Hey y'all! Sorry it's been so long since my last update...I've got midterms coming up. Ugh. However I did manage to get this chapter done before so, voila! Anyway, please review and follow for our lovely leading couple! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I am not Rick Riordan, otherwise Percabeth would've had a REAL happy ending by now. Not one that lives in my fangirl head. :)

Je t'aime- Soda Pop

It was a quiet Saturday for Percy Jackson. He had decided to visit his mother in her little apartment in Long Island where she lived with Paul, her husband. Percy's mother absolutely loved Annabeth, Percy's girlfriend, so he had brought her along with him.

Percy smiled at Annabeth as they walked up the steps to the cute Brownstone. Autumn leaves were drifting lazily down to the ground, and as they did so, one came in contact with his girlfriend's hair. The bright orange made Annabeth's blonde hair look hazy, like the color of a haystack. He brushed off the leaf, and Annabeth looked up at him, a smile on her face.

Percy grinned at her. "Hey pretty miss, you got yourself a boyfriend? I can't help but notice how beautiful you are. I'm sure you must have one, and he's big and strong, probably awesome too, but I can't help but notice just how lovely you are."

Annabeth flicked his arm playfully. "Be quiet, Seaweed Brain. What did you do this time?"

Percy threw up his hands in mock-disgust. "Hey, can't a guy admire a pretty lady if he wants to?

Annabeth grinned. "You suck-up."

Percy put his arm around her shoulder. "It works, though, doesn't it, Wise Girl? Anyway, we're going to have an awesome night. Mom's making those garlic potatoes you like, and we're going to have some of that pop you like."

Annabeth looked at him like he was crazy. "What the heck is pop?"

Percy looked at her oddly. "You know…pop? That special type of orange drink you like?"

Annabeth groaned and hit her head. "I can't believe you of all people call soda pop."

Percy looked slightly offended. "What's wrong with calling it pop? That's a perfectly acceptable name! Ever since Paul moved in, I've kind of gotten used to saying that when we're around each other.

Annabeth groaned and hit her head. "It all makes sense! Of course he would, being from the Midwest."

Percy stepped back indignantly. "You got a problem, Annabeth? Why are you getting so worked up on something as simple as pop?"

Annabeth hit her head. "Oh goodness, it's worse than I thought. C'mon Percy, let's just go in."

They both walked in disgruntledly as Percy turned his spare key and opened into the little flat. His mom sprang to the entryway. She grabbed their coats as they shrugged them off, and she smiled warmly at them. "Hey kiddo. How are you? And it's absolutely lovely to see you, Annabeth!"

Annabeth smiled at Mrs. Jackson after Percy gave his mother a hug and a quick peck on the cheek. "I'm just fine, thank you for asking."

Mrs. Jackson gave her an affectionate smile. "That's just wonderful, dear. Would you like some soda? Percy got that orange kind you like."

Annabeth gave a grateful smile. "Thanks, Mrs. Jackson. That would be great." Under her breath, she said triumphantly to Percy. "See? Your mother actually has the common sense to call it soda!"

Mrs. Jackson's quick, motherly ears picked up the argument they were having. "Are you two alright? You seem awfully tense."

Percy looked at Annabeth annoyed. "Nothing, mom. It's just Annabeth and me are arguing about whether pop is called soda…or pop."

Sally Jackson gave a light laugh. "As she should. When Paul and I first got married, he did the same thing. Good thing I straightened him out!"

Paul came in just then through the front door, the cold winter breeze briskly coming through the door. Annabeth went in to snuggle into Percy, but then remembered as of now, it was war. And the daughter of Athena didn't take that lightly.

"What about me, dear?" Paul gave his wife a quick kiss on the lips. When they pulled away, their eyes looked starry and so in love. Annabeth sighed. She and Percy needed to stop being immature and have a love like that.

Just as she was about to say so to Percy, Sally said absentmindedly. "Oh…just how you were silly and used to call soda pop. But I wheedled that out of you, didn't I?

