My mind was racing. Here I was waiting for King Ayden to arrive yet I couldn't focus. It was 1 year since Camlann and like usual I couldn't get my mind of Arthur. My mind was always on Arthur…I couldn't help myself. His smile, his voice, even his smell would haunt me.

"My Lady, King Ayden's here..." Leon told me, looking at me worriedly. He had obviously noticed my inattention and was concerned.

I tried to look nonchalant, and I nodded at him but his expression didn't change at all.

The King's horse stopped and the king quickly dismounted. I left Leon's side and walked in the middle of the courtyard to greet the king.

As I was walking up to the king, I noticed his appearance. He was a muscly man who couldn't be older than mid 30's but he also had eyes which was startling shade of blue. The same shade as Arthurs. At the sight of his eyes, I couldn't help let out a gasp.

I cleared my throat, and tried to regain my composure.

"My Lord, on behalf of the whole of Camelot, I welcome you..." I greeted him. My voice sounded mechanical and inattentive but this was my 6th official visit since Arthur had happened and it reminded me of how alone I really was.

"Your Majesty. A pleasure. Let's hope this visit is fortuitous." The King told me, his eyes never leaving mine.

Although, his voice was sincere, I couldn't help but feel unnerved by him. A thought which made me want to inwardly shiver. I noticed him looking at me, waiting for my response and I realised how rude I had been.

"My Lord. If you'll just come this way, I can get a servant to settle you in." I told him, watching him nod at me.

We, along with his manservant Adam, walked into the Palace. One of my servants quickly bowed before me and King Ayden, showing him the way to his quarters. My Knights and Gaius were all out to welcome our guest and had followed in after us.

As the King left, I found Sir Leon who had been with us when we had come into the palace. He was looking at me worriedly still and even though, I tried to think I was fine his concern made me wanted to break down. At the thought of doing so, I pushed through it and reminded myself that I had a job to do. I had to be Queen and even though I was alone, I still needed to be there for Camelot.

"Leon, I don't trust King Ayden. Can you keep an eye on him, please?" I told him, cautiously in case anyone heard me.

He started at me in confusion and then his expression changed into concern- again!

"I will, My Lady. May I ask why?"

I cringed at his question. I didn't want to admit that I was probably being paranoid.

"I don't know. I have a bad feeling." I told him, earnestly.

He seemed to understand. (Or so I thought, but his next words shocked me immensely)

"Gwen, it's alright to feel apprehensive. You're still adjusting to what's happened…" He trailed off, looking at me.

His words yet again reminded me of the past. He not only alluded to Arthur but also to Merlin and his magic.