

Inner Sakura

Jade eyes fluttered open. All that was seen was a red blur directly in front of her. When Sakura's eyes finally focused she had realized that the red blur in front of her was no other but Sasori.

Realizing this, many thoughts raced through the pinkette's head as she processed the fact that Sasori, the emotionless puppet master of the Akatsuki, was laying beside her in the same bed. His face was only mere inches away from her own. Her face had reddened at this and she immediately looked away from him. She wondered why she was in such a position. How did she even get into the bed in the first place? Last thing she remembered was storming off away from Sasori to sleep on the couch.

She looked back at Sasori and was about to move away when she realized that a pair of arms were wrapped around her waist, preventing her from moving anywhere. She looked back up to glare at Sasori's sleeping face, but after a few seconds her eyes softened seeing how peaceful the red-head looked in his slumber. Now that she thought about it, she never got a good look at the Akatsuki member in front of her. He had such bright red hair and his face was cute. He looked pretty young, maybe around the same age as Sakura, maybe a little older.

You should kiss him.

Yeah, I…W-wait! WHAT?! Inner I can't do that!

Sakura, I know you think he's super hot. Like, his level of hotness is over Sasuke level. Sasuke used to be all the way at the top of our "Hot Guys" list, but seeing this hot thing here, Sasuke has plummeted down to nothing. He doesn't stand a chance against this fine piece of-

INNER! Oh my gosh. Stop it, please…I beg you. This is too much.

Yeah, his face is just too much. I can't handle it either.

Inner, stop it! I know that you know what I meant!

Sakura take the chance! You'll never get this chance ever again, I tell you!

Sakura looked at Sasori's face in embarrassment, as Inner continued to try persuading the pinkette into kissing the Akatsuki member while he was unconscious. All I can say is that her face looked like Sasori's hair at the end of her mental conversation.

Sakura continued to look at Sasori's face for the next few minutes, and before she realized it, her face began inching closer to his. She could feel his breath hitting her face and started to close her eyes. Suddenly tired hazelnut eyes fluttered open and Sakura quickly noticed this. Taken by surprise, her face became so red it truly put a lobster to shame. She quickly jerked away from Sasori's body, in the process she fell off the bed.

Sakura was beyond embarrassed. She couldn't believe that she just jumped off the bed right when Sasori had woken up. Sakura immediately got up and practically ran to the bathroom. She slammed the door shut and leaned against the door. There was no way she could ever face Sasori ever again. She wished that she could just fall apart and turn into dust so that the wind could sweep her away. (A/N: I don't know how wind would sweep her away when she's inside of a building, but I'll stick with it. /shrugs.)

Sasori was utterly confused. Right when he woke up, Sakura randomly got up and fell off the bed. He rose from the bed, rubbing his red locks, to looking at the pinkette lying on the floor. He had to have stared at her for about 5 minutes before she quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. He didn't understand what just happened, but it probably had to be some girl thing. Maybe she saw that she was sleeping in the same bed as him. Maybe she was on her period. The world may never know. Sasori lazily looked at the bathroom door and sighed. What was wrong with this girl?

He got out of the bed and walked towards his dresser. The dresser had eight drawers; four on the top and four on the bottom. He opened one of the bottom drawers and took out a dark red shirt and a pair of black shinobi pants. He quickly changed out of his clothes and put the clean ones on.

Sasori looked towards the bathroom door once again and sighed. He couldn't just leave her in there. She needed clothes and she obviously doesn't know where her clothes are. When Sasori was about to knock on the bathroom door it swung open. Sakura stood there looking at the man directly in front of her. She was speechless and couldn't help but redden at the thoughts of what happened previously. She had finally calmed down and thought that she could face the red haired rogue-nin again, but sadly she couldn't. Immediately as the door swung open it swung shut once again.

Sasori, again, was confused at the pinkette. What was her problem? What is with her slamming doors? He obviously needed to teach the girl some manners.

Once again he knocked, but this time he was more annoyed. "Little Girl. If you're looking for clothes just look through the two, most left, drawers on the top, in the dresser. They should be filled with female clothes…" He paused for a moment. He might as well tell her where he'd be. "If you're looking for me I'll be in the kitchen."

Sakura finally let out her breath when she heard the bedroom door open and then slide shut. She went to the sink to wash her face with cold water. Ever since this morning's events, she just can't get the image of a sleeping Sasori out of her mind. What was wrong with her? Why can't she stop thinking about it whenever she sees the red-head? Ugh. She hated herself. She can't stay in Sasori's bathroom forever so she might as well leave now and look through the drawers that Sasori mentioned. She can't walk around the Akatsuki's base wearing a night gown. Who knows what these creepy men will do?... Especially Deidara. The thought of that made the pinkette shiver.

She slowly crept out of the bathroom and walked to the little dresser. She opened the two drawers that Sasori spoke of and found that all the clothes were exactly her size. Her curiosity peaked and she wondered exactly where the red-head had gotten these clothes. There's no way this was a coincidence that he would have her exact size of clothing. Hell. She just met him two days ago.

She finally found the perfect outfit and walked to the bathroom just to be cautious. She stripped down and looked in the bathroom mirror. She couldn't help but stare disappointedly at her breast area. She was completely undeveloped compared to other woman and she hated herself for it. Yeah, she had a somewhat cute face and her behind wasn't too bad either, but her chest completely wiped away all that self-esteem. She had no hope and she'd always stay as a twig.

