
She stepped out of her 2012 BMW, her purse in one hand and her phone in the other. She pushed the door closed and sighed.

"Look, I just got home and I'm on vacation. I just want to go inside and take a nap. After the night i had, i think i deserve it."

Her car beeped as it locked, she dug vigorously in her purse. Finally she pulled out her house keys then fixed her bag on her shoulder.

"Dont you want to talk about it?"

She sighed slightly annoyed. "Not really." Her high heels clicked and clacked along the cement as she walked toward her front door. "I'm over it. I dont even care."

"I call bullshit on that love."

"I'm fine. I really am Im about to wa-" Her eyes locked onto the door handle of her home. She blinked standing still.

"Rukia? Sweetie... whats wrong?"

Rukia put her ear back to the phone. "I'll call you back." Her call ended, but she continued to stare at her door.

She was a very catious person. She would never ever in her life do something so careless as leaving her door open. Infact, she didnt even use the front door, she just happen to lose her remote to the garage at work, this was about the only time she could recall entering through the front door. So why was it open? She lived alone.

Rukia swallowed hard and used a shaky hand to push the door open wider. She stepped inside and closed the door softly behind her.

"Baby? Komamaru?" She whispered. Slowly she slipped off her heels and pushed them aside. "Baby?"

From around the corner came a series of taps across the hardwood floor. Rukia let out breath that she hadnt even realized she was holding in.

"Baby!" She knelt down and hugged her over grown German Shepard. "Baby why is my door open? Hm? Who was here?" She kissed the top of his head. "C'mon Komamaru." She stood upright and looked around.

A knot in her stomach twisted tighter as she walked deeper into her house. When she got a full look of her living room it was obvious.

"Oh my god." She whispered so loud, she could barely hear herself.

The living room was in shreds,her sliding door that led to her backyard was shattered. Probably punched out by some crazy lunatic!

Her feet slid across the floor, down the hall, and to her bedroom. Her bed sheets, twisted and lumpy. Her drawers were pulled out and their containings were discarded on the floor.

Rukia turned around and walked over to her bathroom door that was closed shut. Bravely she twisted the handle and flung it open.

It was empty.

She headed back to the living room, and instead of turning right to her bedroom, she went left and walked into the Guest bedroom.

The door was open, and suprisingly, the room was in order. Everything was where it should be.

Maybe the lunatic who raided her house heard her pull up and didnt have a chance to rampage her Guest room. Maybe he was hiding.

She walked over to the Laundry room and looked in.

Clothes were thrown everywhere. Komamaru's doggy bed was in the same spot. Untouched.

"The garage." Rukia walked back to her living room and looked at the garage door. Why it was conected to her living? She had no idea, but nevertheless there was the door.

She pulled it open and flipped on the light switch. To her disliking, her garage was empty. She walked back inside and walked into her kitchen.

Her purse was discarded on the counter and she sat at the table.

"Baby!" She called out for her furry companion. Komamaru trotted over to her and sat at his master's feet. "I cant believe this shit!" She cried and burried her face in her hands.

After a few minutes of mourning, she sat upstraight and looked around her kitchen. Then, something on by her sink caught her eye. She slid off her seat and walked over to examine it.

It was a note.

I so fucking done with you. When you realize what you had dont fucking call me because im so sick of your stupid ass telling me what to do. FUCK YOU. And i want you to know, Ive been cheating on you for the 7 months. I also fucked her in every room of your house. And when i told you i loved you, I lied. I dont love you. I never did. I never will. But thanks for letting me fuck you. It was the only reason I came home to you. You can fucking fuck off. Your lucky i didnt fucking kill your dog. If you havent noticed already, I would go look outside. I could fucking careless of what you do. Fuck off!-Renji

Rukia put the note down and sniffled. She walked over to the sliding door and slid it open. Her pool was filled with dirt which turned the water a dirty brown. It reminded her of coffee that had been deluted with water. In red paint, the words FUCK YOU were written on her cement, her chairs were flipped over and bent, even her bird house were destroyed.

Rukia walked back inside. "That sonofabitch!" She screamed. She reached over and grabbed a glass from the counter and hurled it to the wall. "FUCK!" Her eyes welled up and her breatheing was rapid. "Ahhhh!" She screamed even louder and covered her face.

She stopped and burst out crying. She cried so hard there was no sound coming form her mouth. Her hands were in fist as she stood in the middle of her home. She pulled herself together and looked around the house.

She walked over to her home phone and dialed.

"Hello Mister Urahara, Can you call someone to come and clean my pool?"

"Yes, but why didnt you call your brother?"

"Cause i trust you to not tell my brother."

"Okay i know a guy. Ill call him and send him over as soon as possible."


She hung up and sighed heavily.

"I need Help cleaning this up."