amberivy: hey guys if you read the authors not you know why this chapter took so long, so amber, do the disclaimer kay?
amber:amberivy does not own soul eater, now hurry up, i wanna kick obsidians ass already!
chapter 6: the battle is on; who will claim the soul?
I stood in front of my sister waiting for her to make the first move. I had challenged her to a fight and i was going to win if it killed me, but chances are, it would probably kill her.
She snarled and lunged at me and I twisted nimbly out of the way. When her back was turned, I turned my arm into a blade and brought it down onto her, ending the battle quickly. I was sort of disappointed at what happened next.
"Amber! You could have killed her!" Soul exclaimed. I stared at him wide eyed.
"What the hell is wrong with you Soul?" I asked calmly. I walked over to my sister and picked her up.
"Come on I'll help you," I said smiling at her. She smiled back at me. I walked over to the door...
...and threw her out into the street.
"Help you get the hell out of my house, that is~!" I said sweetly, slamming the door shut and grinning triumphantly.
My grin faltered when i saw everyone glaring at me.
"Amber, how could you do something like that, Obsidian is your sister!" Tsubaki scolded me.
"Yeah, you shouldn't stab her and then throw her into the street!" Liz yelled.
"What the hell is wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you!?" Sould growled.
I only grinned.
"You wanna know what's wrong with me~?" I asked Soul tauntingly, walking up to him so that our noses touched. He growled again.
"Everything~!" I grinned, turning my back to him and raising my hands in the air for emphasis. "And that is why you will never find a girl like me~!"
"I don't think I want a stuck up, spoiled little princess like you," he hissed.
The room went quiet as an evi aura surrounded me.
"What did you just say I was?" I ground out.
Soul fell to the ground. In my anger, I had whirled around and punched Soul right in the nose, the force of the blow sending him back into the wall, making it crack.
"YOU BASTARD!" I screeched at him. "HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME THAT WAY! Spoiled and stuck up are words that describe someone who grew up in a mansion with a huge bed and as much food as they can eat, NOT SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN CONSTANTLY ABUSED AND STUFFED IN A CLOSET THEIR WHOLE LIFE!"
I lunged at him-
-and was pulled back, two people holding my arms so I couldn't get loose.
I calmed myself a bit and tore my arms out of their grasp.
"All of you, everyone but Darkmoon, get out," I hissed venemously.
The next few weeks of school, I was fuming.
I refused to talk to, look at, or even acknowledge the presence of the gang, especially Soul.
I was boycotting my meister too, seeing as how he was hanging out with Soul and Blackstar.
I wouldn't even fight with Darkmoon, so when we went on missions i would just use my arm and fight on my own.
That all changed on Saturday, when the city was attacked by a powerful kishin.
I still wouldn't fight with Darkmoon, but something happened, something to thank for me lying in a hospital bed and not in a morgue.
"Amber! Will you stop being stubborn and just try to get along with me for this one fight?!" Darkmoon yelled at me.
"Never! Not after what happened! I can handle this on my own!"
I knew it was a lie, I was so cut up, i'm pretty sure some of the scars on my back had opened, because they stung like hell.
but when the kishin lunged to deliver the final blow, I took a deep breath, opened my mouth, and-
I breathed fire.
not like the flaming sword shit, np, i mean actual, skin searing fire.
And that is the lasting thing i remeber before blacking out
end of flashback
"Holy shit," I whispered to myself, "I...I'm half dragon..."
(INsert soul eater ending song #3 here)
Amber:haha yeah obsidian always was weak
Soul: amber i_
Amber: wlaks away*
Amberivy: yeah so Amber finally revealed why she is so cold hearted AND discovered she was half dragon
Soul: on the next chapter of dragon scorch-
Darkmoon:-the dragon forgives the Soul; HA not even close
Maka: READ IT! Or ill TAKE your SOUL