Author's Note

Hello everyone

I'm very sorry to be writing this but I'm not going to continue God's Gift.

I've struggled with this decision for a while and asked advice from others in the fandom on how to approach this. I've written over 80 stories between my 2 profiles and this is the first time I've ever had to admit defeat on a story. It's not been a decision that I've taken lightly.

In all honesty, I'm not enjoying writing this story anymore and haven't for some time, which is partly the reason behind why updates have been so sporadic in addition to the RL issues. Rather than leave everyone hanging, this is me stepping down, saying my apologies and admitting defeat. I know from discussion on ADF last night that I'm not alone in saying that I don't like when stories that I've been enjoying never update and no explanation given so I hope this gives a bit of closure.

I really am sorry and hope you can all understand this decision. I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate all the support I've received. It's been amazing.

Many thanks and much love

That English Writer.