to his room.

That night changed everyone.

Good, bad? I hope you enjoyed! The next part is what actually happened! It's very long but oh well! It's pretty much the finale written down, except with some twists :P
