A/N: I forgot to say happy new year at the last update, so happy new year! Though it's a bit late OTL

A long while after the light in the bedroom has gone out, Kise finally deems it safe for him to start creeping out of the bathroom. He takes a nervous peek from the door, only to find that the bed is empty. A sinking sensation spreads in his chest as he peers into the living room instead, desperately hoping that Aomine is on the couch or in the kitchen – anywhere still in the house.

"Aominecchi?" Kise calls out tentatively, but there is no response. He then spots the familiar silhouette sprawled on the couch, to his relief. The relief is short-lasted, however, as a pang in his heart replaces it almost immediately. Is Aomine so mad that he doesn't want to sleep on the same bed with him anymore?

On the couch, Aomine rolls over and scrunches his shirt up in the process, exposing his stomach. This is a bad habit of his that has persisted for all this time; Kise always wondered how Aomine never got sick from this. Maybe the saying that idiots don't catch colds is really true. Nevertheless, Kise retrieves a blanket from the bedroom and tucks it around Aomine's shoulders.

Kise knows that it's his own fault that he'll be alone in the double bed tonight, that he won't get to hear a proper 'goodbye' before he flies off for two weeks. How did things turn out like this? Why couldn't he just spit it out for goodness' sake?

Trying hard not to cry, Kise whispers, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry," Aomine hears Kise's choked whisper before the blond crosses the room, the door of the bedroom shutting with a small 'thud' after him.

Aomine rolls over again and ignores the scrunched-up blanket. If Kise had only stayed for a second longer, Aomine would have gripped his hand and asked him what on earth was wrong. But he was groggy, and Kise had bolted for the bedroom as though his life depended on it.

The truth is, Aomine is confused-as-hell at the moment. Heck, he has been confused-as-hell this entire evening. First it was Kise's weird behaviour and then Kagami's phone call and then Kise's weird behaviour all over again.

Aomine would apologise, he really would, but he's a hundred and one percent certain he hasn't done anything. How the heck do you apologise when it's not even your fault?!

Come to think of it, Kise's been acting somewhat weirdly ever since they made up. He was always a little absent-minded, even though Aomine took care to avoid blurting out insensitive things. Was he – unhappy? No. Rather than unhappy, it's more like he was worried or something.

That's it. Kise has to be fretting over something random again in that little head of his. It has been this way since high school; the issue of 'I don't have boobs so are you sure you're fine with me' alone took years for Kise to get over, even with Aomine's constant reassuring (in the end, Aomine had no choice but to throw away his porn stash).

So what is it now?

Aomine totally isn't used to this guesswork and besides, isn't it Kise's fault for not mentioning that he needed to get back to work? Why can't he just go ahead and say it? And why the hell is he the one getting all bothered?

Ugh, Aomine thinks. It may as well become his favourite word.

When his alarm rings punctually at 9 am, Kise isn't sure if he slept at all. His eyes feel swollen – either from crying or a lack of sleep, or rather, both – and his vision is a little blur. Definitely not good for a pilot.

Kise looks around and is not surprised to find the house empty, for it's Monday and Aomine has work, yet he can't help but feel a little sad when he picks up the crumpled blanket left on the couch.

Okay. Gutless invertebrate or not, he has a flight to fly at five in the afternoon, and he has to explain his subsequent disappearance (though he's sure that Aomine knows already, somehow).

So what is he going to do now? Drop Aomine a text and turn the phone off immediately so that he doesn't have to see the reply? … Not a good idea. Besides, the last time he actually did that was in high school.

In that moment Kise's own text message alert goes off, and he promptly panics. Is it from Aomine? Why is he texting? What did he say –

IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE STAY AWAY FROM PLANES TODAY, the text says in its fully capitalised glory. Kise is confused for a brief moment as to why Aomine sent such a message before he realises that the sender reads 'Midorimacchi'.

Dear lord, what?

Having randomly received such ominous text messages on several occasions, Kise is sure that it's another horoscope thing. But the problem is, rather than being a simple caution, this particular one sounds like a warning to some imminent death – because Kise, unfortunately, is a pilot. A pilot who happened to have a scheduled flight today.

Um, okay.

Kise doesn't feel exceptionally comfortable with ignoring Midorima's text (especially that his previous warnings have been more-or-less useful), but work is still work. He can't just go, sorry I can't drive because my horoscope is incompatible with planes today, can he?

Because he can't, Kise decides to reply the text with a 'thank you but I can't skip work today'. Honestly, he'd rather do without these random disturbing texts, but it's good that Midorima cares, right?

Now that he has one more issue to worry about, Kise makes a mess of his packing and doesn't even realise it when he folds Aomine's shirts into his suitcase.

The phone starts ringing and Aomine is sure that it's Kise. He reminds himself not to sound grumpy or bored (even though it's his normal voice) before picking up.


"… Why is your voice like that? Are you sick?"


Forgive me, but I just really like the headcannon that the GOM+Kagami randomly receives texts from Midorima which warns them about bad things related to their horoscopes. Oh, and that they always turn out somewhat accurate.