Sakura sighed and quickly put on her clothes. She slowly walked out of Sasori's room and down the stairs to go to the kitchen. She was standing right in front of the kitchen door, ready to slide the door open when realization struck her. Didn't Sasori say he was going to be in the kitchen? She slowly started to step away from the door. There was no way she could face Sasori. Not yet, anyways. When she finally decided to just runaway the kitchen door opened reavealing…

You probably guessed it reader! Sasori! WOOOOOOOOOOO! OHMEHGURSH!


The kitchen door suddenly opened, reavealing none other than Akasuna no Sasori. When the door opened Sakura fell to the ground. She looked up at the face of the man she had been wanting to avoid.




Holy Shit! It's Sasori! It's too early for me to face him. I can't... His face...

She continued to gaze at Sasori's face as he stood there watching her, as well.

Sasori stared at the pinkette in frustration. What was with Sakura and her love of floors today? It seemed every time he saw her today she would suddenly fly to the ground. He sighed.

Someone from behind tapped his shoulder. He glanced back to see Uchiha Itachi, who wanted Sasori to move away from the doorway so he could eat his food at the table. Sasori looked back at Sakura, who was still sitting on the floor looking back at him. In all honesty, he wanted to eat his food as well, but a certain pink-haired girl was in his way.

He tried calling out to Sakura, but she still didn't snap out of her stupor. He tried nudging her with his foot, but nothing he tried worked. Conveniently he was going to eat a bowl of cereal, which was located in one of his hands. He had no other choice. He poured all his cereal on the pinkette and walked back into the kitchen to get another bowl of cereal. It wasn't like he really cared about being polite, especially to this little girl.

Sakura came out of her thoughts to be welcomed with cold cereal drenching her hair and clothes. She stood up and nervously smiled at the older Uchiha, who casually walked by her without a care in the world. The pinkette began wiping off the cereal, until it finally hit her. The realization that the infuriating red head just poured cereal all over her body. Sakura stood there quietly, looking towards the ground.


Don't forget sexy.


Sakura had become extremely pissed, but "pissed" doesn't seem to be a strong enough word to describe how furious she was. She stormed into the kitchen to find Sasori pouring his stupid cereal into a bowl. She stomped over to him and knocked the box out of his hand, but before she could do that he quickly moved the box away from her fist's path. He quickly grabbed her arm and pinned her against the wall.

"What do you think you're doing, pinky?"

Sakura continued to struggle against his grip, but no matter how much force she tried to put into it, the damn red head wouldn't budge. "You poured your stupid cer-"

"I wouldn't have done that if you hadn't sat their on the floor like an idiot. I'm quite surprised, though. Surprised that you had the guts to try pulling off that stunt a few seconds ago." he leaned his mouth close to Sakura's ear and smirked. "But remember this Little Girl. You have no power here. We are all stronger than you and your little Konoha friends. Have you completely forgotten that we are the Akatsuki? Don't think we've let our guards down because some of us act nice and sweet. I can easily break you tiny, little neck right this second." Sakura's eyes widened when she felt a hand wrap around her throat.

The sound of a door opening was heard.

"Hey! What the fuck's goin' on here?! If you wanted to screw little pinkette, do it in your fuckin' room!"

Sasori let go of Sakura. She let out a deep breath that she hadn't realize that she was holding in. She glanced at Sasori, who was taking his bowl of cereal and walking towards the door to leave. She looked at the person that had came in. It was Hidan, but standing behind him with a concerned expression was Deidara. He looked at the pinkette and hurried over to her.

"Are you okay? Did Sasori do something to you?" He began eyeing her body, checking for any signs of bruises and whatnot.

"Yes, I'm fine. You don't have to worry." Sakura walked away from the tall blonde. After listening to Sasori, everything he had said was true. Just because of a few kind words, she can't just simply trust any of these guys. They are criminals. They are criminals that are currently hunting down her best friend. She needs to keep her temper down and just follow orders. She had to remember to try her best and stay alive because she knows that Naruto was probably trying his hardest to find her. Sakura had hope in her friends. She knows they'll eventually find her.

Heh. Might as well make myself useful for once.

No one would ever get this huge opportunity that she had. Her most important mission that she'll ever have in her life. To gather information on this infamous group of S-Class rogue ninja, the Akatsuki.


Yeah. Ok.

Well, hi guys. Sorry for the extremely late post. Blah blahblah. I've already wrote all this, but yeah... FFN crashed and didn't save all the text I wrote. /sigh~

I've been very busy with school. I'm in my junior year in high school, so I'm already preparing for college and all that jazz. Umm what else. I don't remember. OTL

I hope you guys like this. I made this longer than I usually do. It's like 2000+ words (YEAH!). Awesome, right?

I probably won't be updating anytime soon since I'm working on my Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan cosplay for Anime Boston. It's in March. Uhh. I think that everything. I don't know.

Reviews c:!

Guest 7/4: Thank you! (●´∀`●)

ItachiFanGirl185: Huehuehuehuehuhuhuwhaks heheheheheh (*・艸・)

Akatsuki Freak 911: Yes, yes he is cute. He's adorbs as heck. (*´・v・)

MangaloverX13: Huehuehuehuehue. /giggles forever. I'm so sorry for this late update! Please forgive me! (シ_ _)シ /bows.

Guest 8/20: Thankies, love!(人´∀`*)YOU TOO. I'M SO SORRY. ヘ(;´Д`ヘ)