Emma let the princess dress' cool ice blue material slide through her fingers as she stared off in the distance. "If you think I'm wearing this you're crazy," she told her friend absentmindedly. A sigh pulled her thoughts away from the storm ahead and back to the inpatient red head next to her. "What?" she asked.

"Emma, please. It's a costume party, you have to dress up," Caroline stated. She had taken Emma to every store inside Storybrooke- and then some- and still they couldn't find anything for the sheriff to wear to the town's Halloween Ball. Mayor Mills had started the tradition quite a few years back, and it had always been a favorite of Caroline's. Emma was relatively new here- she had only moved in less than a year ago- and her friend was not about to let her miss out on all the fun. "This town seriously goes all out. If you don't dress up, you'll stand out- and not in a good way."

"Well maybe I don't want to go," Emma replied with sincerity. She hadn't had the best luck in this town in the guy department- she didn't even want to think about Graham- and the idea of going to a ball with a guy her best friend set her up with didn't seem like such a good idea. Relationships and Emma just didn't go well together. It was like water and oil, and she didn't see some magical solution to her love life- or rather, lack thereof- coming her way anytime soon.

"Emma, trust me on this. You want to go," Carol said with a stern look on her face. She had been all about this little date since her boyfriend's brother came to town. Some girls need a guy who will hold their hand and watch a sappy love movie with them on a Friday night. Emma wasn't that girl. She needed someone who could call her out when she was being annoying, who would joke around with her, someone who would make her blush- something Caroline had yet to see. As soon as she met Killian she knew that a date of theirs would be one for the books. Emma hadn't met him yet, but Caroline knew she wouldn't be able to bow out of the Ball after looking into those eyes of his. Carol would get an earful about it that was for sure. Emma would not get along with Killian, not at first. He was too charming for his own good- must be hereditary considering her boyfriend's own charm and wit- and Emma was cautious enough around men already.

Emma sighed. "Fine. But I want to meet this guy first. Blind dates are awkward enough, let alone a blind date at a Ball for God's sake. And who throws Balls anymore? Why doesn't this town just call it a dance, or a party?"

Caroline ignored her question and replied, "I'll talk to Rob tonight about us going over there for drinks, okay?"

"That's fine," Emma answered. Caroline smiled and the women left the store before Emma could talk down to anymore costumes. Once outside, they went their separate ways to get ready for the night ahead.

"I'll get it!" Carol jumped up and ran to the door. Killian looked over at Rob; he still couldn't believe his brother was dating her, not that she wasn't great or anything, but he and his brother promised each other a long time ago that they would never gave get tied down to one girl. Commitment seemed like prison to two young boys with bright eyes and big heads. Rob moved back here after college though, and it was practically the next day that Killian got a call from him raving about a girl he had met at a coffee shop. He seemed happy though, which was enough to keep a smile on Killian's face as he agreed to the blind date.

"Emma, this is Rob's brother, Killian. Killian, this is Emma," Caroline stated with a grin that could put a toothpaste model to shame. Killian put a smile on his face and looked up. Suddenly the fake smile became a smirk as he looked the blond up and down. She was wearing a tight red dress, and by the way she kept shifting the hem Killian could tell she hadn't been the one to choose the outfit. When his eyes met hers, it took all the willpower he had not to laugh. The lass had quite the temper- he could already tell. She glared at him, with her mouth set in a grimace that somehow still managed to look cute. Oh, this will be fun, Killian thought as he stood.

"…Killian, this is Emma." Emma shifted her weight slightly as she looked at the man designated as her date for the first time. Shit, she thought. How was she supposed to keep her wits when he looked like that? He wore a dark blue zip up hoodie and washed out jeans, which would be fine if his eyes weren't the brightest blue she had ever seen. She stood in the hallway awkwardly as he checked her out. She watched the slow smirk creep up on his lips and in an effort to prevent any redness she knew was bound to plaster her cheeks, she focused on the fact that he was being incredibly rude. His eyes met hers, and she felt her breath catch ever so slightly as the man stood and walked towards her. The room was dead silent, and Emma wished someone would say something already. His eyes never left hers as he glided across the room. She felt the heat slowly rise to her cheeks and clenched her jaw in anger- he would not get to her that way. Killian's smirk widened, and Emma silently cursed her parents for passing on whatever gene that made her turn red at that very moment.

