Author's note: Hey everybody! Happy holidays!This idea of "historical/geisha" themed love story was inspired after I read "Memoirs of A Geisha" last year. I've been working out the kinks on a plot for quite some time (actually, its been a really long time lol), you'll probably see a lot of inspiration coming from that book/movie. Basically, this will feature all couples from junjou romantica and mostly will be canon, though I might mix things up ;D

Warning: This will have a large amount of SMUT, a little bit of cursing, some cultural fails, and a lot of romance.

Thanks for reading, and as always, I humbly ask for reviews, follows, and favorites! Now...enjoy the show!


Waiting in the hall, kneeled upon the creaking wooden floorboards, Misaki cupped his shaking hands to his ear as he leaned into the door, glancing nervously down the corridor where Isaka was due any second to come scold him for being so indecent. He shifted and cursed as the fabric of his hakama bunched underneath his knees. Perhaps they really should have found him something less formal for today's meeting. Isaka the owner of the okiya where Misaki worked had reminded him that in order to impress these benefactors, he would have to suit their expensive fancies. Shifting again, Misaki questioned why he would even try to bother impressing these men so late in the game; he'd already been with the two of them for nearly seven months.

He could hear Usami Akihiko's firm voice break the uneasy silence in the room. "Why don't we just decide a flat price and end this easily?" he asked, his voice tinged with annoyance. Usagi-san, as Misaki called him, was apparently sitting further from the door then the other two men in the room. There was a pause and a huff; finally another voice replied.

"I will go as high as possible." That was Iijun Kyo, the other man in the room. Misaki could practically feel the venom laced within his devastatingly velvet voice, as well as Usagi-san's reactionary lighting of a cigarette.

"I will as well."

"Will we restart bidding?" A third voice broke the swelling silence, the familiar baritone voice of Asahina, Isaka's assistant and the business manager of the okiya. Seemingly placid, he asked the two men for their first bids (well secondfirst bids, seeing that the first round had dragged on for an hour with no result, forcing Asahina to restart the bidding until one of the men relented). Iijuuin went first.

"A million yen."

Misaki's breath caught. Never had he dreamed of such a sum of money before; how could he have such worth? It was flattering and rather amazing in the least. He swallowed hard when he imagined how far a million yen could take a person. A million yen. Wow.

"Nii-chan," Misaki murmured to the empty hallway. "You'll have nothing to worry about anymore."

Oh how Takahiro would smile if he found that money waiting for him in the mail, crisp in a manila envelope. He would be so proud of Misaki; his passed mum and dad would be so proud of him too. When he thought about it, one million yen was enough to pay off his father's gambling debts—it would certainly be more than enough.

When Misaki first arrived at Isaka's okiya a year ago, he had no idea what he was getting himself into—looking back, he could see how these few short months in Kyoto changed the way he saw the world. Beforehand, Misaki he'd never heard of selling one's self, except for prostitution; he was still only nineteen and with little understanding of romance or sexual relations at all. He never even imagined that a man would be willing to offer so much money just for the opportunity to take his virginity.

It took him a while but Misaki began to see what men like Usami and Iijun wanted with all the lavish gifts and trips they'd been showering him with for the past six months. It was one of those things: something that he understood and could never unknow it. A year ago, he would have thought they were just two unusually generous men. Now that he was grown, he knew: there was so much more to love than just fairy tales.

Misaki shuffled closer to the door and honed into the conversation once more. Someone was tapping the toe of their shoe against the leg of the table, nervously. "I'll give you three million yen," Akihiko finally replied coolly.

Misaki gasped.

"Five million," Iijun retorted.

"Six million."

"Takahashi-kun," a voice from above him hummed, just loud enough to make Misaki's heart jump and his skin prickle.

He turned slowly. Isaka-san was standing above him, dressed in sharp looking pinstriped kimono, and his arms crossed against his broad chest. Misaki noticed that the man was barefooted-then again, he never wore house shoes when conducting business. He once said to Misaki that it was "good luck."

