Vengeance Will Be Mine

Disclaimer: I do not own Hawaii 5-0. My muse thinks I do but she is just confused.

Hello again. My muse got inspired and began bugging me to write again. So here we are with a team whump story as a mystery man wants to exact vengeance on 5-0 and Steve in particular. Enjoy.

Chapter 1

Chin Ho Kelly parked his motorcycle outside his home after his evening ride. This nightly ride had become a ritual since Malia's death, a delaying tactic that shortened the time he had to spend in an empty house. He had toyed with the idea of selling the house and starting fresh but found he couldn't part with the home that held some of his happiest memories in life. His wife's spirit still seemed to linger inside and he took solace in that. Just as he reached the front door, his phone rang.

"Kelly," he responded without looking at the caller ID.

"Chin…help…." Kono's voice came weakly over the phone.

"Kono, where are you? What happened?" Chin demanded, instantly turning back to the bike.

"Home…I ….attacked," Kono said as her voice faded and suddenly the connection was broken.

Reaching his bike, Chin was all ready dialing McGarrett's number. He swung one leg over the seat as Steve answered.


"Steve, I just got a call from Kono. She was attacked at her house," Chin said tersely.

"Get over there now. I'll call Danny and we will be there shortly," Steve instructed as he quickly grasped the situation. "I'll call the EMTs and HPD."

"Thanks Steve," Chin replied and pocketed his phone before bringing the bike to life. He roared off in the direction of Kono's home.

Setting a record time to arrive at Kono's tidy little home, Chin found his jaw clenching in anger as he recognized Adam Noshimuri's car parked at the curb. He had always felt the man would eventually hurt Kono emotionally but never figured that he would physically harm his cousin. Drawing his weapon, Chin hurried across the lawn and up the front steps. He paused at the partially open door and cautiously nudged the door open further with his gun barrel.

"Kono?" he called out anxiously.

"In here Chin, hurry," Adams' voice called out to him.

Rushing inside, Chin Ho observed the signs of the fight that had taken place in the living room. Chairs were overturned and a broken lamp lay near the couch, confirming that Kono had indeed been caught up in a battle. Looking to the right he saw Kono sprawled on her back with Adam kneeling beside her, pressing a bloody towel to her left side. At the sight of Kono's battered face and the crimson stained cloth, Chin brought his weapon to bear on Adam's chest. His anger increased as he got a better look at his cousin and saw her right arm was bent at an unnatural angle.

"Get away from her," he ordered with a growl.

"I didn't do this Chin," Adam said calmly, refusing to move away from the woman. "I came in and found her like this. I called 911 and then grabbed a towel to stop the bleeding. When the ambulance gets here I will let the EMTs take over."

"Why should I believe you didn't do this?" Chin demanded as he advanced closer, not lowering his gun. "But you are right, keep the pressure on her wound." He could hear sirens in the distance, getting closer.

"Chin…Kono," McGarrett could be heard calling from outside.

"In here Steve," Chin yelled back, not taking his eyes off Noshimuri.

McGarrett charged inside with Danny Williams right on his heels. They halted suddenly as they took in the scene before them, not wanting to set a match to the tense situation. Steve saw that Chin was primed to shoot Adam Noshimuri if the man took a wrong breath. Kono lay on the floor, badly injured as Adam kept pressure on Kalakaua's side with a blood soaked towel.

"McGarrett, make Chin back off. I did not do this to Kono," Adam spoke up quickly, relieved to see the head of the 5-0 task force.

Steve could see just how concerned Hiro Noshimuri's son was as he tended to the wounded woman on the floor. As he held the cloth to Kono's side with one hand, he stroked her forehead tenderly with the other hand. He looked genuinely happy to see the EMTs enter the house moments later.

Holstering his weapon, Steve inserted himself between Adam and Chin.

"Ease off Chin, give the EMTs room to work," he said calmly to his friend as he laid a hand on Chin's shoulder and carefully urged him backwards. "Adam isn't going to do anything to hurt Kono."

As Steve moved Chin backwards, Danny had moved behind Adam and grasped the man by the shoulders to draw him away from Kono. One of the EMTs moved in to take Adam's place at the woman's side and began to assess her injuries. At his touch Kono's eyes flew open and she frantically looked around the room.

"Adam?" she called out weakly.

"I'm still here Kono," Adam responded immediately. "Help is here."

