This story is AJ/John and eventual slash (Punk/John). If you can't handle that, click the little back button on the top of your window. Also, this story and title is based on the song "Me, You, and Steve" by Garfunkel and Oates. I suggest you listen to that song, it will relate to the story.

Warning: there is a bit of inappropriate language in this story, it's mostly Punk's fault.

I don't own the mentioned movies in the story. The wrestlers don't belong to me. I own nothing. Enjoy!

"I'm coming!" John yelled as he went to open his hotel door. Before he got it open all the way, two arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss. John had to carefully unwrap the arms and break the kiss so he could close the door.

"Come on in, AJ" he said with a grin. AJ blinked up at him with her chocolate brown orbs and flipped her hair. She skipped into his room with a smirk. The diva took a seat on the small couch that was placed in front of the TV. The hotel room was far nicer than some of the other one's that John has had before. The WWE booked them good this time. After shutting the door, Cena took a seat next to AJ. She nearly jumped in his lap once he sat down.

"Whoa, whoa. Why don't we save that for later, ok? I thought tonight was movie night?" John questioned, trying to slide AJ off his lap.

"Oh... right. Later" She said with a wicked gleam in her eye. John smiled uneasily at her. As much as he liked playing tonsil hockey with her, sometimes she moves too fast for his pace. She just never seems to slow down.

"So, what movie are we watching?" AJ asked as she took off her converse shoes. The diva adjusted herself so that she sat criss-cross on the couch.

"It's your turn to choose" replied John. He rested his back against the cushions and turned himself to face his girlfriend.

"Hmm..." she pondered for a moment. "Let's see what's on TV" spoke AJ as she grabbed the remote off the small coffee table before them. As she surfed through the channels, John found himself staring at her. Her brows were furrowed together as she considered the movie choices. Her bottom lip was pulled under her teeth. Slowly, John reached out to brush a stray strand of brunette locks behind her ear. AJ smiled at this, but continued looking at the screen. Her smile faltered for a moment before she turned to look at him.

"Are we even gonna have enough time to watch a full movie?" she asked with a worried look.

"What do you mean?" John asked, confused.

"Who are you supposed to be rooming with? Or are you alone? I don't see anyone else's stuff here..." AJ stated as she looked around the room for confirmation. John chuckled softly and pulled her into his lap.

"I convinced Vince to book my room alone tonight. He could only get me a room with two beds though. So we have all night to spend together. Don't worry." John leaned down to press a sweet kiss to AJ's lips. She accepted it eagerly. The couple snuggled closer, all worries and stress gone from their minds. After a few moments of silently surfing through the TV guide, AJ suddenly let our a squeal of happiness. John looked at her in question.

"OH! The Avengers is on!" She quickly pressed the button and settled back into John's chest. The superstar smiled in relief. The movie she picked was actually a great movie. He was worried that she'd pick something like The Notebook. That would just be too much for him. Luckily, the movie was just starting.


Nearly two house later, the credits were rolling. John and AJ had fallen into a position where he was laying on the couch, with her snuggled into his chest. AJ quickly sat up and muted the TV. John sat up too, so she was now sitting in his lap, facing him. She smirked at him.

"So?" She asked.

"So..." he replied, unsure of what was going on.

"It's later..." AJ said in a hinting tone. It took a moment for John to grasp what was going on.

"Oh" he said, finally realizing what she was talking about. He mirrored her smirk and placed his hands on her waist. Both wrestlers leaned in at the same time. The moment they felt their lips connect, the room instantly became hotter. As their lips moved together, John moved a hand up to rest in her hair, pulling her closer to him. Meanwhile, she trailed a petite hand down his muscular chest. John hummed in response. Just as things were about to escalate to a whole new level, the door to the hotel room clicked open. The couple froze like two deer in front of a car's headlights. They quickly jumped apart and made themselves presentable. Unfortunately, they weren't quick enough.

"Oh God. I should've knocked. Is it safe to look? Are you two fully clothed? I think I saw skin. Oh God" said the current WWE champion, CM Punk. He had dropped his luggage in shock. Both hands covered his eyes. John and AJ shared a look of annoyance as they sat there confused.

"What are you doing here?" John demanded.

"Is it safe to look?" Punk responded.

"Answer my question!" Cena said. All the playfulness from earlier was now gone from his tone. AJ crossed her arms. Why did Punk have to pick NOW to interrupt?

"Answer mine!" Punk shot back. "I don't wanna be scarred for life by seeing something that I REALLY do not want to see!"

"We're both clothed. Now why are you here?" John asked again. He was really not in the mood for Punk's humor right now. Punk cautiously peeked between his fingers before letting his hands fall from his face.

"I'm here because management told me to come here" Punk finally answered. AJ found herself getting really ticked off at the intrusion. Why couldn't he just leave? John was supposed to have this room booked for himself.

"That's bull. Management told me that I had this room to myself" John stated as if he had read AJ's mind.