"Killian Jones, pleasure to meet you miss Swan," He said as he gently took her right hand in his and kissed her knuckles, eyes never leaving her- although he did raise an eyebrow, almost like he was challenging her- and the smirk still in place. She yanked her hand back, knowing full well what he was trying to do and determined not to let him have his way. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he moved in slightly to whisper, "Feisty are we?"

Killian watched as the rise and fall of Emma's chest quickened. She was glaring at him again- he'd have to get used to that he supposed. The blond brushed past him making little contact, but enough to make his arm tingle at the faint touch of hers. He turned his head to see her sit on the couch, and then shifted his gaze to Caroline. From what he could tell about her, she wanted her friend to find happiness, and for whatever reason she thought Killian would bring it to her. She smiled knowingly and pulled Emma aside. A short minute later, Emma was in front of Killian, and the crooked smile was back on his face as he listened to her ask him if he'd like to take a walk with her. "I'm not so sure, love; you could be crazy for all I know. You may have to…convince me otherwise," he taunted. He could tell Rob was trying not to laugh behind him; he had to have known Killian wouldn't make this easy on the poor girl. Emma didn't cave as he had hoped, however; she just walked out the door expecting him to follow. "Or you could do that…" Killian mumbled as he made his way out into the cool night.

Emma was furious. How dare Carol set her up with this guy? There was no way she was going to the Ball with him. He was an arrogant ass and she under no circumstance was going to put up with it. "Take my coat, love, it's cold out."

"I'm fine," she mumbled over her shoulder.

"Damn women, just take the bloody coat." The next thing she knew his sweatshirt was draped over her shoulders. She turned to glare at him, and was startled by how close he had been. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt, not much of an improvement from the jacket she noted-his eyes were still piercing. His face bore no expression, and she waited for a snide remark from the man. Instead of speaking he just turned and began to walk on, glancing over his shoulder to see if she would follow. Emma sighed and reluctantly trailed after him down the path in front of the house. "Where do you live?" Emma asked abruptly.


"Your accent. It's stronger than Rob's, so you must still live wherever the two of you grew up…right?" She explained. The familiar smirk crossed his face as he looked over at her and replied, "Noticed my accent, did ya? Someone's paying a bit more attention than I'd thought." Emma rolled her eyes and regretted the decision to ask. A moment of silence passed between the two before he responded.

"Dublin. We grew up in a small town outside of Dublin, but moved here when I was about 14, he was around 12 I suppose," Killian stated. Emma looked over to him and noticed a look of longing on his face. He bit his lip before continuing. "He chose to move back here after he went to college. I, however, didn't see the appeal of your fair country. So I attended college back home. That's why my accent is more prominent," He answered. He stopped walking and touched her arm just barely to stop her as well. Her eyes flickered to his hand before looking up to his eyes. Killian lost his train of thought when her eyes met his, not something that happened often, and the side of his mouth twitched as she shifted slightly and swallowed. He made her uncomfortable. He swept a piece of hair out of her face, just to see how she would react. Her eyes narrowed slightly before she pulled away from the moment and turned back to the house. A sigh escaped his lips.

"Hey, come on. You're not honestly leaving are you, lass?" He asked her, hoping she would return to him. They'd hardly had a chance to talk. She stopped, but didn't turn around. A breeze blew through the town at that moment and a shiver went down his spine. He was suddenly acutely aware that she was still wearing his coat, and that she didn't appear to be giving it up any time soon. "At least gimme my coat," he said, growing more irritated as time passed. She wasn't saying anything and he only had so much patience in the cold October air for women who refused his advances. She turned with a smile on her face and said, "No, I think I'll keep it," before turning and walking back to her car. "I'll see you soon, Killian Jones," she said before shutting her door and turning on the old yellow bug. Killian stood on the path, watching the girl go, unable to move. How did he not see that coming? Why had he given that blasted girl the coat in the first place? She drove off then, leaving Killian all alone with a realization bouncing around his head- their date to the ball was still on.