A/N THats it guys this is the last chapter for this story, I feel so bad finishing his but THE TIME HAS COME :'(. No more ever again, will this story continue, so lets say our prayers before you read on. I had a hard time writing the last chapter , well anyway enjoy the last chappie of A Love Story SaberTail

13 years later

"Lydia, Luke come over here right now" yelled the lady with blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Yes mama" the two said in unision

"Now Luke where did you learn those foul words that you said to Lydia" asked the lady

"You mean fuck, bitch, and shit" the little boy with blonde hair and green eyes wide with mischief asked

"You forgot to mention retard and dick head" said the little girl with blond hair and blue eyes added

The lady nodded and cringed at every word "Before that you must promise me you must never use those words again

Lydia and Luke nodded, now tell me who teached you those words, the two said "Daddy" just then a man with blonde hair comes in laughing with Rouge, Yukino, and their son Blake.

The lady with blonde hair yelled "STINNNGGGGGG you bloody bastard get your butt over here so I can rearrange that face of yours."

Sting started stammering "Luucccy honey I did nothing I swear I promise" and he started running as Lucy sprinted after him.

Lydia, Luke, Blake, Rouge, and Yukino face palmed. "I can't believe she can run like that even when she is 9 months pregnant" said Yukino in awe as she watched her pregnant friend run after her husband with a hammer, "Well thats what living with Sting can do to you" said Rouge. The 5 laughed and watched the two run.

Sting huffed, as he ran out of breath, he could tell Lucy was going to hurt herself if she continued to run like that, so he halted and Lucy crashed into him. "St-u-pi-id Sting" she puffed, "Yes I know I shouldn't have let the two overhear the conversation, but I am sorry and I love you" said Sting. Lucy looked at his eyes and said I love you too idiot, and they shared a kiss.