This wasn't how they were supposed to find out! They weren't supposed to found out till the end of the year. But not like this. Never like this!


Kurt looked across the table, smiling at the teenager sitting opposite him.

"They will find out sooner or later," the teenager said.

"And if they do, I don't care."


"Look. I love you and if that means my whole glee club hating me, then I don't care."

"Why thank you, Hummel. Your words mean so much to me," the teenager smirked.

"Shut it, Smythe."

"You like hearing my voice, why would I shut up?" Sebastian asked.

Kurt just shook his head, "I've got to go to school. Pick me up afterwards?"

Sebastian nodded, "Sure. I'll see you after school."

The couple stood up, grabbing their coffees before walking out of the Lima Bean with their hands entwined.

"Love you," Sebastian said, leaning down to kiss Kurt.

Kurt returned the kiss, "Love you too."


Kurt met up with Mercedes at her locker, after he had driven from the Lima Bean to McKinley.

"You saw him this morning," Mercedes said, without looking away from her locker.

"How do you know?" Kurt asked, surprised.

"The look on your face."

"You didn't see my face."

"I was holding a mirror before you strolled up here with a grin on your face," Mercedes stated.

"Just don't tell Rachel," Kurt said, looking at Mercedes.

She turned around to see his pleading look, "Yeah, fine. Fine. I won't tell spotlight hogger."

"You won't tell Rachel what?" Quinn asked as she stood next to Kurt.

"Nothing," Mercedes and Kurt said in unison.

Just as Quinn was about to ask again Kurt interrupted her, "Let's go to glee."

The trio headed to the choir room, sitting in their usual seats with Rachel sitting in front of them.

"So, why are you grinning, Kurt?" Rachel asked, curiously.

"No real reason," he replied.

"Got a boyfriend on the scene?" Quinn asked.


Of course, that was a lie. He and Sebastian had been together for nearly five months now.

"Well it's valentine's day in two weeks. What are you doing for it? Going to ask out Blaine? Or Sam? Or Puck?" Tina asked from her seat, where she had been eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Puck isn't gay?" Kurt said, questionably.

"He's going out with your step-brother," Mercedes said.

"Guess I've been to preoccupied to notice," Kurt mumbled.

"With a boy," Quinn stated.

"If you have proof I will not deny it," Kurt replied.

"Oh we will get proof, Hummel," Santana said.

Why are they so interested in my love life?! Kurt thought to himself.

"And you didn't answer my question," Tina said.

"Staying at home on my own, probably," Kurt answered.

"We will join you," Rachel said.

"Aren't you with Jesse again?" Kurt asked, hiding a smirk.

Rachel stared at him.


Kurt stood at his locker, pushing books and binders inside of his bag, frowning in frustration.

"Want a hand with that, Princess?" he heard his boyfriend say behind him.

Kurt turned around to see Sebastian, in his Dalton uniform, standing behind him with a smug grin on his face.

"What are you doing here, Sebastian?" Kurt asked, in that annoyed tone he always had when Sebastian was around.

"I was just in the neighbourhood, needed to see a gay face," Sebastian smirked.

"Well just piss off. I don't need your help."

"Are you sure? Your bag is going to break if you don't loose some books."

"Leave me alone, Smythe."

"Feisty today aren't we, Hummel?" Sebastian smirked.

"He said to leave him alone," Finn said, walking up.

"Oh, calling in back-up, Princess?" Sebastian smirked.


"Stop going inside of McKinley, 'Bas," Kurt said from his desk.

"Why?" Sebastian asked, from his spot where he was laying on Kurt's bed.

"Do you want Finn to kill you?" Kurt asked, turning his torso around to face Sebastian.

"Not really but I missed you," Sebastian said, truthfully.

"I missed you too, 'Bas, but you can't just stroll into my school and not expect my step-brother to hit you."

Sebastian stood up from the bed and walked over to Kurt, bending down.

"I would risk it for you, Kurt," Sebastian said before closing the gap and kissing Kurt.

Kurt kissed Sebastian back before whispering against his lips, "I love you."

"I love you too," Sebastian smiled. "What homework are you doing?"


"Let me help you."

"You don't have to do that, 'Bas," Kurt said.

"But I want to, baby."