Paul stumbled back, looking stunned. Then he gave a laugh and smiled at his wife. "Lovely joke, honey. But we all knew it was me who saved you from your sad, boring word for good old pop!" Paul chuckled and leaned in to kiss his wife again. She, instead of coming in for a kiss, leaned out shocked.

"Excuse me?" she said in a painfully forced sweet voice. "We all know who was right, and it was most definitely not you!"

Paul rolled his eyes. "Sure, Sally. I think you're just remembering incorrectly. I mean, what with the champagne, and my…umm…kissing-

"Ugh! Bad mental image!" Percy cried in disgust.

"-You may have forgotten. I could understand. I do tend to have that effect on people." Paul gave a debonair tug on his tie.

Sally was not amused, or rather, wooed. Instead, she gave him a defiant look and said. "What's it going to take Blofis? No meals for a month?"

Paul gave her a defiant look. "Fine. I'm not watching any sitcom reruns with you for three seasons of Friends."

Sally gave a wounded gasp. "But…but…you promised."

Paul shook his head. "Now I'm promising not to. Would you like me to make it the whole series?"

Sally gave a wounded gasp. "Fine! You don't get to see Percy ever again!"

Percy, who along with Annabeth, had been watching with shocked looks on their faces, suddenly sprung up and said. "No way, mom! I'm not dealing with two women who think soda. It's bland, lifeless, and…and…not fizzy!"

Paul gave him a high-five. "Nice play on words."

Percy grinned. "You know it, bro."

Annabeth stepped forward. "Guys, guys, stop! You aren't being rational. It's easy; let's just get everyone's opinions! If we ask our friends, we'll have true, solid evidence on which one is right. It's simple, and we don't have to fight irrationally. Besides…we all know Sally and I are going to win anyway! GIRL POWER!" And with that, the two women fist-bumped.

"Fine." Percy cracked his knuckles. "Let's do this."

If there was ever a reason speed dial was invented, this was it. Annabeth and Percy hastily punched in number after number, getting mixed results that led to some very strong feelings. (Ok…strong yelling…)

The conversations went something like this. "Hey Rachel? It's Percy. This is super-important. No, Blackjack didn't almost eat someone again. No, my question is…what's your opinion on pop?"

At this point, Annabeth grabbed the phone and yelled into it. "OR SODA? YOU KNOW, THE RATIONAL WAY TO SAY IT!"

Percy grabbed the phone back. "Mmmm…yep…I couldn't agree more. Thanks Rachel, bye."

Percy gave them a serious expression, then burst out yelling. "ONE FOR TEAM POP!" With that, Paul and Percy gave each other another high-five.

Annabeth grumbled. "It's only cause she used to have a massive crush on you…"

Percy gave her a suave look. "I can't help it the ladies love me…"

Annabeth gritted her teeth. "You won't be able to help your pain when I dislocate your elbow…"

That shut Percy up.

It went like this for a while longer. With some reminiscing, Annabeth got Thalia. Percy, with some coaxing, got Nico "for the sake of broness." It went like this, back and forth, until Grover passed out from the stress of deciding, and they could hear Juniper muttering angrily. (She yelled at them when they asked for her opinion.) Clarisse and Chris seemed ready to start an argument close to their own proportion after they disagreed on their answers.

By the time they went through their contact lists, they were both tired…and tied. The vote was split equal, and they had no idea what to do.

They brainstormed people left and right, but everyone they came up with had already been asked.

"This is hopeless…" Paul and Sally agreed, their adrenaline long since worn off.

Annabeth and Percy didn't look too good either. Their faces were crestfallen, and they looked glumly at each other.

Annabeth sighed. "What we need is someone who is like, the expert on soda."

"Pop…" Percy muttered. "If only we knew someone who could answer the question…be it orange pop…or diet coke."

"That's it!" Annabeth screeched, startling them all. "We'll ask Dionysus!"

In about five minutes, they had assembled a pile of junk food for Dionysus to notice. Even in his home on Mt Olympus high above, he'd be able to see the massive piles of Cheetos, Twizzlers, and (sadly for Annabeth) the orange soda.

