This is just a little after Jazz wakes up so I just wanted to show what happens there and also tell/answer some things.



After Jazz finally came to, Maddie explain what had all happened through out the night and what was going to happen.

When Maddie explained who Danny was, Jazz could start to see it clearly no,w but she was still suspicious about who Danny was; she knew he was a ghost -that was clear when he disappeared before her- but she didn't 100% believe that he was really her brother standing-well floating before her.

She stared intensity at him "... I still want to know one thing" she said as she stood up to face him.

"If you really him. If your really my little brother. Then tell me this" She pointed her figure at Danny, he just responded by raising his eyebrow.

"What is the name my brother called me ever since he could talk? I will not believe your him unless you can tell me that" Jazz crossed her arms as she stated that to the ghost-boy.

Danny thought about what she meant. It was funny, he didn't even remember her real name till his parents stated it when she walked through the door. But the first name that came to him was always-

"What? Are talking about Spazzy? Hahaha that's the only thing I remember of you. Well other than the fact that your noisy, bossy, a know it all a-gah" He was cut of by Jazz tackling him with a hug, making them both nearly fall over.

"DANNY!" Jazz cried out with tears of joy.

Danny felt smothered by this but did not phases out of her grip. So instead he laughed. Maddie and Jack did the same.

After a while or two, Jazz let go.

"I-I can't b-believe your here. Th-that your a ghost" Jazz said still wiping away the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

"Hehehe yeah" Danny could only say.

Jazz turned to her parents "So Danny's really going to stay with us?" Maddie nodded. Jazz felt her smile grow even more -if that was even possible- but it soon dropped when a thought came to her.

"Wait. How is Danny going to stay here? He's a ghost and we can't let people know that, or they'll do who knows what" Jazz said flaying her arms around with the idea that her brother would be taken away from her.

Maddie thought over what she meant. Her daughter was right, the Guy in White could get a hold of Danny, and there was no way anyone way going to get a hold of her baby boy.

An idea then hit her.

"Jazz there's nothing to worry about. I have an idea how to make this all work. But for now lets- *yawn*" Sleep was catching up with Maddie "Oh, sorry I was just *yawn*" Jack also began to yawn at this point, showing how tired the two adults were. Jazz saw this and know right away what to do.

"Okay you two time to go to bed" Jazz said pushing both her parents up the stares, "You guys have been up all night, so off you. I'll show Danny around so you have nothing to worry about" Jack and Maddie tried to protest but found that it was no use.

Danny just watched this as floated into a sitting position. When both his parents gave in and went to bed,leaving there two kids alone. Jazz then came over to Danny.

"So" Jazz said not knowing how to start there conversation

"So" Danny said in reply with a shrug

"Hehehe, well little bro, I would love to hear you many adventurers as a ghost you've had and then I can tell you anything you want to know about here" the last statement she gestured around her to give an idea of what to ask.

"Hehe sure Spazzy" Jazz glared at him at the name

"Okay okay, stop with the name, I already know it's you"

"Really? Nooo I still don't think you believe it's me Spazzy" Danny said with a cocky grin.

"Shut up with that stupid name!" Sounding a bit louder then she would. But her mom usually wore earplugs and her dad can sleep through anything, so it wasn't a big deal.

"What's wrong Spazzy?" Danny said landing on the ground and started to back away from her, he started to laugh at how his sister was now getting mad.

"SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BRAT!" she started going after Danny, who immediately started to run from her.

"Hahaha Jazz is a Spazz~, Jazz is the Spazz~" Danny started to sing as he flown up to the ceiling so Jazz would have trouble getting him. Jazz was now ready to kick Danny's butt but she was so happy having him around, even if it was like this.

"Your going down ghost-boy!" Jazz said with a grin.

The rest of the day was Jazz chasing Danny around the house as the parents slept. It was definitely going to be interesting having Danny around.

But what's to come will definitely give a whole new meaning of the term 'Ghost Town'.


That was definitely a cheese ending XP But it was the best I can do *shrugs* hope you liked ^^

shadowxdragon had asked why I choose destruction as what Danny's obsession would become if his obsession would change. The reason why is because it's like the opposite of protection, there's no real BIG reason, I just thought back to Dark Dan where he was destructive and destroyed everything in his path, so I just used that in a scene *shrugs*

Werido asked if Danny will be friends with Ember and the others still. The answers yes they will still be friends with him but there not going to be shown right away in the sequel. But I have some secretes I don't want to reveal yet so I can't say everything.

Lotrluci asked what the name will be. The sequel will be names 'Hero's Soul' so be on the look out for that ^^

I hope I explained everything X3 I'll be posting the story as soon as I can, I just have to finish up somethings then I'll be posting ^^

Also be on the look out for my other story 'Chilling Encounters' I'll also be working on that, but I have no idea when I'll post that.

Thanks for reading, and please review ^^