N. This is a sequel for "Would you like a straight jacket with that?" That short story seems to have gone over well. Better than I expected. So I am sitting down to do the promised sequel. A few things first: yes, I do work in Taco Bell and decided to let my frustrations out by imagining things even worse. That's how the story was born. Also I would like to apologize about the paragraphs. I realize that it irritates everyone when the paragraphs are mushed together. It irritates me too because I don't write them like that. I write in paragraphs with indentations and everything. I don't know why it doesn't show up that way of FFN. If anyone can tell me what I can do about it I would be very grateful. I don't know if this matters but I use Microsoft Word and AOL. Neither can be changed. I am going to try an experiment of several lines between paragraphs. If this works I'll edit and re-submit my other works with the same problem. If it doesn't work. I tried! I got my inspiration for this part from all of Red Witch's detention fics.

Holly Harding's stream of bad luck seemed to be holding. She had spent hours on the lobby. When she got home, it was late and she was a mess. Her parents were extremely displeased though they did realize that there was only so much she could have done.

But she did have school.. She had come home so late that she didn't get enough sleep. This caused her to be late for school; fail a math test (and she needed all the help she could get with math); fall asleep during two classes; and earn herself the first detention she had ever gotten in her entire life.

She dragged her feet slowly looking for the right room. She was not looking forward to her first detention. Not to mention was still a little groggy. This wasn't fair! If those clowns hadn't come so late at night and started a food fight none of this would have happened! She got to the detention classroom, opened the door, took a look inside, shut the door, and stand outside trying not to scream or cry or anything.

They were all there! Every single one of them! She took another look. Well, not quite all. There had been some identical kids running around all night. It had felt like fifteen of them but she finally decided there were three and they ran around a lot. A lot of weird stuff had happened and she was, for the sake of her sanity, ignoring it. Not one of those kids was in detention, but another, Misty or Risty or someone was. She looked about as happy to be there as Holly felt.

She was trying to think of some alternative to spend an hour with a bunch of lunatics. She could skip detention; but that would probably get her in more trouble. She could beg the principal. She could run away and deliver milk bottles in Canada. She could dig ditches just about anywhere. She could.

While she was still thinking the teacher in charge of the detention came up. After determining that she was indeed supposed to be in detention, he demanded to know what she was doing outside the door.

"Please don't make me go in there! I'll wash your car! I'll shine your shoes! I'll press your tie! Anything! Just don't make me go in there!" Holly started begging.

"What utter nonsense! What is your problem?" The teacher took one look in the classroom. and immediately ran the other way. Less than a minute later, Holly heard a car rev up and squeal out of the parking lot.

Holly waited another minute. Nothing happened. "Oh well. Guess there's no detention." And started to walk away.

## Oh no you don't. Even if the teacher isn't there you still have to stay in detention. ##

Holly groaned. She knew that voice. It was her conscience. There were many times she was glad she had such an active conscience. This wasn't one of them. However she also knew she wouldn't get any peace unless she actually went in and sat amongst the lunatics for at least an hour. Hopefully she could sleep or get to homework done.

She walked in and sat at a desk. The smaller group, were annoying that Misty what's-her-name girl. They were also annoying the other group. The other group mainly sat around blaming the smaller group. If she was figuring things out correctly there had been some kind of fight at lunch and that's how the two groups wound up in detention. She tried ignoring them and working on her math homework. It took five minutes for the groups to realize she was there and remember her from the night before. About then Whitehair decided she might be more fun to tease than the other girl. Either that or he really expected her to be flattered by his 'charms'. Actually she was just getting a headache. It is very difficult to work on a hard subject with someone buzzing in your ear, talking a mile a minute telling you how wonderful he is. And if you hold him partially to blame for bad events the night before, then it gets nigh on impossible.

After a few minutes of this water torture she got up, walked over to the wall, and without saying a word, started to bang her head forcefully into the wall. Maybe if she gave herself a concussion or knocked herself out she wouldn't have to listen to him any more! If he would just SHUT UP!

Naturally one can not go banging their head against the wall without attracting some sort of audience. It wasn't long before she felt a hand grab her arm and gently pull her away from the wall. She knew it wasn't the incessant babbler but had no idea who it was and didn't even look. She had her eyes closed by now and felt herself being led back to her desk.

The strangest thing was probably that the white-haired kid still hadn't shut up! Holly finally cracked. She leapt out of her seat; grabbed his shirt and stared him right in the eyes, "Listen up! I have had enough! Do you know how much trouble you caused me?! Do you know how late I got home last night?! I wouldn't even be in detention if it weren't for you! But no! I had to get caught in a food fight, slip on some ice in a hundred-degree weather, stay until the lobby was cleaned and go home looking like the creature from the black lagoon! If you want to have a food fight do it somewhere else!" Her voice never got above a loud whisper but as her strange performance had silenced the room, everyone heard every word.

She then let go of his shirt and sat down trying to figure out why she snapped. She had never lost her temper like this. Meanwhile what's-her- name had started clapping and within seconds nearly everyone in the room was clapping. Apparently she wasn't the only one getting annoyed by him. Someone tapped her on the arm. She swallowed the reflex to snap and looked as calmly as possible up. It was a brown-haired kid from the night before. He also must have been the one to lead her away from the wall.

"Did it hurt?"

"Did what hurt?"

"Falling on the ice."

It had hurt. A lot. It still hurt. It hurt to walk, to sit or to bend over. But she wasn't going to tell him that. "I'll live."

"I'm sorry."

"It wasn't your fault." He got the strangest look on his face at hearing that but Holly ignored it.

"My name's Bobby Drake."

"Holly Harding" She then learned everyone else's name. Still a little awed no one was fighting anymore. They began talking about school in general. The 'x-men' and 'brotherhood' whoever they were still weren't getting along to well but they weren't driving her nuts anymore.

"Where is the teacher?" asked Red Hair ('Jean' Holly remembered.)

"He took one look in here and ran." Holly told her.

"That wasn't nice."

"It's true! He did! I saw him!"

"So why are you in detention?" White hair ('Pietro') asked, from a very safe distance.

"Peace of mind."

Bobby had turned out to be good in math and had offered to help her out. Most everyone else apologized for causing so much disorder the night before. And Risty admired that she had managed to shut Pietro up. Holly had to admit that by the end of detention there was a chance that she had new friends.

A.N. Okay that's the end of that. I don't think it was quite as good as the first. Now I need your opinions. Should I:

Quit writing Holly stories.

Quit writing altogether. You think I'd do better as a ditch digger.

Continue writing Holly stories.

If you want me to continue should I leave her human or make her a mutant?

Leave her human. There are too many new mutant stories as it is.

Make her a mutant. (if so her power would likely be quite low-key)

Should she find out these people are mutants: No leave her oblivious. It's funnier.

Have her find out.

If she is a mutant should she: Be oblivious to her power.

Try to hide it from the x-men and brotherhood not realizing they are mutants too.

Realize that both they and she are mutants but not join either.

Please let me know what you think.