"You really shouldn't be listening in like that," he scolded, though his voice was soft. "If those two saw you laying on the floor like a dog, they may reconsider."

"I'm sorry for my rudeness," Misaki said, lowering his head in the shame of being caught, shuffling himself away from the door. "They're taking a really long time in there...I guess I just wanted to hear what they were doing."

"I understand. Longest meeting I've ever seen. Those two could go on for days like that." Isaka exhaled; then smirked. "You must have really got them interested."

Misaki flashed him a weak smile. Six months of courting and dating—it was all so bizarre and unique, the way that men behaved in this city. Every encounter was intimate and yet so very coy, as if real things didn't exist here in Kyoto. It was as if he was a world away from the tipsy house back on the shore of Manazuru, back at home where he'd began only a year ago.

"But," Isaka sighed, cracking his knuckles one by one, "However long it takes is fine with me. You've worked hard, Chibi-tan." Isaka patted him on the back and offered him a hand. He helped Misaki back onto his feet, reached down and roughly adjusted Misaki's hakama fabric around where it had bunched, and led the two away from the room and into Isaka's office that reeked of dust and dirty linen.

They both remained silent for a while, Isaka picking up and setting down the hundreds of knick-nacks that littered his desk. Actually, the whole room was a complete mess all the time. The bookshelves that lined the walls were filled with dusted novels and anthologies, and stacked all over the floor were at least a hundred business files, books upon books of expenses and earnings. He seemed to keep everything he found—from the apple core in the corner of the room, to the rag that was dangling out the open window, to the magazines that were strewn around the room wildly. Misaki always loved the way you could never expect what you would find in Isaka's office, like some kind of junk shop.

Isaka squirmed under the heavy silence picking up items off the desk and setting them back down again. "Chibi-tan," he murmured under his breath as he rolled a glass ball in his hand. "You realize that after today, your debts are paid for, right?"

Misaki nodded, but it all seemed too good to be true.

" also realize that because you're no longer indebted to can do as you please."

His voice caught. "I…I understand."

Isaka took a deep breath and continued. "You can go back to...well, wherever you came from. You don't have to live here any longer... that is, if you don't want to. You're always welcome, squirt."

Misaki pressed his lips into a smile even though his mind was whirling. Never before had he even imagined being so independent and a brand new rush of emotion passed over him as a foreign word popped into his mind. Free. It tasted sweet on his tongue and yet it had a bitter after taste that nipped at him and left him shaking.

For years, he and his brother had been running away from his late father's gambling debts, and just last year he'd been forced to leave his home and entertain some of the wealthiest men in the city in order to pay off his family debts. Everything, from moving into the okiya, to meeting Usami and Iijun and becoming the object of their affections, was finally becoming a part of his past. And now, with this final deal closing, he was free to travel back home and be normal again.

There was a moment where neither of them said anything and Misaki glanced around the cluttered room that held so many memories of his past year here, the window catching the glow of the moon on the extravagant roofs of buildings that ran all the way toward the distant hills through the window. That was when he realized that his life in Manazuru seemed a whole ocean away from him. He wondered if he could even consider the old dirt floor apartment he and his brother once shared a home ever again.

His brother was now married and with a family, his parents dead, his friends now a distant memory. Without the okiya, Misaki had nowhere else to go. He knew he wasn't the brightest person in the world, and because of this, although he hated to admit it, he needed someone to take care him...and now, he was being abandoned.

For the first time in his life, he would be all alone.

Authors Note: Thanks for reading everybody! Although this is just a prologue, I would really appreciate reviews. It tells me whether or not enough people are interested in me continuing! So please, even fifteen words makes my day!

Anywho...this story will be throughout several points of view however, the clear focus is Romantica, there will of course be some tero, egoist, and mistake lovin' too!