A/N: I'm sorry. I really am. I wrote it at 1:30 am while eating food because I was hungry and... this is what happens. I am truly sorry. I don't even know what this is.

Stiles woke to moonlight streaming through his bedroom window. He wrinkled his nose. It was 2:39, according to the clock on his bedside table. He could've sworn he was becoming nocturnal. His stomach growled.

"Shh," he told it, but rolled out of bed and padded to the door. The house was silent. Stiles smiled.

Avoiding the creaking parts of the stairs, he descended to the ground floor, heading to the kitchen. He poked around in the cupboards for a few minutes before pulling out a loaf of bread in a plastic bag and opening it. Aha! Pre-sliced. He grinned.

Stuffing a slice in his mouth and grabbing a few more, Stiles returned the bread loaf to its bag and its original resting place and snuck back upstairs, careful not to creak in the hallway either.

He turned the doorknob slowly and slid inside his room.

Derek Hale sprawled across his bed with a casually disheveled air about him.

"Holy Hell," Stiles squeaked, keeping his voice as low as possible under the circumstances. "How did you – Oh. Oh, I see. So you can just climb into my room via the window any time now?" He stalked across the floor to shut the now open window.

Derek nodded and stuck out a hand, empty, palm up.

Stiles glanced at it, then sighed. "You know the conditions."

Derek scowled, but spread an arm out over the pillow next to him.

Stiles smiled like an excited puppy and handed him a slice of bread, crawling across the bed covers to snuggle into Derek's shoulder. Derek sighed, chewing the piece of bread thoughtfully. "I don't know why I put up with this," he said, after a moment.

"You like my company?" Stiles suggested.

"The bread is good."

Stiles snatched what was left of Derek's slice away and glared. "Meanie. Meanwolf. Grumpywolf. Angrywolf –"

"Okay, okay. No need to call names," Derek laughed. "I like your company too, it's just..." He grabbed Stiles's wrist and pulled his hand closer, eating the bread out of his hand. "The bread is really good."

"Fah," said Stiles, but slid his arm around Derek's chest anyway. He paused. "Does this mean you're in a relationship with my bread? Because –"

"Oh shut up," Derek sighed. "I am not in a relationship with your bread! You are so weird at this time of night."

"Not even a little one?"

"No. You're ridiculous."

"Thank you, nicewolf."

"Stop it."

"Fine, touchywolf."

Derek smacked him.

"Ow! … Rudewolf."

Derek groaned and silenced him with a kiss.

A/N: I'm sorry sucky ending I know. I'm sorry.