"Well, they screwed up. They must've ran outta rooms or something. And if it's bull, then how come I got a keycard to this room, huh?" Punk said with a smug look. John couldn't argue with that fact. Plus, it's not like it's the first time they screwed up the hotel booking. One time he had to share a bed with Randy Orton because they had booked one room to three different people. The hotel's they stay at are always nice and usually full. Once you get a room, you're stuck with it. Sighing, John rolled his eyes and looked over to AJ. She gave him a pleading look and motioned to Punk with her eyes. The champion did not notice this as he was already moving his bags over to his bed. John mouthed an apology to her. She frowned in response. Both of them were unusually quiet as the room was filled with the sounds of bags being unzipped and Punk humming his theme song to himself. After a few minutes, the champ soon joined the couple on the couch. Somehow he had managed to squeeze between them both and sit in the middle. John gritted his teeth as AJ scooted away from Punk.

"So, what movie are we watching?" Punk asked in a cherry tone, completely oblivious to the death stares that he was getting. They ignored him.

"Really, you guys are gonna act like this?" Punk shook his head.

"We just finished watching The Avengers" AJ said irritably.

"Damn! I missed it! Well, we can always watch something else. Let's see what else is on" Punk said as he grabbed the remote. John sighed, but Punk paid him no attention.

"Holy shit! SAW is on!" Punk exclaimed in a voice that ironically sounded like AJ's reaction from earlier. John and AJ both turned to give Punk glares.

"What? It's a classic!" he said as he draped his arms over the sides of the couch.

"Actually, I've got to, uh... use the restroom..." AJ said as she stood up. She started to walk towards the bathroom.

"Uh, me too" John said without thinking. Punk gave him a disgusted look as they both walked off. They hurried into the medium sized bathroom. Once the door was shut, they began to speak in hushed whispers.

"John, I should leave"

"Don't leave me alone with him, please"

"John, I-"

"We hardly ever get to spend time together" John interrupted. Sadly, it was true. Still, even if Punk was ruining things, he didn't want AJ to leave. When she looked into his eyes, he knew he had convinced her to stay.

"Fine, but you owe me" she said as she pulled him down into a kiss. He hummed to show that he was okay with that.

"Hurry up, love birds! The movie is about to start" Punk called from the other room. They pulled away and shared worried glances. Bracing themselves, they left the bathroom and went to join the champ on the couch.


As the opening scenes of SAW played out, Punk rested his arms around both of the wrestlers that were sitting at his sides. John and AJ shifted uncomfortably. About an hour into the movie, the group of three had been completely indulged in the movie.

"Ugh, why is there so much blood?" AJ said as she turned away from the screen. John wanted nothing more than to pull her into his lap and comfort his girl.

"Are you serious? It's a horror movie! You can never have too much gore!" Punk replied. AJ shook her head.

"Honestly, this is nothing compared to the other movies in the series. Be glad it's just the first one" John said as he glanced over at AJ. Suddenly, his view was obstructed by the champ's grinning face.

"You've watched the other movies, too?" Punk asked as his face lit up.

"Of course" John said. "Well, except for the latest one. We've been so busy lately that I've never gotten around to watching it"

"Neither have I, but it looks great. All that gore in 3D? God, I wish I could've seen it. Hey, maybe if we're booked together again, we could rent it!" Punk said happily. For once, he wasn't being sarcastic. Although John didn't exactly like the champ, especially since he ruined movie night, it did sound like fun.

"Yeah, maybe we could see it sometime..." John said. AJ, who was now avoiding looking at the screen, couldn't believe what she was hearing. John and Punk were gonna watch a movie together? Alone? Cause she sure as hell wasn't gonna go thorough this whole situation again. What the hell? Punk is stealing her man!

"What about our movie nights, John?" AJ asked innocently. Her boyfriend was not gonna ditch her for some... punk.

"We can still have movie nights, babe. I promise" John said as he gave AJ a reassuring smile. She returned the smile. "Damn straight!" she thought. Punk pointed his finger to his mouth as if he was pretending to throw up. The couple went back to ignoring him. Once the movie was done, John got up to walk AJ over to the door. They shared a warm embrace before locking their lips together. Their little moment was interrupted by Punk clearing his throat.

"See you tomorrow, babe" John said as he opened the door.

"I promise I'll make it up to you" he added in a quieter voice. AJ half-smiled at him before she replied.

"You better. Goodnight, John"

"Goodnight, AJ" with one final kiss, AJ set off down the hall and John took a seat back on the couch. Cena stared at Punk until the other man noticed him.

"What?" Punk asked.

"You're an ass" John stated.

"Excuse me?" Punk replied, imitating Vickie Guerrero. "If it wasn't for me picking SAW, you could've been stuck watching The Notebook or something. So you know what? You're welcome" Punk said as he shut off the TV and headed for the bathroom. John smiled to himself before he headed off to bed.