I watch her from a distance.
She reminds me of home, but not in the painful way. In a good way, not in the way that makes my chest tighten and my head hurt.
It's their day off, and they're wondering around the compound. It's new to them. Christina, the girl from Candor, is pulling on her arm, asking for something. Tris looks wary before giving into her friend, who drags her to the tattoo parlor. Again.
She's pretty, but not in the obvious way. In a different way, in a subtle way, in a gentle way, in a more beautiful and soft way.
I can tell she feels like she has something to prove to the other initiates, from watching her yesterday. She's the only Stiff.
But I can already tell she's more Dauntless than any of them will ever be.
If only she knew what it was really like.
But I can't protect her. Not now, not ever.
She's so fragile, so delicate. She looks as though she could break at any moment.
But I know that's not the case.
She's from Abnegation, but she sure as hell doesn't act like it. I see the pieces of it in her. She's caring, but too curious. That's frowned upon back in our old faction. It's seen as selfish. She's still wary of looking in a mirror, I can tell that much. We only get that privilege once every couple months.
My Tris, she was a fighter. Fierce, strong, beautiful. My girl.
I watch her. I keep my eyes her. At all times, making sure no one hurts her after we're done with training. I can't prevent her from getting hurt too much during training, that's going to happen no matter what.. I frown, looking at the ground.
I need to talk to her. Alone. Outside of training. Outside of this, outside of Eric..