Red: Hey guys, well I got Manaphy back… he can't talk in these sections, the power of the author, TAKE THAT MANAPHY! Now what do you have to say about yourself?

Manaphy: …!

Red: Oh right you can talk! MWAHAHA *falls back in chair laughing*

Victini: *freaked out* Uhh, is red okay?

Celebi: If you mean completely gone mental, then yeah pretty much.

Mew: By the next chapter red will be at least a little less mental. Let's hope we can at least survive this one.

We flew over Hectra, headed in the way of Mt. Silver.

It's such a beautiful place, I thought to myself. I definitely cannot take it for granted.

Victini was the only one of us that could not fly so he decided to fly on top of Celebi.

That didn't work out so well.

"When was the last time you at an Oran berry?!" Celebi grumbled towards Victini.

"I think two minutes ago, or was it three?"

"That explains a lot" Manaphy chuckled.

"At least I have a body you floatless water bubble of –"

"Will you just quit it! Seriously, you expect us to actually get anywhere like this. NO. Now work together or leave now!" I shrieked. (As much as shrieking is possible being a pink glob of happiness)

Their sudden nods and eye contact told me everything, I didn't even have to ask.

Shut up, we're there.

"Mew, do you're thing" Victini said sternly. I had never seen Victini, much less any of them, be this serious. They finally got it.

I morphed and molded until I finally transformed into Green.

"I actually like this," I said happily, "Manaphy, fly me to the top!"

"No need to get all used to it there soldier, only for this battle" Manaphy sarcastically muttered.

And yet Manaphy still flew me to the top.

There he was, just standing there, seemingly forever just waiting for a challenge, as if he will not move from that spot until he wins.


I knew there was no way we would be able to get past this mountain without facing him, he would simply block us off. It was inevitable.

I began to talk, maybe a bit meaner than I should have, "Hey Red, what are you doin' here, still that same old solitudial person you always were. You're just a loner, a phony at that. You don't deserve a battle with me anyway. Yet I'm still going battle you, just to see you spirit crushed. You man enough?"

Red said one thing, "…"

I shoved him aside and tried to pass by. No way, red can't be this bad, can he?

"3 on 3, bring it on old rival" he said, his first words since he moved here. He clutched his pokeball with all his grasp and might.

"You're on!"

Red sent out Pikachu!

"Oh crap!" I thought to myself. It's Pika! "Better send out Victini!"

Green sent out Victini!

"Don't remember that pokemon existing last time I went outside this place. Hmmph, not a problem though," Red reacted smugly, "Pika use Volt Tackle!"

Pikachu used Volt Tackle!

"Victini dodge it, quick!"

Volt Tackle missed!

"Pika, again!"

Pikachu used Volt Tackle!

"Victini, one more time!"

Volt Tackle missed!

Red began to worry a bit, "This isn't going to work, wait, I have an idea! Pika, use Volt Tackle underground"

Pikachu used Volt Tackle to go underground!

"So then I just have to stay off the floor. Well then, Victini use all you psychic and fire power to thrust yourself off the floor!"

Victini used V-Create to thrust itself off the floor!

"Pika, when you come out of the ground use thunderbolt and make sure it splits to hit all the hail!"

Pikachu came out of the ground and used thunderbolt

"Victini dodge it!" I screamed worrily, hitting all the hail, it would be almost impossible to dodge.

Victini attempts to dodge. Victini fails.

Victini fainted, Pika wins against Victini

"Lost your touch, have you Green?" Red said, I could see him regaining his confidence in his eyes, this wasn't going to be as easy as I thought.

"Pika return," he spent no time thinking about what he should send out next, "go Snorlax!"

Celebi: You can't just end the chapter there, think about the readers!

Red: I want to end it on this note, I'm winning the battle! MWAHAHA!

All pokemon: *back away slowly*

Mew: So, we pokemon might have to start writing the story, doesn't like Red is in any shape to do so-

Red: I WILL have my cookie!

Mewtwo: Even I think this is just plain mental, so we'll see you next time, if the room hasn't exploded with cookie crumbs or something…