Red: Hey guys, I don't own poke…
Mewto: I will destroy your world!
Mew: Uhh, what is that Red, it's scary.
Mewtwo: You! You are the reason…
Red: *defyingly* Anyway, I don't own Pokemon as much as I would like to! Sorry about those two, they have some major issues that go way back.
Mewtwo: *imitating* Sorry about those two…
Red: Enough! Also this story is told from the point of Mew, the most awesome Pokemon in the world!
*Mewtwo glares at Red, hands glowing red*
Red: Uhh… I mean I never play favorites, now onto the story.
It was dark, purple electric flashing everywhere, from my eyes to my tail. "It's working" a faint voice in the darkness whispered.
"No more failures anymore, we will finally create it, the first true clone of mew," another said in a replying fashion.
That's what they were trying to do? They were trying to clone me. These humans with bright white lab coats were abusing me, what had I ever done to them. Nothing. That's what I had done to them.
The purple shocks continued, why couldn't I fly away, why couldn't I use my psychic powers? Was it the capsule they trapped me in, or was I simply weaker? I focused all my psychic power and channeled it forward, trying to squeak forward the littlest of messages through my telepathy. Nothing worked. Nothing worked at all.
These metal brackets were holding me back within the capsule, had they used some dark type Pokemon to poison the brackets with darkness? I had to get out of here. "We've done it, we have cloned the Mew. Release it now, we have no need of it" the man with the white lab coat and blue hair said with greed hidden in his voice. Then the nearest scientist pushed the large red button and the brackets released that instant I shot off into the starry night sky. Back to the comfort of the forest, it was where I belonged. I thought nothing except how long it might take to get home, nothing except maybe one other thought. In that instant, in that thought I forced myself to say one thing.
"I promise I will never return to this place of peril again"
Only to think I would fulfill that promise.
Red: And that is only the first chapter in Mew's long line of adventure soon awaiting him.
Mew: WHAT?! I have to go through more?!
Mewtwo: Your world of trainers controlling you will be mine!
Mew: Dude, that is really getting old.
Mewtwo: No, it is you who are getting old!
Mew: Uhhh, great.