Even through the gloves Oncie could feel Greedlers sharp nails digging into his bony hips. It had been three long months since Oncie had been held captive by his older self. He was sure he had died. But wasn't dying supposed to be painless and peaceful. Well what he was feeling was far from that. He gasped as the gloved hand came into contact with his bare thigh in a sharp slap. He writhed under the powerful man who grinned down at him baring his sharp, fang like teeth. The look was enough to make Oncie sick right there and then. " We're gonna have a good time tonight babe" Greedler purred in his ear. Oncie winced and tried to pull away but in state he was in and the strength of the other man it was completely hopeless.

"Stop" Oncie whined as the older man started nipping and licking down his throat. Greedler pulled back to look at him

"Did you just argue back" He asked slapping him hard in the face. Tears started to fall from Oncies eyes at the bruning pain in his cheeks.

"I think you might have to be punished now. I wasn't planning on going to rough on ya tonight but after that I think I will" Greedler said while he started striping out of his tailor made suit. Oncie just laid there crying softly as the Greedler began crawling up his bruised body. " Come on babe, smile for me" Greedler said reaching his hands between Oncie's legs. He couldn't stop the moan escaping his swollen lips as the older man stroked him lightly. As much as Oncie hated this is always pleased him. He hated himself for wanting more from the dog like man. " You like that don't you Oncie?" Greedler asked in a husky voice. Oncie let more tears slip down his cheeks as he nodded weakly. Greedler began to fist the boys erection at a fast pace making him moan in unwanted pleasure.

When Oncie felt himself nearing the edge Greedler pulled back to kiss the boy roughly spreading his legs. Oncie knew what was coming and tried to close his legs only to have them spread apart roughly. " Don't make this any harder on yourself Oncie" Greedler said before positioning himself at the boys abused entrance. Without any warning what so ever he thrust into him roughly causing Oncie to scream in pure pain. Fresh tears poured down his red cheeks as Greedler began to pound into him mercilessly. After a few hard thrusts Greedler hit a spot in the boy making him moan in unwelcome ecstasy. He couldn't control the sound escaping his throat as Greedler continued to fuck him hard. Soon the both of them were reaching their climax. Oncie came fist arching his back of the ground moaning Greedlers name, followed shortly by Greedler who groaned while filling his younger self with his seed. He collapsed next to Oncie petting his hair gently as he caught his breath. Moments later he got up and dressed swiftly before heading to the door. " Love you babe" he said to the broken mess that lay on the floor before closing the door and leaving without a second glance.

" I hate you" Oncie whispered into the dark.