"Tell Chin….you have to tell him…a man…..surprised me," she said urgently.

"I'm here too Kono," Chin spoke up, leaning in so she could focus on him. "What man? Who was it?"

Kono looked at him, blinking several times, trying to see him clearly.

"Don't know. A haole…something about him…..familiar but I don't know," she stated as she began to feel the blackness closing in again.

"Relax ma'am, let us take care of you," the EMT at her left side instructed. "You can tell them all about it later, once we fix you up."

"They have to know," Kono continued.

"It is okay Kono," Steve told her. "You let them care for you and we will work the scene. You can answer questions later at the hospital." He tried to smile and ease Kono's anxiety and she nodded wearily in return.

"There is a stab wound to her left side, a broken right arm and possible broken ribs," the EMT told his partner who was getting out a brace to immobilize her broken arm. They went to work taking care of her arm, bandaging her side and inserting an IV in her left arm with quiet efficiency while the men stood and watched. HPD's crime scene unit began to check the other part of the room in the background. Once Kono was stabilized, they carefully put her on a gurney and proceeded to move her out to the ambulance. Chin had holstered his gun and followed the gurney out of the house. Neither Steve nor Danny made an attempt to stop him.

Adam pulled out of Danny's grasp and began to follow Chin outside. McGarrett blocked his way, shooting out an arm to halt the man's progress.

"Not so fast Adam," Steve warned.

"You heard Kono, I did not do this to her," Adam flared defensively.

"I didn't say you did," Steve replied calmly. "But clearly you arrived on the scene before Chin. We need to know what you saw if we are to catch this guy."

"All right," Adam nodded as he relaxed. "I didn't see anything."

"You would be surprised what you may be able to tell us," Steve told him. He could see that Danny was checking with the crime unit and overseeing the collection of evidence. "Let's take this outside so we get out of their way," Steve added as he nodded towards the door. Without waiting for an answer he headed out the front door. Adam did as instructed.

Once he had gone down the front steps, Steve turned to face Adam, hands on his hips.

"Now just go over everything that you saw from the moment you arrived," he requested.

"The front door was slightly open when I arrived. I thought Kono was being cute… know, flirting with me, so I wasn't alarmed," Adam began. Steve nodded and Adam looked guilty. "I was late…..damn it, I should have gotten here sooner…..I could have stopped this, protected her," he groaned, running a hand through his hair. He shook his head in anger.

"Adam, we don't know that. Tell me what you saw. Were there any vehicles on the street, anyone looking suspicious?" Steve probed.

"No, no one, the street was empty. I went inside and found Kono on the floor where you saw her. I rushed over to her and found her awake. I called 911 and then tried to stop the bleeding with my hand. When that didn't work I ran to the kitchen, grabbed a towel and came back to her. She told me she called Chin and then started to slip in and out of consciousness. Chin walked in about fifteen minutes later," Adam finished his story.

"Okay," McGarrett nodded, not doubting the man. "You can go, thanks for the information. Go check on Kono and we will talk more later. Try not to set Chin off at the hospital."

"Thanks," Adam promised and rushed off to his car.

"Hey Steve," Danny called from the doorway. "We have the scene processed but I'm not sure if any of the prints are our perp's."

"Why is that?" Steve enquired as he headed back into the house. "Do we know how the guy got inside?"

"It looks like he came in the back door and probably was wearing gloves. The lock in the kitchen was jimmied but there are no prints on the door or frame. I think he got here first and ambushed Kono when she got home," Danny answered.

"Just who is this character and what has he got against Kono?" Steve mused as he looked around the room. The answers were not clear.

"Maybe Kono had a run in with someone who decided to make it personal?" Williams suggested. "I think we need Kono to answer that."

"She said there was something familiar about the guy," Steve said thoughtfully. "Maybe we can have her talk to a sketch artist and get a face to this character."

"Then let's go see how she is doing," Danny said. "HPD has this place covered. We may have to play referee between Chin and Adam. I was sure Chin was going to shoot him on the spot."

"You're right," Steve agreed with a grim smile. "I have the feeling that Chin doesn't totally approve of Kono and Adam together."

"Well then let's go keep the peace with those two," Danny grinned. "It won't be pretty if Chin decides to shoot the heir apparent to the Yakuza right in the hospital waiting room."

End chapter.

So we have begun another tale. Thank you for reading.