As Jack was leaping from fence to fence looking for more places to freeze, he began to notice exactly where he was. It was a familiar area to him because he knew that this was were his friend, Jamie Bennett lived. They had spent many days playing in the snow together here. Jack sighed when he realized how long it had been since he had seen his little believer. Hopefully he wouldn't be too upset at Jack's absence. Under this assumption, Jack decided to find Jamie's house. It wasn't difficult, for this town was so nostalgic to him. He quickly found Jamie's house and flew in through his wide open window. Jamie was never one for closing his window, just in case an old friend happened to stop by. Jack's snowflake feet landed softly on Jamie's hardwood flooring. Jamie heard the soft pads of Jack's feet and snapped his head up from studying at his desk.

Jamie's face took Jack by surprise. He hadn't realized it had been so long until he noticed all that had changed. Jamie's stuffed animals were replaced with books and little figurines. His bed sheets were replaced with plane, blue-colored ones instead of his young, creative ones. Despite the changes to his room, Jamie was the most changed one. Jack picked up on every change as Jamie leaped up from his chair and into the frozen ice spirit.

"Uh... Jamie?" Jack Frost managed to stutter out, as Jamie yelled out his name and tackled the much smaller spirit.

"Why haven't you visited in so long?" Jamie scolded the spirit as he hoisted him back to his feet with ease. Jack noticed his belief was still strong. "It's been seven years!" Seven years? Well, Jack had known that, but he didn't realize it would impact someone so much. Maybe he should've studied human aging more. What would've happened if he had waited ten years? Or fifteen? Would his friend even exist anymore? Jamie continued, "You said you'd visit often! Seven years isn't often, Jack. I've really missed you, and now I'm under all the stress of studying and school work and more problems keep showing up."

"Well, I'm here now," Jack said, interrupting the boy's train of thoughts. "I'll help you out, what's the problem?" Jack Frost was prepared to help his friend through anything at this point. He couldn't believe seven years was so long...

"No, don't worry about it," Jamie said with a sigh, "You definitely won't want to help me."

"I'll definitely help," Jack said, determined. What was Jamie saying? They had been through everything together. They were practically brothers, and brothers help each other out of tough situations. "Just tell me, if I can't help, I'll find someone who can, now c'mon. I wanna know, I promise I'll help." Jack was bouncing on his feathery toes at this point. His short, white hair bounced around his face and his aqua eyes danced across Jamie's new features.

"Okay," Jamie began, "Well, you see, there's this girl, and I-"

"Oh," Jack said, interrupting Jamie's sentence. His bouncing began to slow until it stopped dead halt. "A girl? I don't really help people out with love, y'know." He slowly raised his hand behind his head and his gaze dropped to the floor. "Not really my forte, but if you want, I can make it snow super hard, or we could have a snowball f-"

"Aw, c'mon Jack! You promised!" Jamie whined while tugging on the winter spirits' frosted hoodie.

"Yeah, yeah," Jack sighed. He hadn't realized Jamie wanted help with that. Relationships and love wasn't even something Jack even knew about. He was too used to making young children smile. Now he had a teen to deal with. "I said if I couldn't help, I'd find someone to do so, you're worth a professional."

"Am I gonna get to see another Guardian?" Jamie asked suddenly boosted with happiness. Now it was he who was bouncing on his toes. Jamie really missed seeing the Guardians, but no matter what he wouldn't stop believing no matter what. Being able to see them again would lighten his heart. Which right now was going to bounce out of his chest.

"Yup!" Jack said reassuringly. But which Guardian? Perhaps a fatherly figure for Jamie would be the best way to deal with him. That meant North. "I'll be back soon, Jamie, see ya!" Jamie waved goodbye to the winter spirit for the first time in seven years and watched as the figure of Jack Frost slowly disappeared into the sky. Jamie knew he'd keep his word and went back to studying his calculus. Stupid winter break work.

For those of you just reading this, the next chapters will be weaker because I have been going through rewriting them for they were originally on my phone. For the rest of you, see? I told you I'd edit them eventually ;)