MORIARTY POV (a couple days beforehand)

Sherlock's new pet is really very cute.

I should get myself a live-in one. Although, Seb is satisfactory. I looked over at him, watching him as he takes apart his gun, then puts it back together. It was mesmerizing, the way he worked his hands like that. I smiled a bit to myself, thinking of him.

"Getting sentimental again?" Sherlock said to me, smirking. I frowned at him. "What's wrong with being a little sentimental?" I responded defensively. He merely chuckled and turned his back on me. I scowled at him as he walked away with his short curls bouncing around carelessly. My scowl faded quickly when Sherlock turned back around and gave me a look that just screamed 'I still need you, please follow me. I have nobody else.' And I instantly smiled and followed, and began talking about forensics, making those grey-blue eyes light up.

I sighed. That must've been when the obsession began. Sherlock is mine. Sebastian is mine. John Watson is dispensable. Sherlock doesn't need John, John needs Sherlock, and Sherlock needs me. We have no use for John. I scowled to myself.

I hate Fred Bigby more than John, though. I told him secrets and he used them against Sherlock. He was a family friend. He used to be a acquaintance. After Sherlock and I had had a dispute, I had told him everything that was wrong with Sherlock. Just wood to a flame I guess, because now he knows more of the horrible truths of Sherlock Holmes and hasn't even revealed them yet. The other day, he told so many people that Sherlock was a perfect virgin who hasn't even had a girlfriend or – heck – even a boyfriend. Barely any positive contact has been made to him.

Fred Bigby should just die.

I blinked. Then blinked again.

"Seb?" I called out, still in a daze from my beautiful idea.

He looked up and put down his newly-put-together sniper, giving me a questioning look. "What?" He said bluntly.

"How would you like a new assignment?" I began slowly smirking. Oh, this is MARVELOUS. So not-boring. Not-dull.

Sherlock will be so pleased. Happy New Year, Sherlock Holmes. I smiled to myself and made a mental kill list.

MORIARTY POV (one hour before Sherlock and John found the body)

Sherlock should be grateful for what I'm doing. I was currently dragging Fred Bigby to a secluded area.

"Bigby, you should be so grateful to me for letting you live this long while you have tried bringing Sherlock down. I should SKIN you." I threatened casually. The look on his duct taped face was sheer terror and a perfect look for him. He began tearing up a bit in the corners of his eyes. I chuckled darkly and continued dragging him along. When we were finally out of complete sight and in a place where he couldn't be seen or heard by accident by an innocent civilian. I smirked and looked around for what Sebastian had put in the alley for me to use against him.

I looked around and only found one baseball bat. Maybe that was what he left for me. I smirked. Does he even play baseball? (A/N: Teen Wolf reference, because I love Stiles)

I swung at his legs, knocking him over, and probably breaking his kneecap. He fell over, then I leaned over him, tearing off the duct tape. He began screaming for help, but I just laughed and hit him directly in the chest, earning a big 'OOF' which was momentarily amusing, then the sputtering cough coming out was certainly annoying.

Time to shut him up. I kept beating at his chest until I felt no pulse, heard no breathing and saw no movement at all. I smirked and dropped the baseball bat. I brought him back to campus and laid him down on the greens, then began walking away. I got to the door way, and heard a gunshot and some screaming. I decided to play along and call the police. I ran over, becoming hysterical, and began 'trying' to wake him up by yelling his name and then promptly began crying.

I ran for the building to 'get a teacher' but then ended up just walking boredly up the stairs. I wonder if Sherlock had gotten to the crime scene. I heard the police sirens about a minute ago. I got to his hallway and looked down the hall just in time to see Sherlock Holmes, looking dsahing in his long black tranchcoat and violet-blue scarf and I smiled faintly as he started down the stair, then stopped, still bouncing excitedly, waiting for something. For me? Did he know I was here? I saw John Watson step out of the room as well, still putting on his jacket.

"Sherlock, love, hold on a minute! I thought to police didn't consult amateurs!" John said hurriedly. Sherlock turned around and gave him a small smirk and they then looked at each other smiling, then John added, "Oh you know I'm just kidding you great git." They laughed as they ran down the stairs on the opposite side of the hallway. I kept scowling all the way to my own room on the next floor. I practically stomped all the way to 322B, and plopped down next to the window.

I watched as Sherlock examined the scene then turned to talk to Mr. Lestrade. I smiled. You clever, clever boy. Suddenly, Sherlock's head snapped around and I saw him stare and John and smile.

Did John say something intelligent? That's his 'you're actually smart' look that Sherlock only gives when something brilliant was said. When they began leaving, I saw Sherlock stop and talk to John, they smiled at each other and ran back inside.

Sherlock was being much less cold to him than he ever was to me.

I deserve his affections.

John Watson has to die.