Within seconds, there was a bright flash of light, and Dionysus, clad in a particularly loud patterned Hawaiian shirt, appeared in front of him. Paul looked ready to faint, but Sally held him steady.

"You rang?" the god said dully. "This better be good. I just met a really good-looking nymph."

Percy looked at the god, and said, with as much politeness as he could muster. "We were wondering…Mr. Dionysus…sir…" The last part Percy added with much difficulty. After he said it, he gave a pause. The words that had just came out of his mouth shocked him.

Annabeth took this as an opportunity to finish what Percy was saying. Without stumbling at all, she said sweetly. "Well, Mr. Dionysus, sir, I was just wondering…what's your opinion on soda?"

Dionysus gave a shrug. "Well, as a god of food and drink, I obviously like it. Pop is good stuff!" Mr. D turned to leave, but Percy stopped him.

"Wait…but how can you like both? It's one or the other. Soda or pop."

Mr. D looked at Percy and Annabeth alternatively, a serious look fixed on his face. Then he shrugged. "Does it honestly matter what you call it?"

The couple fell quiet. "Well…but yes sir, it does!" they both exclaimed at the same time.

Mr. D sighed. "Ah, strong-willed couples. So difficult to reason with. Hmm…let me think of an analogy. "Percy, you love Annabeth, correct?"

Percy blushed. He had never said so out loud, in fear of scaring her. However, he had desperately wanted to. "Well…yeah, of course I do."

He could feel Annabeth's gaze on him. Percy saw a small smile on her face. He smiled back.

Mr. D turned to Annabeth. "Aimez-vou Percy, Annabeth?"

Annabeth replied, her voice getting quiet and her eyes misty. "Oui, j'aime Percy."

Mr. D clapped his hands together. "See? You said those words differently, but they still mean the same thing. Same with soda. And Pop. And you two," he said sternly to the older couple. "Setting a bad example for this couple? I expected more from you, Sally Jackson and Paul Blofis."

The older couple held their heads in shame.

Dionysus gave them all stern looks, and then his gaze softened. "Always remember, be thankful for what you have. As the god of food and drink, I'm not just the god of pigs and slobs." Mr. D looked at Percy, giving him a pointed look. Mr. D knew quite well what the young half-blood thought of him. "Food and drink is not always about making merry…sometimes it is about being merry. About being appreciative and thankful for the blessings that, and, as embarrassed and ashamed as I am to say so, none of the gods can ever bring." Dionysus looked up to the stars, and it looked like he seeing something bigger than the gods…something with a capital G.

"Anyhow, remember where you have been, think to who you want to be, but… always remember who you are. And what makes you truly happy in the present." Dionysus noticed that the group looked a little teary-eyed.

"Well!" he said, clapping his hands. "Nice motivational speech. Very nice. Off I go!" Under his breath, he muttered. "Aphrodite, this had better have gotten that nymph to change her opinion on my appearance." And in a flash of purple smoke, he was gone.

There was a second of silence. Then, choruses of "I'm sorry!" and "Please forgive me!" entered the room.

After everyone had apologized, they all settled down on the two couches, Percy and Annabeth on one, Paul and Sally on the other.

As Annabeth snuggled into Percy's shoulder, she sighed. "Too bad there's no orange beverage left." She was careful neither to say soda or pop.

That's when a sparkling tangerine hue caught his eye in the corner where they had left the food. There was a tiny bottle, with a note affixed to it.

Percy got up and looked at it. On it, it read:

Here's a little something to quench your thirst.

Mr. D


Enjoy the soda pop!

Percy smiled and grabbed four glasses. Sitting them on the table, he poured them all (small) portions. Percy held up his glass for a toast.

"To soda pop." Percy glanced at Annabeth, who had a wide smile on her face.

"To soda pop!" they echoed.

Thanks for reading! Please follow for more Percabeth fluff and cuteness! And tell me what you think! Also, if you have a prompt for a chapter, don't hesitate to suggest-I'd love to hear your advice!
